Remember that 15 year old Smash player? Well she’s #cancelled now.

177  2019-07-20 by Ghdust2


Okay, so first of all, you've just made a reply to me that is in two unrelated parts. The first is unrelated to anything I said. As long as you comport yourself in this manner, you will only be met with derision. It is a nonsense method of communication.


  1. Remember that 15 year old Smash pla... -,

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Oh wait this was her? I thought this was a rando. Wow a true gamer


Can you respect her gender?

CAn you respect reality?

You post on r/stupidpol which shows you are incapable of reality

I post on a lot of retarded forums, doesn't mean I agree with everyting that goes on in them; /r/drama among them.

Don't try to act like my better here, we're all pigs in metaphorical mud.

implying mud isn't great for the skin.

Holy shit I sincerely hope your profile is real and you stick around. Lmao 'militant atheist' holy shit.

Its pretty obvious its a bait account, not that its a bad thing

He's a guy, so

Is she a trans?! I knew a woman couldn’t be good at smash

This joke is soo played out. Come up with some new ones. This is the new "identity as a helicopter". I'm saying this as someone who appreciates dark humor but it's not funny. My therapist and I talked at length about how much it is played out in our last session.

>tfw randolphina shows up to bless my shitpost with his own

blessed be

Randolphina, how many followers are you up to now?

  1. Thank you so much for asking!

It was more entertaining when you larped as a fent addled rightoid. The leftist tranny thing is played out, boss.

Just make the next post

What's the ratio of trans:cis women in the pro gaming community?

Either 1 or 2 : 0 or if you count female prp gaming its like 2:20 per """esport"""

Remember when that team only banned support against Team Siren in LoL?

Which one is the 15 year old? The one with the weeb picture or the one they called out?

Bocchi is the "girl"

Why do you do that? Is there some proof she’s a tranny?

Also,imagine home schooling your child just to end up in degenerate HQ discord

Yeah, she's good at smash

The amount of anime profile pictures is making my eyes seethe

Weeb enslavement when???

Why would you let them live?

The dead can't suffer.

I assure you, that they will not find peace in death

Enslavement implies that the weebs are worth to keep around for hard labor

As a weeb, I prefer death

We do too.

I've always wanted to become a martyr. I'm fine if that happens because of my anime profile pic.

Smash player

Did you honestly expect anything else?

Not at all. Had a gaggle of them in my freshman math class in HS. One decided to cheer his lady friend up one day he could flash her.

Absolute Chads

if there is any adult even partially involved in this drama they should be ashamed of themselves.

If there is, it's probably a pedo

Lmao there is.

it's smash drama, anyone even tangentially involved in this is a child rapist by default.

bocchi beat a pedo who also got cancelled weeks ago for dating a 16 yr old

Lmao the leaker is getting cancelled over old receipts too! Top notch drama all around

how do you follow a twitter thread without getting confused, like who's responding to who?

You don't. You just never go to Twitter.

I'm wondering if I ever become part of the public image who has screenshotted my retarded messages and will #cancel me.

Just think of all the politicians in the next decade or so who will have their teenage twitter/fb/insta posts brought up when they run for office.

President InstaThot when.

Icebae is gonna get elected isint she

by then it'll be 'my opponent's insta only got 100k followers and she rarely posted nudes, do you really trust this person to run a country when they can't even thot themselves out properly?!'

The person who made this tweet got immediately called out in the replies for doing the exact same shit lol

It was a different time

👏 All 👏 politics 👏 is 👏 projection 👏

Don’t understand why people are racist when it’s clearly illegal.

Not in America

Bro I posted the same tweet 12 hours ago, I'm literally Seething rn

cancelling literal 14 year olds

A 15 year old is a shithead?

Who could have predicted this.

I'm going to say the n word.


Lol the exposer said the n word too and says "WELL IT WAS 2012 IT WAS A DIFFERENT TIME IT WAS OK TO SAY THE N WORD"

Ah yes the distant past

Reminder that jokes about wypipo are okay because wypipo wickedly and maliciously created the modern world of comfort and ease that we all enjoy today, and jokes about blah people are icky and bad because blah people are pathetically fragile and savagely violent blah people did some field labor 200 years ago and were too dumb to negotiate a decent wage.

This place is literally nothing but a left-wing circle jerk at this point. Of course everyone not a left-winger is getting downvoted.

You've all made it very obvious. There is indeed space between TD (Which I don't think I've ever even posted on) and SRD, which this place has become. Sort by controversial. Any post picking on women or the left, is controversial. Most posts picking on men and the right, are not.

It's not like you guys are even trying to hide it. You've been posting BRDs for days. Sharia Blue has a heavy presence here, including among the mods, and BRD posts are the mods signalling that this sub is now fallen to the fempire. Hence why any post mocking a woman is suddenly downvoted, and a ton of weird SRD leftist shit is getting upvoted.

Bird=BRD=Bring Reddit Down; a SRS meme. Try to deny it by calling it out in plain sight, but it is what it is.

It's time for anyone else just plain leave this sub, block its regulars and go hang out in bigger, better subs, because if every place is a partisan circlejerk (and this place definitely has been for the last few months), we're better off in our own circlejerk subs, like CringeAnarchy, which is a lot bigger than place, and no more or less full of retards. /r/drama is just SRS/CB2 circlejerking at this point. Literally nothing they say makes sense, but they all frantically upvote each other and downvote anyone else.

I won't be interacting with any of you further on this post. You know what's happening here. It's very obvious."

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

this is my favorite automoderator bit

Seethe harder mayo

Angry blah person spotted.

This place is literally nothing but a left-wing circle jerk at this point. Of course everyone not a left-winger is getting downvoted.

You've all made it very obvious. There is indeed space between TD (Which I don't think I've ever even posted on) and SRD, which this place has become. Sort by controversial. Any post picking on women or the left, is controversial. Most posts picking on men and the right, are not.

It's not like you guys are even trying to hide it. You've been posting BRDs for days. Sharia Blue has a heavy presence here, including among the mods, and BRD posts are the mods signalling that this sub is now fallen to the fempire. Hence why any post mocking a woman is suddenly downvoted, and a ton of weird SRD leftist shit is getting upvoted.

Bird=BRD=Bring Reddit Down; a SRS meme. Try to deny it by calling it out in plain sight, but it is what it is.

It's time for anyone else just plain leave this sub, block its regulars and go hang out in bigger, better subs, because if every place is a partisan circlejerk (and this place definitely has been for the last few months), we're better off in our own circlejerk subs, like CringeAnarchy, which is a lot bigger than place, and no more or less full of retards. /r/drama is just SRS/CB2 circlejerking at this point. Literally nothing they say makes sense, but they all frantically upvote each other and downvote anyone else.

I won't be interacting with any of you further on this post. You know what's happening here. It's very obvious."

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

unemployed big boi desperate to feel pride in something, picks white identity"

reeeetard is still too stupid to read

LMAO that you think what you wrote is even a response to what I just said, you stupid motherfucker.

Nice to see that you're still LARPing as someone with a job tho you worthless sack of human waste.

This place is literally nothing but a left-wing circle jerk at this point. Of course everyone not a left-winger is getting downvoted.

You've all made it very obvious. There is indeed space between TD (Which I don't think I've ever even posted on) and SRD, which this place has become. Sort by controversial. Any post picking on women or the left, is controversial. Most posts picking on men and the right, are not.

It's not like you guys are even trying to hide it. You've been posting BRDs for days. Sharia Blue has a heavy presence here, including among the mods, and BRD posts are the mods signalling that this sub is now fallen to the fempire. Hence why any post mocking a woman is suddenly downvoted, and a ton of weird SRD leftist shit is getting upvoted.

Bird=BRD=Bring Reddit Down; a SRS meme. Try to deny it by calling it out in plain sight, but it is what it is.

It's time for anyone else just plain leave this sub, block its regulars and go hang out in bigger, better subs, because if every place is a partisan circlejerk (and this place definitely has been for the last few months), we're better off in our own circlejerk subs, like CringeAnarchy, which is a lot bigger than place, and no more or less full of retards. /r/drama is just SRS/CB2 circlejerking at this point. Literally nothing they say makes sense, but they all frantically upvote each other and downvote anyone else.

I won't be interacting with any of you further on this post. You know what's happening here. It's very obvious."

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

u know most people are employed right? it's not really a boast, most ppl don't need to pretend

Imagine thinking that's a response to the fact that you, riemann, are absolutely a larping fatass nigger.

Holy shit.

This place is literally nothing but a left-wing circle jerk at this point. Of course everyone not a left-winger is getting downvoted.

You've all made it very obvious. There is indeed space between TD (Which I don't think I've ever even posted on) and SRD, which this place has become. Sort by controversial. Any post picking on women or the left, is controversial. Most posts picking on men and the right, are not.

It's not like you guys are even trying to hide it. You've been posting BRDs for days. Sharia Blue has a heavy presence here, including among the mods, and BRD posts are the mods signalling that this sub is now fallen to the fempire. Hence why any post mocking a woman is suddenly downvoted, and a ton of weird SRD leftist shit is getting upvoted.

Bird=BRD=Bring Reddit Down; a SRS meme. Try to deny it by calling it out in plain sight, but it is what it is.

It's time for anyone else just plain leave this sub, block its regulars and go hang out in bigger, better subs, because if every place is a partisan circlejerk (and this place definitely has been for the last few months), we're better off in our own circlejerk subs, like CringeAnarchy, which is a lot bigger than place, and no more or less full of retards. /r/drama is just SRS/CB2 circlejerking at this point. Literally nothing they say makes sense, but they all frantically upvote each other and downvote anyone else.

I won't be interacting with any of you further on this post. You know what's happening here. It's very obvious."

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

i mean i was up to 190 this spring but i pushed it back down to 176. feeling pretty good about hot boi summer

Look mom, I made up numbers on the internet!

She must be so proud.

PS: non-fatasses don't have to boast on r/drama about their weight either, superchunk.

This place is literally nothing but a left-wing circle jerk at this point. Of course everyone not a left-winger is getting downvoted.

You've all made it very obvious. There is indeed space between TD (Which I don't think I've ever even posted on) and SRD, which this place has become. Sort by controversial. Any post picking on women or the left, is controversial. Most posts picking on men and the right, are not.

It's not like you guys are even trying to hide it. You've been posting BRDs for days. Sharia Blue has a heavy presence here, including among the mods, and BRD posts are the mods signalling that this sub is now fallen to the fempire. Hence why any post mocking a woman is suddenly downvoted, and a ton of weird SRD leftist shit is getting upvoted.

Bird=BRD=Bring Reddit Down; a SRS meme. Try to deny it by calling it out in plain sight, but it is what it is.

It's time for anyone else just plain leave this sub, block its regulars and go hang out in bigger, better subs, because if every place is a partisan circlejerk (and this place definitely has been for the last few months), we're better off in our own circlejerk subs, like CringeAnarchy, which is a lot bigger than place, and no more or less full of retards. /r/drama is just SRS/CB2 circlejerking at this point. Literally nothing they say makes sense, but they all frantically upvote each other and downvote anyone else.

I won't be interacting with any of you further on this post. You know what's happening here. It's very obvious."

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

it's okay, everyone gets really angry online and messes up commenting. very normal to be that mad

Says the rietard who deleted and reposted that comment?

This place is literally nothing but a left-wing circle jerk at this point. Of course everyone not a left-winger is getting downvoted.

You've all made it very obvious. There is indeed space between TD (Which I don't think I've ever even posted on) and SRD, which this place has become. Sort by controversial. Any post picking on women or the left, is controversial. Most posts picking on men and the right, are not.

It's not like you guys are even trying to hide it. You've been posting BRDs for days. Sharia Blue has a heavy presence here, including among the mods, and BRD posts are the mods signalling that this sub is now fallen to the fempire. Hence why any post mocking a woman is suddenly downvoted, and a ton of weird SRD leftist shit is getting upvoted.

Bird=BRD=Bring Reddit Down; a SRS meme. Try to deny it by calling it out in plain sight, but it is what it is.

It's time for anyone else just plain leave this sub, block its regulars and go hang out in bigger, better subs, because if every place is a partisan circlejerk (and this place definitely has been for the last few months), we're better off in our own circlejerk subs, like CringeAnarchy, which is a lot bigger than place, and no more or less full of retards. /r/drama is just SRS/CB2 circlejerking at this point. Literally nothing they say makes sense, but they all frantically upvote each other and downvote anyone else.

I won't be interacting with any of you further on this post. You know what's happening here. It's very obvious."

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

i just deleted one because it double posted, that happens a lot

Maybe pay for internet that isn't fucking embarrassing, you impoverished piece of shit.

This place is literally nothing but a left-wing circle jerk at this point. Of course everyone not a left-winger is getting downvoted.

You've all made it very obvious. There is indeed space between TD (Which I don't think I've ever even posted on) and SRD, which this place has become. Sort by controversial. Any post picking on women or the left, is controversial. Most posts picking on men and the right, are not.

It's not like you guys are even trying to hide it. You've been posting BRDs for days. Sharia Blue has a heavy presence here, including among the mods, and BRD posts are the mods signalling that this sub is now fallen to the fempire. Hence why any post mocking a woman is suddenly downvoted, and a ton of weird SRD leftist shit is getting upvoted.

Bird=BRD=Bring Reddit Down; a SRS meme. Try to deny it by calling it out in plain sight, but it is what it is.

It's time for anyone else just plain leave this sub, block its regulars and go hang out in bigger, better subs, because if every place is a partisan circlejerk (and this place definitely has been for the last few months), we're better off in our own circlejerk subs, like CringeAnarchy, which is a lot bigger than place, and no more or less full of retards. /r/drama is just SRS/CB2 circlejerking at this point. Literally nothing they say makes sense, but they all frantically upvote each other and downvote anyone else.

I won't be interacting with any of you further on this post. You know what's happening here. It's very obvious."

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

it's just mobile data, keep your chin up buddy

i mean i was up to 190 this spring but i pushed it back down to 176. feeling pretty good about hot boi summer

did u forget how to reply to a comment?

You're honestly fucking boring me at this point, go delete and repost comments somewhere else, nobody cares but me and I don't care that much.

This place is literally nothing but a left-wing circle jerk at this point. Of course everyone not a left-winger is getting downvoted.

You've all made it very obvious. There is indeed space between TD (Which I don't think I've ever even posted on) and SRD, which this place has become. Sort by controversial. Any post picking on women or the left, is controversial. Most posts picking on men and the right, are not.

It's not like you guys are even trying to hide it. You've been posting BRDs for days. Sharia Blue has a heavy presence here, including among the mods, and BRD posts are the mods signalling that this sub is now fallen to the fempire. Hence why any post mocking a woman is suddenly downvoted, and a ton of weird SRD leftist shit is getting upvoted.

Bird=BRD=Bring Reddit Down; a SRS meme. Try to deny it by calling it out in plain sight, but it is what it is.

It's time for anyone else just plain leave this sub, block its regulars and go hang out in bigger, better subs, because if every place is a partisan circlejerk (and this place definitely has been for the last few months), we're better off in our own circlejerk subs, like CringeAnarchy, which is a lot bigger than place, and no more or less full of retards. /r/drama is just SRS/CB2 circlejerking at this point. Literally nothing they say makes sense, but they all frantically upvote each other and downvote anyone else.

I won't be interacting with any of you further on this post. You know what's happening here. It's very obvious."

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

i an sorry i got you this worked up by reminding you you are fat and mentioning normal weight ranges to you, hope it gets better

weebshit avatars

didn't read, but whatever happened they all deserved it

this shit is not the wave

What the fuck is this retarded shit supposed to mean?

Well, I'm in my mod twenties now so I'm no longer fluent in jive but my guess it's something along the lines of "This isn't cool, my hypocrisy"

Tbh as a non-libertarian I'm not that interested in 15 year old girls.

I fucking hate the internet

My god a 15 year old said the n word wow that’s never ever happened before

I have zero doubt that 100 percent of the virtue signaling can't say nigger crowd are the same ones who were literally vocally spamming it at some point in their lives among friends. Certainly doesn't condone it, but 'canceling' people is becoming quite hypocritical imho.

Certainly doesn't condone it,


I'm too old for this shit. A 15-year-old said the n-word on Discord? And?

Is she really a he?


mtf’s are unstable?? And have gamer moments online? Hot damn would have never guessed

I automatically assume anyone who uses Discord is most likely a weirdo.

Ive been saying this, people who actually use discord are 100% pedophiles/furries

i would have never imagined a pussy saying they could lynch n words tbh

Well, I used to think it was just a tranny cuck. But after this, it's clear that it is a true gamer