Stunning and brave dramazen asks r/Trashy: "How bad is rape really?"

36  2019-07-20 by isitrlythough


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womp womp


  1. Stunning and brave dramazen asks r/... -,,

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This but unironically

Never happened, Reddit just loves to spread this fake news around because it gives them an excuse to tear down a minority woman. She brought men back to rooms, drugged them, robbed them, and then left. Still criminal behavior, but it’s not even remotely close to rape. People trying to conflate her with Bill Cosby ffs.

They aren't wrong she's a thief/robber not a rapist

And she only robbed people that should've known they'd get their assess robbed, that's the deal with strippers: any trust level you have with them is completely on you.

To borrow a chapo term, she's rapist-adjacent.

gives them an excuse to tear down a minority woman

lmao the hottest part of the take

There has been a lot of cope at the BernieBros HQ after she endorsed him.

Who is OJ going to endorse? What about the Manson family? Which politicians are they going door to door to encourage support for?

Reddit still crying about this its like they got robbed by a thot too

It's what they tell themselves is happening when they see the Patreon and GamerGirl bathwater charges on their 29% interest credit cards.

Imagine anyone taking this fugly pile of meat above clown level.


ellipsis posters should be banned on the spot

Anyone who sleeps with a thot deserves to get robbed