Journalist goes to Alex Jones’ 👽 hometown and discovers that Alex was literally BTFO of town by his high school 🏫 classmates 👶 🧒

27  2019-07-19 by HodorTheDoorHolder_


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  1. Journalist goes to Alex Jones’ 👽 ho... -,

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I'm not listening to a bunch of NPR poofties, someone write shit up for me.

The journalist sounds like a Tim Burton caricature of a Brit in Victorian England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿.

Alex Jones was allegedly a high school edgelord who run around yelling about how he would yell about how he worshipped satan and get in fights with his redneck schoolmates

sounds fun

Old drama i sleep 😴😴😴

S town but make it Alex Jones

It was always pretty obvious Jones was legit bat-shit insane and not acting.

He should have been put in jail years ago.

If we jailed people for being morons we’d be the uk

Yeah, except it's not for being a moron, it's for violently assaulting people and threatening rape for years in his home town.

The twist at the end was great: The other dude - who knows for a fact that Jones is batshit and that literally everything he's said about his early life is a lie - still agrees with his conspiracy takes.

Americans were a mistake.