There is wailing and gnashing of teeth as an author paints one of her transgender characters straight.

45  2019-07-20 by ThatCoconut


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Are you black or something? Why do you think fathers don't exist?


  1. There is wailing and gnashing of te... -,,

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Unpopular opinion I know but I really think these people are mentally I'll

Can't wait

Oscar material right there.

Adam is such a fucking Chad using idpol to screw lesbians while also being a marginalized minority

Bonus seething in the book reviews

Unironically based. Write a bunch of shitty books that cause an immense amount of seethe and then sell the rights for w massive payout

Shelves: shitlist, dont_mansplain_me, dont_whitesplain_me, fetishization_of_minorities

As a cis & hetero lady, I do my best to be an ally and to check my privilege



Bottom line: if you don't know how to write about being part of the LGBTQQIAP community in a respectable way, then you can fuck the fuck off.

What the living fuck is the acronym?



Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Quaint, Italian, Age Play

Most lesbians can be cured by sex and being made submissive to a strong man

It's disgustingly true that many women want to be dominated. To be needed. To be useful. They truly crave being told to make me a sandwich and only get outspoken when they crave a little spanking or such. Afterwards they sleep soundly feeling their purpose has been fulfilled.

It's not that but women desire a man to fulfill his natural role as chief of the family.

The woman in history has had a lot more to pay if she got banged out she could be on the hook for the next twenty years.




Inshallah 🕌👳🏻‍♂️🕋✈️🛩🏢🏢


thats,,,, not how it works

So let me get this straight:

Adam is the story of a soylet nerd who awakens GigaChad pilled revelations as he dons transblackface to get it on with lesbians who take his Masculine Penis as a beautiful feminine appendage and enjoy a heterosexual dicking from an ostensible trans cutie.

Such a based book needs to win many literary awards and best picture and screenplay if it becomes a movie.