Jaclyn Glenn disapproves of Shane Dawson vid, on Eugenia Cooney

185  2019-07-20 by Yunnie101


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


  1. Jaclyn Glenn disapproves of Shane D... - archive.org, archive.today

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aren't these youtubers old enough to be retired by now?
I remember watching these mofos while I was still on dialup

Literally who

She was Eugenia youtube friend, but I’m not sure if they are friends any longer. She made several vids about her, and has issues with onision.

One literally who has drama with another literally who


Oh did you know my mom and my brother argued yesterday and my brother then blocked my mom on whatsapp?

Why haven't you made a post about it yet?

This but unironically

It's over for momcels

Lol pajeets

I blocked my sister's e-mail a few weeks ago.

She probably didnt even notice

His question still stands.

has issues with onision.

Everybody should.

Pretty sure Eugenia is Mr. Skeletal, Shane Dawson is the catfucker, and idk who this third foid is.

foid ew an incel...



Foid atheist youtube who got caught ripping off peoples facebooks posts to use as video scripts.

Didn’t know that actually.

She sent a mini online firestorm my way once on Twitter. Nice lady

Also she was Tobuscus’s gf

Never trust a cat fucker

With cats like these I'm gonna have to disagree



I hate shane dawson's horrible intro music, so im siding with Eugenia

Watching youtubers 🤢

Who, who and who?

A hoe, a catfucker, and a literal twig

Note: he did not actually fuck a cat, accusations are not true.

I am neither a big fan of Shane or Jacklyn but I think Shane's video was well done for the time being. Jacklyn needs to understand that eating disorders are a sensitive topic and those who have dealt with them are sensitive to talking about it especially this soon after starting recovery. Plus she's comparing it to a video that covered a topic of a man who is suspected to have no emotions, one who hasn't been through something that could have fucking killed him like Eugenia's eating disorder. So yes, Shane's video was light hearted and for a perfect reason. Even with how sensitive it was on the topic of eating disorders I myself, someone who dealt with anorexia, got some triggers. She can't really expect Shane to ask all the questions that gets to every single bit of Eugenia eating disorder and you can't expect Eugenia to feel completely comfortable to tell everything that happened to her after only a few months in recovery. The video is to celebrate Eugenia's strength to actually start recovery, whether she decided to admit herself into the hospital or Jacklyn made an intervention that ended in Eugenia being admitted into this hospital, we still need to celebrate and encourage her success. In the future Eugenia may decide to come out more fully about her story, we need to give her time though and not force her into doing something she's still not completely comfortable with. After I began my recovery it took a while for me to be able to talk about it. It is fucking traumatizing and talking about and it may cause a spur of emotions. People recover at their own pace so let's be happy that Eugenia has been recovering so well so far, and encourage her to continue her recovery and not to relapse.

This is one of the worst post I have EVER seen. Delete it.

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Well she can commit die

He was trying to make her feel comfortable. You can obviously tell that she was on edge the whole time based on her body language. The only time that I could tell she was actually relaxed was when they were doing makeup. She just started recovery. She needs time before she can open up and feel comfortable talking about her situation.

I think it's a touchy topic, but as far as people actually trying to reach out and help Eugenia, this seems the most genuine public attempt I've seen.

I don't know how I feel about it being recorded and put on the internet for a million hyper-critical people to see, but Shane seems to have an understanding of the mental health aspect of an eating disorder, which doesn't surprise me considering his own issues.

I guess we won't know if this will have a positive impact or backfire dramatically, at least for a while. Fingers crossed it was the right move.

I started looking at it differently after Jaclyn’s videos, at first I also saw it as her being uncomfortable talking about it, but noticing her tick when she does her “it’s all good character”(the talking through the teeth), after listening to the other side I started to question if it was just saying what possibly could have been scripted by her mom.

thank you Jaclyn. somebody had to say it.

Who the fuck is this leech?

Her friend, who actually got her into a medical facility for her eating disorder.

Jaclyn is dumb, she's just upset that she wasn't the one able to do the vid with her.

Shes the reason Euginia went to rehab... so no. Shes mad because she thinks the poor girl is in a toxic and unsafe enviorment.

the only person that helped Eugenia was herself

Well the state forced her into rehab and her mom tried to stop it/ get the people who called the state arrested so not really.... shes putting in the hard work but her friends are the reason shes finally got help

you literally know nothing about Eugenia or Shane if you think the state forced her. her mom wanted her to get help and she said that in the video as well

Okay dude. Clearly you are Eugenias real life friend and all the proof Jaclyn and her friends showed about staging the intervention and forcing her into rehab was all fake. Thanks for clearing that up for me ! Good luck on being a famous redditor 🙄🙄🙄

periodt 🤪🤪 get your facts straight though before you try coming at someone 😬

Are you on drugs

definitely not

Did you watch Jaclyn’s videos at all?

plus Eugenia WANTED to so the video with Shane, she even said in her first coming back video that she has always been a big fan of him so she knew what she was getting into and didn't once look uncomfortable in his video

She was clearly uncomfortable for a majority of the video.

I’m pretty sure the reason he covered it the way he did was because she didn’t want to say more. When she did answer questions she mostly tip toed around her answer. Like when he asked what disorder she had and she talked for a while without really saying anything he said “it’s okay you don’t have to put a label on it” and she said thank you. She’s def not ready to fully open up yet.

It was obvious that he let her lead the interview. I thought it was very nice of him.

I also think Shane made too many fat jokes and jokes too much about going to rehab to eat the French fries. He fucked up. She wasnt ready and he asked for what not to say then did the exact opposite of what the counselor said. Made no sense.

Why do people care so much about these people? Do your lives suck so badly?

You could honestly say that about a lot of people.

I did.

It's 2am at a family function: long explanation time!

TLDR; From watching both Jaclyn and Shane's videos, here's what I've gathered. Jaclyn is distressed because Shane's video is soft and surface level. Shane's video is gently done to make Eugenia feel more comfortable, while also appeasing her family and lawyer (avoiding serious topics). Jaclyn and Eugenia's other friends are the entire reason Eugenia went to rehab, her mother tried to stop them.

Jaclyn and her friends were being kinda bitchy in her video when it came to "it was so hard for me blah blah me me". The truth in that is no one wants to talk to Eugenia about her problem and make her feel bad, (when they did they always got "I am fine") but they also saw her getting worse and didn't want to let her get seriously sick to a point of no return. What would you do if it was your friend? They also didn't go into enough detail about the effect of Eugenia's family on her disorder. Which leads me to speculate.

They said Eugenia hadn't been to the doctor in 5 years. Perfectly healthy people still have routine checkups at least once a year, maybe two. Eugenia is 24, so maybe it was just negligence from denial like she said, but that's when her family should have stepped in. Not to act like I know what's best for other people's lives, but there are very few sane excuses for not wanting your daughter to get professional help that has been considered for YEARS. Jaclyn and her friends also said it was nearly impossible to get Eugenia out of the house because the family has a driver that takes and picks her up everywhere, to planned outings only her mother can approve.

Here is my complete take without much hard evidence. Whatever funky business her family is doing reminds me vaguely of the Gypsy Rose Situation. Obviously not as serious or deadly, but things were very OFF. She has same kind of kiddy attitude, Eugenia is a sweetheart, and I think she was raised that way and stays that way as a defence, it's all she knows. All the weird mafia referencing and the 4 locks on that patio door. Some think it's there to keep her in.

Obviously, we are all just viewers from the outside and don't know her exact situation, and don't need to know. But all I know is there are red flags around her. It sucks that with all this drama, we are talking all for nothing because we don't know her, we can't do anything and have no right to. It was none of out business in the first place.

All them words won't bring your pa back.

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Good bot

Eugenia just confirmed Jaclyn is lying https://youtu.be/4UkYeSLxrto