Gale-force COPE in foid funny farm as ex-jannies break their silence

19  2019-07-20 by Rentokill_boy


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homosexuals reproduce by raping kids


  1. Gale-force COPE in foid funny farm ... -,,

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Before I start this, I just want to clarify that I'm not doing this to be rude or to kick up any unnecessary drama



What do you think is going to happen to the others who voted for her removal? Retaliation? Are they going to step down too? I can’t imagine ever feeling respected or heard after being shot down and ignored that hard

I don't know and I wouldn't like to say on their behalf. I think it's possible that they will step down if their opinions continue to be ignored.

Edit: To add to this, I think that there is a fear of retaliation. It's a very tense situation right now.

What would that retaliation look like? Banned from the sub?

Potentially, yes. I think that we will find out within the next few hours if there is going to be retaliation.

It's like the cuban missile crisis in there

The Russians were totally justified.

Jesus those clown faced trannies are great for dramacoin

I envy their efficiency.

This started with a single mod leaving up a post that didn't quite fit the rules, and ended up as days long war between multiple subreddits, mod leaks, brigading, subreddit getting some functionality disabled and mods being demodded.

How the fuck blow something so small into drama this huge?

Use a little makeup. Some blush and foundation to cover large pores and some liner to look fabulous!
