Known powermod n8thegr8 admits to commiting a hatecrime in slack leaks

54  2019-07-20 by Woolgun


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That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


  1. Known powermod n8thegr8 admits to c... -,,

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Mayo has to the be most retarded term to come from this site in a long time.


This is why we need mayocide.

It's infuriating, honestly.

If a powerjanny walks into almost any sub, he's gonna end up humiliated. Now, leave it to fucking WRD or SRC to let them come out on top of their exchange, and leaving me having to side with fucking N8TheGr8. Fuck.

It should be impossible to be dumber than AHS powerusers but they managed to do it.

Watch Rightoids COPE

I knew it was discord drama 🤮🤮🤢🤢

Mayos = officially spread

fuck yeah, spread it

I guess leftoids get their own based black man

Mods by nature can't and never will be based

This is the one good thing Reddit power jannies have done.

typical white leftoid, thinking his little power trips on reddit contribute to the great project that is THE MAYOCIDE.

You need to do that banning shit irl for it to actually matter, stupid white boy.

Your comment is 40% correct.

I like the retard faggot with anger issues in that thread.

Holy shit these people actually get giddy by talking about banning people and wear it was a badge of honor. Just another day on redditdotcom

Autism is a powerful force

Ive never seen such little power go straight to someone's head more than a reddit mod.

Banning mayos is based

lmao n8 and dubteedub in there, otherwise known as the most fragile dudes ever