Mayos C O P E and S E E T H E in /r/funny

62  2019-07-20 by htmlcoderexe


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


  1. Mayos C O P E and S E E T H E in /r... -,,

  2. -,,

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Drama involving my country (not my state).

Queensland is the most redneck state in Australia. Though we call them bogans, instead of rednecks.

The state is extremely mayo, compared to other states. For reference, imagine if Alabama made a book cover featuring only blacks/Asians.

Alabama is like 25% black, so that cover wouldnt be super out of line. At least not compared to fucking australia

What's an uber white state then? Ohio?

Vermont, maine, oregon, idaho, montana. Most northern states that dont have huge cities are pretty white

Thank you for the burger geography.

The progressive ones

"Of course they're liberal. They don't have any black people." - Norm Macdonald

It has to be more like 35% now. There’s not as big a divide between minority and majority for races here now


Black maybe but Aus is 16% Asian according to wiki.

I always thought there were a lot of Chinese and other Asians in Qld.

I imagine everyone in Queensland is like this

You see the impressed blonde bogan looking on? Well they're gonna mate and I'm have to say "Nah, don't smoke" 30 times a day to their offspring.

Can I bum a durry mate?

Thats cultural appropriation.

I'll always love Queensland for the /r/aus seethe they caused at the election

There is a fuckton of blacks in Alabama. Sooooo...

Isn't Queensland pretty well off ? Atleast that's what I've heard.

Not as well off as their neighbours NSW and VIC.


VIC is like the CALI of Australia.

NSW is similar. Best economy out of all the states.

Queenslands biggest industry is tourism, they have shit like the Great Barrier Reef. They're doing ok I guess.

I think I confused Queensland with another state, because the state I'm thinking of is conservative and its biggest industry is mining.

Queensland is conservative, but you're thinking of West Australia probably.


They're big on mining.

West Australia

Could be, thanks.

Fragile as eggs

Ive seen enough univeristy brochures, most from england and it had more blacks(actually blacks) than the french national team. And the words multicultural and diverse are repeated on and on.

it's about time someone put the mayos in their place

bro this is a really really really bad post, even for bait this is just shameful

To the mayos seething in this very thread:

Don’t you have a Warhammer meetup to go to today? It’s Saturday.

mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad

I don't have anything against immigrants at all

You should, or else you're going to turn into a Chinese colony.

Imagine unironically thinking this is a bad thing

I for one welcome our fried rice overlords

Girls that don't age like milk gibe!

aren't you one of those? no need to toot your own horn

going to

Got some bad news to give to whoever posted that

I for one welcome our glorious social credit system, keep the poorcels in their place.

What is a mayo?

Same as a "cumskin".

What is that?

The plight of the PoC.

What plight means?

What day is it?

Don't know niggers

Lol caught you.

Yeah, you angry crow?

School-shooter Americans seething

Not American

You need to get some fentanyl stat

Whoa, you're kind of racist. I just wanted to offer you equality and that is what you do?

Whites are subhuman and I can't wait for the day Europe is white free

Good joke bro! 😂😂

Do better in your shithole countries before, hoe!

Someone please help. This thing is going through fentanyl withdrawal

So you don't enjoy somebody being racist with you, ah?

Ah, and to be as racist as you, what'up shitskin

Get back to your jungle ugly monkey

a non-nigger

Because every is crying about "inclusion" and "diversity," but what they really mean is no wypipo.

Imagine thinking this is a bad thing

What's up niggers? Are you angry?

Go back to voat, noodlecel

I don't know what the fuck are you talking about and I don't want to know you little cock sucker

I just want mayocide unironically.

mayos literally laughing at a middle finger who gives a shit jfc mayos die mayos die