Foid treats entire apartment complex that doesn’t allow dogs like it’s her completely untrained “emotional support animal’s” personal playground. She seems to have a problem understanding how anyone could have a problem with this.

49  2019-07-20 by Pizzashillsmom


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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Based old lady. She knows this woman is only raising Olaf so it can mount her when he's bigger. Old lady could sense that she had taken the dog pill and intervened.

Many don’t realize this but PSs mom is pretty based. She’s sent him to bed with no tendies more than once according to pojom

During June and July, If I take him outside to walk, much less run, after the hours of 7 a.m., he will get heatstroke and die. My vet told me to only do indoor play

What kind of moron buys a dog that can't even fucking go outside for 1/6th of the year where they live?

On one hand, I can understand why she doesn't want us to do this. On the other hand, what am I supposed to do?

Move, stop or get rid of the dog.

She also could have got a cat. The doctor said support animal, not dog. I’m not a cat person, but I also hate people that feel special and want the rules bent for them.

I have great Pyrenees and swiss shepherds. They are fine in 117 degree red bluff, CA temps. You just hose them down or let them swim in a pond. As long as you aren't running them it's not much of a problem. Now that I live in NoVa, they walk on pavement. I know the vet says not to walk them on blacktop when it's over 90 degrees, but I was over 100 today and all my dogs preferred the pavement to the grass. Dogs are more resilient than mayo scum.

I don't understand any of that but ThousandQueerReich is a great username and I'm unironically jelly I didn't think of it first

Fags, lefties, rightoids and mayos all upset. It's a winner.

Previous comment is about giant, fluffy dogs in hot climates.

This is why I love having a superbly trained 110 pound beast. Whenever I see mayo nonsense like this he will look at me, look at this little faggot dog, put himself between us. Sit down and stare at the dog. If the dog Starts coming towards me I get to nicely explain to dumb foids like this that she should please put her pet on a leash, my guy won’t do a thing, but I can’t be held responsible if he acts in self defense.

It’s literally stand your ground, and it’s so fun watching the “big scary dog” act perfect while some 9 pound faggot yaps at him.

Tell me you have a pibble 😍

Doberman. I don’t have kids but if I did I would enjoy them reaching adulthood

Lol I guess Dobermans eat considerably less toddlers per year, but they can still be a dangerous breed.

But then again I have a bull terrier so I can't really talk.

Dobermans can be. But they are also super intelligent lol hence unliked pibbls If trained they we eok

Yeah my bull terrier (kinda a very much tamed down version of a pit, the target dog) is straight up retarded compared to my Blue Heeler.

My new foid has a blue heeler and a Dalmatian. The dichotomy is hilarious.

Even if he’s stupid it sounds like your dog is good and well trained.

Blue Heelers are good dogs, but even if they're highly trained, some will still try to herd small children by nipping, I always keep mine inside if my nieces or nephews are around.

Instinct in a breed is a hell of a thing.

And that's the last she'll hear from the neighbor, too, I bet.

Imagine being an Arizona cel

What a piece of shit. I have a few rentals and I've been concerned about someone pulling that emotional support animal bullshit. I'm sorry, your animal is not going to damage my 6 figure investment.

Why are people so messed up they need an emotional support animal. These people need to be committed.

Dude you need to learn how to use commas in you're title.

Being a nerd


Rich bitch cant accept that she might have to follow rules she doesnt have any influence over.