based admin ANNIHILATES catty makeup circlejerk sub for brewing a culture of harassment and interference. is SRD next?

96  2019-07-20 by trappysaruh


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My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


  1. based admin ANNIHILATES catty makeu... -,,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

damn u

The pinned post on there are toxic, the comments etc and this sub got the warning?

Trappy. You did a toxic. You did an etc. you did a transphobia.

im not toxic ur toxic

I’m slipping under. 🥴😷💅🏻

based song tbh

Extremely based. That bassline is stupid fun.



Ur mom is toxic


A good friend of mine helps run r/anarchism and gave me a whole run down on them and SRD mods.


They got the scoop on the SRDine menace. About time.

trigger warning: linked subreddit is known to contain transphobic language and mods. please be kind to yourself.

also dont comment on the linked thing

a good friend of mine who runs r/anarchism

Ohhhh no no no nooo no hahaha

a good friend of mine runs /r/autofellatio and she gave me the run down on mucj, mua, mul and also area 51

Jesus fucking Christ that sub

its hot when tgirls do it

Hm got a Snapchat then?

ya but its premium only

Not worth it

I appreciate your intentional lack of capitalization btw nice touch

I appreciate your intentional lack of capitalization btw nice touch

thanks for recognizing the game fam

You’ve got some tactful slang and replacements of yes with ‘ya’ too - well cultivated textual tone

That looks painful.

not my problem 😎

Can you perform such a feat?

lol i wish. how could would that be???

cant suck herself off

😤 it’s like you don’t even want me to pay for your premium snapchat

i have a dream...

Baste and succ-pilled

And asephobia...they really hate the asexuals

That sub is one of mad lads

But didn't you just comment on a linked drama post I made about a cat eating a bird 🤔?

no i didnt

i let my 6 cats out every day all day. i will only let them in if they've each killed at least 1 mouse and 1 bird that day so i dont have to feed them


huh? whats that about

also dont comment on the linked thing

they autoban drama users im pretty sure

i was banned and ive never received a ban message so ive never posted there before, and the ban was before phedre posted the first link

i dont think i was banned there yesterday

Can someone explain this shit to me? The linked thread like all food nonsense is long and incomprehensible.

drama for ants, tbh

Women, amirite?


They called out Lawlz and like the protective mother hens that make /r/drama such a welcoming and wholesome sub, we came to his defense.

They called out Lawlz, LAWLZ

Trappy, what exactly is MUACirclejerk?

Do they make fun of dumb posts on /r/MakeupAddiction or they're just mad that they're unwanted wine moms and are sperging out?

Or both?


could it be anything else

I pray that you never become one of them. 🙏


Makeup can’t help when you are 292 pounds of seething 38 year old

Thanks to modern medicine they can ignore this problem by washing a Xanax down with a gallon of red wine 🦸‍♀️

I remember hating that combo because I never remembered anything and totally forgot who I was temporarily apparently and acted like a total asshole regardless of consequences.

Which hilariously is exactly why they take it.

What self respecting 38 year old is even on reddit?

Lol none. Means I have 7 years of hell left? Fuck I just got here.

None. Reddit’s entirely made up of manchildren.

Implying some of us aren’t semi functioning adult alcoholics


Tbf reddit admins are some of the most incompetent morons I've ever seen on the internet.

They have piss poor reading comprehension and often don't even understand their own rules.

I half suspect Reddit just hires a bunch of gender studies drop outs with pink hair and severe learning disabilities to janny the website.

Anti-Evil Ops are third worlders who barely understand English tho

My encounters with them don't scream "3rd worlder." More just "really dumb person."

Those are not mutually exclusive.

They are Irish, there was a literal advertisement for job openings in Dublin or something.

Not disputing anything any of you said of course, just adding this detail.

So, third worlders 😔

Based and anti-mickpilled


All of Reddit is incompetent as fuck. They have the 20th most visited website in the world and they still struggle to turn a profit. They have to beg users to donate money.

And still no search feature 12 years later.

how pathetic do you have to be a troll on the internet

Well, foid, let me explain something to you. I spend 8 hours a day with a fake smile on my face, in a office full of retards, placating retarded clients customers and coworkers(some of which could probably give you a run for your money in both box wine chugging and ice cream pint devouring) then I sit in traffic so I can go stuff myself into a gym where I’m forced to wipe down every piece of equipment some fat ass like you decided to not clean after using. So listen, excuse fucking me if I sit on my phone during all of this, and silently take out on you the shit I constantly want to say to other people to their faces all day. You probably deserve it, robin.

Wow that guy sounds like a loser

How Fukien dare u

Oh shit that’s your life?



I feel incredibly found out by this post. Well time to clean my head with a 12 gauge I suppose.

If you're gonna do something like that, do it in a unique way. Shotgun is too mainstream. Do it with a blunderbuss, or something fun.

Whatever creates the biggest mess tbh. My fiance has an apprenticeship at a funeral home and she occasionally removes bodies. My goal is for her to get the call to clean me up. I'm going to traumatize at least one loved one before I go.

implying she loves you

posts on drama

I’m pick exactly 1

Normally I'd agree, but she legitimately gets turned on when I'm mean to people. One time I smirked at a crippled poor person, and she told me she needed a mop for her pants. I'm incredibly polite to everyone, and I think she enjoys it when my mask drops. I really dont understand women.


Fill your pockets with fun sized candy and belly flop off of the highest building near you. You’ll be a human piñata.

Same bro. The office life necessitates shit posting to stay sane.

The prequel to Fight Club

Already have a AR-10

Lol k

Lol wagie

*an office

ouch that feeling when an r slash drama post hits a little close to home

Based office drone

oh no

Lmao imagine having such low self awareness that you disparage the person who can delete the entire sub with one click while also posting a picture of them telling you to stop disparaging people.

I don't know why but foid on foid drama is just boring to me. It's like watching lesbian porn. Interesting for a bit but at some point you want a penis in there.

I don't know why

imagine posting on a makeup circlejerk subreddit.

I set you up for a trap joke and you didn't even swing 😡

i didnt feel like it tbh

I don’t know why the fuck we got involved in drama with makeupaddiction, but it’s fucking great.

Face painters need to be put down for good.

Why don't they just deal with this like most of their problems and eat a tub of ice cream?

Let this be the lesson to them that you can cover up the ugliness of your face, but no amount of makeup will cover up the darkness of your soul. They got what they deserved, for what they did to our boi Lawlz, he didn't deserve to go out like that.

Now, after admins' intervention, they can't go for their content outside - all that's left to do is to look into their makeup mirrors and cry.

Oh wow, surprise surprise, we yet again have reddit admin coming down on us uppity (mostly) ladies. Drama can link us and brigade all day long and that’s ok? MUA mods can stalk and harass users, that’s fine.

But lawd forbid a group of women dare do anything with this website other than peacock new makeup looks at each other or show T&A on the NSFW subs for your enjoyment.

As someone who actually conducts harassment investigations professionally, please allow me to extend a sincere 🤡 to reddit admin. Run back to the bathroom and adjust yourself, guys, your institutional misogyny is showing again.

We're approaching peak white woman.

One of the many, many problems that mayocide will fix, Allah (peace be upon His name) willing.

Truly the most oppressed group on Earth, surpassing even the white male gamer

1) the /r/Drama is bad S E E T H E

2) the what about t_d comment i swear it's like the new srs or something

They're still wrong for downvoting the 🍝.

Day of the chipped nail polish when?

apparently yall harassed them

A good friend of mine helps run r/anarchism

Nice way of saying they're a massive fucking virgin.

Circlejerk blocked