Nightmare fuel for the ricecel chinese overlords of reddit

277  2019-07-20 by FearOfBees


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That’s a MtF but the f is for ferengi


  1. Nightmare fuel for the ricecel chin... -,

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That's really rude bro :(

She didn’t even grab his nip ring. 😴

Well go post it on the ricecels subreddit then.

Is that a fucking nipple ring

Don't be a pussy, go post it on their sub

I can confirm ricecels SEETH when they see a white guy with an asian girlfrield. I've gotten so many death glares from asian dudes as I was walking in public with my girl.

With the Asian chick obsession with white dudes, how are there any white incels?

White guys are training wheels until they graduate to black guys.

As a white chick, can confirm.

i like black guys

lol fatty

Skinny Easter Euro, never been with a black guy. Just wanted to piss the whitecells off.

Black guys have huge dicks, you should try

Women like huge dicks only in porn. That shit hurts.

Women like huge dicks only in porn. That shit hurts.

Lol, mayo cope.

Rasputin would disagree.

Stop being retarded and learn some actual history, not the propaganda shoved in your throat by internet or college.


maybe you should remember what subreddit you're in

there has been no correlation found between dick size and ethnicity/race, the average was around 5” in general.

but your dumb commie ass doesn’t know how to go past the first page of google and read actual studies on how things work lmao


Is all you do comment cope even when it’s irrelevant you mouhbreathing tard

Mayo triggered, lol.

not even a mayo, I’m higher on the food chain


lmao nah lower on the food chain than (((them)))

You could say pretty much the same shit to Africans.

Skinny Eastern Euro

ah sex worker - where do you cam?

I like your style. You slapped that foid down very well.

Lmao pizza, are you really going in with this?

I don’t, sorry, you’ll have to fap to your imagination.

But... but... you have xx's in your name!

I’ve been told my nick sounds stripperish.

bitch do you not know what Foxy Boxing is? don't tell me you chose that name because it rhymed or something

That’s exactly why I chose it, manlet

eastern euro confirmed, no one else says nick for username


By all means, burn the coal. You will pay the toll.

Literal whitecel seethe, no self awareness

i’m coping so hard right now

250 or 300 pounds?


there is 11x more white guys than asian girls

I think that's sort of a universal incel thing, not specific to ricecels. I've seen mayocels giving my dad and mom death glares since I was a little kid.

True, the incel menace must be stopped at all costs.

Government mandated girlfriends?

soon robo-waifus will be mandated for the new welfare-state

soon robo-waifus will be mandated for the new welfare-state


Yeah black/white

Dude it goes both ways. I dated an Asian girl, and her and her friends would bitch about white guys fetishizing them, yet every single one of them were dating tall white guys. Fucking hypocrites tbh

In the same breath... “those Asian girls are ugly so they have to go for white guys.”



Fuck you dude. That's just the way our eyes look!!!

sauce me now i collect wmaf porn vids

Quit porn you fucking sinnee or burn

i'm working on a little something for our ricecel friends actually, christcuck

LInk me when your work is finished

lol you can just right click and save video what a bunch of hacks

Can you upload it to

i'm trying but fuck it's taking forever


alright i don't know what the problem is i'm gonna have to jump on my desktop and try mega or something hang on


plebbit doesn't allow mega links so here it is in base64, decode here >


i finally got it in base64 so that should work and yeah i can see it but it's uploading i can't do on my shit ass rural american internet but it's there on mega finally

This was such a waste of time.

for the people wondering, no it isn't porn.

i collect wmaf porn vids

top ten list, go!

Why do Asian women go for white dudes anyway? Is it about the white dudes or is it about the Asian dudes?

Actually reading the handful of asian dude cope subs over the years on reddit I'm pretty sure its about the asian dudes

Never fear the guy with the insane amount of statistics is here!

There have been studies indicating white men and asian women are the most attractive of each gender. Here is the relevant PDF

The first one is relevant to the PDF in simple graph form. The last one on this list is an incel catfish tinder experiment.

The PDF doesn't cover more obscure races in america like Aborigines or Currycels however the other amateur work indicates Male Currycels are the least desirable males and Female Blacks are the least desirable females. More study is needed for worldwide accuracy for more obscure races but this is what we have to work with.

Also East Asians have the smallest penises. Most likely due to height in Asians being shorter. The vagina depth to penis size ratio is probably a thing but that's unsubstantiated anecdotal claim by me. Shorter men typically have smaller penises as to not hurt their equally as short racial opposite sex companion. That is my hypothesis. The mayo penis perhaps entices the foid ricecel.

Very educational though I will have to report you for disseminating nazi materials

OP seems to be one of those Human biodiversity movement folk.

Liberals r tjhe real nazis

Tutsis are the real jews

I believe that Jews control the world, and I'm thankful for that.

What part of the master plan includes Chinese big people achieving world dominance?

The part where they all convert, goy.

Verbal and mathematical IQ. Spatial IQ list is topped by NE Asians.

If we're talking about lording it over the majority as a minority group, the Jews have done a stunningly bad job of it. Any actually competent minority would convince the majority of their supremacy and reign unchallenged, not get repeatedly genocided. Sentimentalism about religion isn't a very high IQ trait.

Actually like all of these IQ studies are garbage lol

Ashkenzai do not have higher average IQs

Stop seriousposting

Low IQ cope.

I believe every word of this, why hasn't it been posted in Nature

Probably get banned

When did you turn Nazbol ?

I had a ricecell tell me i can only get the uneducated asians lol

That's more asians than the ricecel can get

(East) Asian cultures conditions their foids to be super hypergamous. All of the messaging revolves around doing anything it takes to climb the social and economic ladder to secure your place in society. The Asians are under no illusions when it comes to the brutal Darwinian nature of existence due to their high IQs and Gengis Khan. The men are taught that their value is directly tied to their wealth and status while the women are taught that their value lies in their youthful appearance and docility. None of this "just be yourself" mayo nonsense. Asian culture is inherently red pilled.

In modern Western society, white guys are valued by Asian women primarily because they represent a surefire opportunity to advance in wealth and social standing WHILE also being perceived as more naive, permissive, and controllable. They believe white guys have lower standards and are easier to impress because their women are lazy and fat. Consequently, they are seen as easier to pussywhip than strict ass autistic Asian moids who will notice every 5 lbs you gain and minor social misstep you make. This opportunity deeply arouses the Asian foid's hypergamous instincts as it is basically like an evolutionary free lunch, all the reward but none of the cost.

Yes, the appeal of bigger dicks and height is part of the story but not all of it. If it were really about raw looks, masculinity and sexual appeal then you would expect to see more Asians pairing with black guys but Asian girls avoid them like the plague so it must be something else, like money and status. But when you consider that Asian men now make similar money as whites then it ultimately leaves behind social status as the probable cause of their attraction to white men. This is consistent with the general partner selecting behavior of women but appears to be especially amplified, because Asian women, like the men, have been bred to perform their functions like well-oiled machines.

Imagine being this guy: and struggling to get dates. Something is clearly not right here and I don't think you can blame it on the lack of efforts or achievement of Asian men if peak specimens of masculinity like this guy are being passed for normie white guys.

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.

I don't have enough spoons to read this shit

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What about ladyboys?

Unironically /r/drama's most valued treasure.

Not gay and I'd let that dude fuck me.

the women are taught that their value lies in their youthful appearance and docility

hi i think you haven't met filipino women

My gf is far from docile

That's the difference between fancy asian and jungle asian.

Filipinas are more Mexican that Asian.

I want this to be a real TED talk.

I can picture him being dragged off by security as he holds up pictures of comparative dick size charts and REEEing

I want to say this is BS but I'm white with an Asian girlfriend. Of course, I'm also one of ((them)) so it could be the fluoride in the water.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Ching chong ping ling


If only 😭😭😭


someone take one for the team and summon aznidentity

I do feel bad for Asian men. In China if you are a white guy you basically get treated like a rockstar. And the demographics are not in mens favor in China. At least there they vastly outnumber white guys in terms of absolute numbers.

demographics are not in mens favor in China.

Is this true ? I heard they hadn't counted the women at birth but now they've all started to turn up.

I didn't know that, I keep reading because of their one child policy favored boys a lot of their girls ended up aborted or dead. Creating a surplus of 30 million men or something like that.

Now it seems that there isn't that much of a shortage but a shortage nonetheless of girls.

So girls did turn up when they started getting educated or something but there's still sex gap, which given China's size is still no small amount.

Its how the human diaspora works we all want what is unique and rare because genetically it gives us the best chance to later adapt.

No dummy. Sideways strange is simply better.

I hear their vaginas open sideways like the lips on your mouth.

What'up with the video.. I don't understand, both are ugly

Oh i smell cope

What even is this sub, I started seeing posts about a week ago from here and just assumed it was from r/SubredditDrama and ignored it but then I started seeing like anti trump posts and the type of stuff you see on r/politics and now I see this.

It's like subredditdrama if it was cool. If you're on mobile read the side bar information. The object is to make everything as dramatic as possible. Also to piss everyone off. The mods are commies, anarchists, trumpers, trannies, centrists and other stuff. It's a hodgepodge of shitlords. This post in particular is a joke about how white men steal asian women from asian men who then in turn get pissed off.

I think I'll love it then

Just check the top posts of all time. I am sure it's pretty exciting. Actually maybe I will do that now.

There's a goal?

Radical centrism, everything can and will be drama, right wing retards and left wing cucks, and all the enlightened centrists galore.

Whats a ricecel?

Like incel but rice for asians. Like Commiecel, trumpcel, femcel, ricecel, currycel (indians), mayocel (white people), etc.

This is why I want China to annex the United States, that's a half a billion sideways pussies for us to unload into

Someone crosspost this to r/aznidentity, r/sino, and r/AsianMasculinity, you pussies won't.

I'd do it myself if I wasn't banned

Hold on I got this

the fucking lad's doing it

No comments tho :'(

whats with all the no drama t_d agenda posts recently