Masterlawlz raped and murdered a woman behind an Arby’s in 1984. Don’t let him get away with it.

140  2019-07-20 by wazzupnerds

Masterlawlz I’m tellin your mom


I was there, I was the women.


How did it feel to be raped by a 2 inch monstercock?

Wow okay that's totes problematic to bring up like this

Hey, I was justing wondering how does it feel to have sex with a sweaty, fat man. Did he crush you with his belly? Did it last more than 15 seconds? Tell us your experience you loser


How can you call on the mods if you were murdered? It just doesn't make any sense.

Stop with your heteronormative interpretation of time.


How does he keep getting away with it?

That smile.

That damned smile.

I was also there. I was the cop passing by and did nothing.

How have you been?

Just goes to show you that Instagram wasn’t the starting point of foids being sexually humiliated for money, it’s just easier to watch now.

Bro they're not even to be considered citizens, hundred and thousands of years ago on cave walls they were depicted as sexual slaves and now they have the right to vote

Holy shit I have not been ok efukt in a long time.

why not?

I forgot about it

Lawz has a license to kill

Only himself tho

Who is Masterlawlz? Do you mean MasterLawlz?

80s lawlz would be super into ham radios and getting shit talked by cosmonauts

Lucky woman

A true romantic

Lawlz wasn’t even alive then

Nice. Very progressive of Lawlz.

He drives a '76 dodge van with a bubble window on each side. Watch out for it.

The biggest flaw in this story is the idea that Masterlawlz went outside.

  1. He's 35?

  2. He's a he?

  3. He has penis?

Spoiler alert: he killed his mom