US House chaplain holds an EXORCISM session to cast away the ‘spirits of darkness’ that engulf congress proceedings

62  2019-07-19 by Kasseltov


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


  1. US House chaplain holds an EXORCISM... -,

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Both sides.

this... but unironically

What makes you think pizza's being ironic?

think he's confused ironic with moronic

it's 50/50 at any given time so I figured I'd call heads

Pizza how many fucking alt accounts do you have?


Are you active on any other websites?


I think you could be of service on YouTube, which is currently infested with rightoid pseudointellectuals.

I was planning to start a youtube channel in which I pick apart rightoid arguments on various websites tbh.

You should. Use some kind of voice modifier though.

Seems like a lot of effort, but the reward could be I become a youtube pseudointellectual hero, a left-wing Sargon.

I think you could become immensely popular. There is high demand for a high-testosterone left-wing YouTube intellectual.

It's an untapped niche.

There aren't a lot of Youtubers (🤮) that are very critical to rightoids but also aren't annoying/crazy lefties themselves.

A less insuferable Destiny, if you will.

Destiny is terrible all he does is argue semantics

Pizza, aren't you a neo-lib though?

If by "neoliberal" you mean "person that respects basic economics" sure.

What political spectrum do you prefer to use and where do you land on it? Or do you find them insufficient and inaccurate?

I don't really identify with either side of the spectrum.

Good man.

I mean your already full of pseudo intellectual leftoid takes on here, you should start soytube to compete with breadtube.

Can you point out something I've said that is factually incorrect?

I mean I’m sure I could if I looked. Anybody who thinks they’ve never been incorrect is an absolute egomaniac

Oh I've been incorrect, just very rarely on reddit because I can pick and choose what arguments I take and I stay in the realm of things I know.

You won't find any examples of that, though, because the times when I am wrong it's very subtle and easy enough to argue out of.

We'll support you on Patreon (no we won't)

Imagine thinking I need or want your money, lol.

Sooner or later every Pootuber does

Idk there's plenty of leftoid pseudo-intellectuals on youtube as well, r/breadtube showed me that. Now watch and enjoy Contrapoints you bigot.

I think Contrapoints is insufferable.

Yeah I definitely don’t like that guy either

Super annoying voice and always dresses like a girl, not sure what’s up with that

My sides.

What happened to yangpede


real truth

Im an Rossiyan Amerikanski

We need a Muslim in the chaplain role praying on his rug. It's the next logical step and one that would generate copious amounts of drama.

But in all seriousness, lmao wtf is this shit? 2019 and we still have chaplains in a house of congress, and one that's shooing demons away at that.

Indeed, we needed fundamentalist atheism and communism years ago. Imagine accepting any sort of dangerous religious institutions that cause violence into the state apparatus. The state is supreme.

We need the following:

  • Protestant Purge

  • Catholic Catharsis

  • Muslim Mausoleum

  • Mormon Moratorium

  • Jewish Jettison

This but somewhat unironically

Cut the grass and the snakes will find somewhere else to slither.

You just want the jews out dont you

Nah, just want religion out of politics.

Implying they couldn't just get Orb-Mommy on the case.

Unironically, the only well-wishing speech in that place in a while.


Remember when Paul Ryan tried to fire this guy and everyone got “””super pissed””” about it?

But I’m sure the outrage is for real this time

About damn time.