Aged Ebony Queen BTFO of Cop Killing Mayos in new capeshit HBO Series

15  2019-07-20 by HodorTheDoorHolder_


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  1. Aged Ebony Queen BTFO of Cop Killin... -,

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if watchmen was even remotely popular mayos would seethe so hard they couldnt breathe... this is literal propaganda.

Can’t wait for all the seething that cop-killers are supposed to be the bad guys

Sounds like it's both. Cops are wearing masks, and rational daddy is teaching his daughter that people who wear masks are dangerous.

Day of the 🍩Krispy Kreme🍩 when?

I didn't know it was supposed to be a sequel. What's Moore have to say about this?

I’m sure he hates it.

He does hate about everything.

He's right to.

Even if there was a gang of Rorschach vigilantes fighting the cops somehow basketball americans would still commit statistically more murder.

It's a new story retard they didn't shoe horn anyone in lol

Take a backseat

Wrong the characters have decent costumes if not somewhat bland intentionally. She's literally just some woman in a disgustingly bad costume. The female members of watchmen are either super soldiers or espionage peak human spies. How da fuck is this house wife a super hero? I COULD BEAT HER UP.

She isn't a fucking super hero, that's what I just said. They are all retards playing hero except blue penis man.

Oh well never mind I remembered silk being a retired spy for some reason. I must have gotten that mixed up. Anyway the main character is really dumb and I hate it. Like fuck have some fashion sense am I rite.

It didn't even come out yet!

Yes because no one has ever predicted a shit show made by hbo or netflix from just the trailer... oh wait.

Just say you hate that they casted a black woman as the lead protagonist and we can get on with it

How did you even type this fast when I hit submit 5 seconds ago.

I'm a precog

This show is a sequel to a movie based on a comic and the story has no source material. Stop being facetious

No retard, it is a continuation of the book. The book and the movie has distinct differences, and one of the distinct differences that is only in the book in the trailer for the TV show.

Once again, take a back seat.

and one of the distinct differences that is only in the book in the trailer for the TV show

Please rephrase this so it makes sense


No I hate that they picked an ugly black woman, wrote her like trash and made her unrealistic. One of the plot points of watchmen is that women are physically weak and need tools to beat the shit out of people if they want to be heroes. Even though Dr. Manhattan exists as a god, the universe still has semblance of regular logic. If she runs around beating the shit out of giant muscular men that just shits all over the series.

wrote her like trash

How, how could you possibly know they wrote her like trash, from a trailer?

It’s a sequel you dumbfuck. Do you live in a place where you’ve never seen a black cop?

a sequel you dumbfuck

a sequel based on nothing

Have you never read the source material or watched the movie?

On May 22, 2018, Lindelof posted a five-page open letter to fans of the comic book series wherein he revealed that the television series would not be a direct adaptation of the source material or a sequel to it either but instead would depict a new, original story.

N-slur can you read? It's not based on anything.

Then it’s a story that takes place in the Watchmen universe. You’re still a dumbfuck.

N-slur where is your main account coward.


Calls someone a coward, literally types "N-slur". Nigga, please.

Alan Moore hates this, and he's right to.

What's up niggers? You mad?