Pirate-Canadian foid journalist takes a trip back home to prove it's a safe, beautiful place. Gets killed by terrorists.

332  2019-07-21 by MalthusianDick


/r/drama was part of my shift rightward. There are a lot of rightoids in there doing the lords work, showing people to the light. Ironic rightoid posting can still red-pill people. And good drama is still good drama, whether it's chapotards sperging out over ableism in the revolution or the Donald Defense Force sperging out about NPCs. Drama is one of the few places where actual fascists and actual leftists clash on a daily basis, and it's pretty entertaining.

I'm currently banned for circumventing the custom subreddit style at /r/drama though.


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This only proves that I'm not MDEfugee, downie, autist, or any other labels you cucks try to put on me. I'm my own party, army and a movement. I'm an independent, thinking, rational person unlike you dumb sheep.


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This woman's dad was living in war torn hell hole and he sacrificed everything to bring his family to a safe country with opportunity, where he worked his ass of to give his kids a chance to succeed, just so his daughter can go back to said hellhole and get murdered. I'm sure he would be proud.

I don’t get it either. I can sort of empathize. It was her passion I guess, and people were telling her it was a great thing to do. Idk. Hope the little time spent there was worth it to her.

It's Somalia so I highly doubt it.

there are some places, like somaliland, that are not too bad

Mfw the dead foid comes back to life to defend her country on r/drama

Cope harder you cringy mdefugee

This only proves that I'm not MDEfugee, downie, autist, or any other labels you cucks try to put on me. I'm my own party, army and a movement. I'm an independent, thinking, rational person unlike you dumb sheep.

Obsessed mdefugee

Im not the one virtue signalling on r/drama though?

viRtUe siGnAlIng

Make it a bit less obvious conservitard

Only tard here is you tbh

The leftoid equivalent of a kid learning swear words for the first time.

I know humor is difficult for rightoids but surely you can do better than this

Shut up faggot


lol Actual projection.

Rightoids atent sending their best

You tried.

You 2 sweetheart

Snappy quote.

Its a bussybot quote

i'm sure he's absolutely SEETHING about not living in Somalia

You play league of legends. That all that needs to be said

nooo please accept me mr somali, it's very important to me

Sorry I dont accept low life who play league all day. Go outside you pathetic hardstuck diamond garbage draven main

i'd say the same for you but you'd probably get shot like the journalist, so stay inside you seething little somppu

The craven comment got to you huh? Lmao so mad

a somppu and shit at league? shocking


Everyone I don't like is an mdefugee - a child's guide to drama shitposting

Nice alt

Unironically this

I can empathize but I still find it fucking retarded

it was probably important to her, more than just virtue signaling, a way to prove to herself that her home wasn’t as bad as people said it was, etc

That being said, it was still an astronomically retarded decision and she didn’t think any of it through whatsoever. Poor lad

...a way to prove to herself that her home wasn't as bad as people said it was

And yet it was as bad as people said it was. It's almost if third world shithole the rest of the globe avoids are avoided for a reason. A reason like, oh I dunno, it being a third world shithole where you're probably more likely to be murdered than not. Hmm...

Sometimes, Trump is right and your homeland is a shithole country.

No touching that one bro


if it’s not America, it’s a shithole country


Bandit Keith would be proud.

it sounds like a large part of her audience was Somalian, and she was trying to get them to focus on nature and food and shit instead of the killing people shit

it's fucking somalia dude, the literal asshole country of and asshole nation, BY STANDARD the DUMBEST MEASURED NATION ON EARTH

Like all foids, she did it so she could virtue signal.


absolutely shameful on her behalf, especially considering she had 3 kids who will suffer as a result.

Learn to read. She has two kids, and was pregnant with the third. Her last act as a mother was to effectively volunteer this kid for an abortion.

In that case, I support her choice as an empowered woman.



This but unironically and only for mayos

She was 43. Let's be honest, the chances that kid was coming out without a disability were pretty slim.

You're implying that she wasn't disabled for going back to Somalia.

All her kids were probably disabled due to genetics.

Damn dude, y'all are fucking evil.

Begone newfag alt


👏 ya'll 👏 can't 👏 behave 👏

We're no; we're apathetic.

We lost a Drama subscriber with this event.

Hey we are always looking for more dramaoids, especially since the banout. Stop 👏 aborting 👏 is 👏

Man you really are a nutcase. kys

I always do my best to keep myself safe.

Utterly shameful. She should be honor killed... Oh wait.

Careful with that edge.

dont be mad because it true, muhammed

actually dying for your retarded cause isn't virtue signaling. Its literally the opposite.

He didn't have to walk the streets of Toronto, just to find a little qual BBC though 🧘🍆💦


I really don't know what he meant but I upvoted it anyways

not funny didnt laugh

What an interesting use of time, my friend

not funny didnt laugh

The Somali community in Canada isn't exactly known for their peace and prosperity here. They struggle with their kids getting in gangs and killing each other over stupid shit

sounds like the ones that have been in USA for over 100yrs, Have fun leafs!

In Somalia, "nobody looked at me like I was strange, nobody cared that I had a darker complexion, that I was different from them, they were welcoming me," she said. "And we never had that belonging in the diaspora."


Ok but now you're dead lol. Seems like your pursuit of acceptance came at a cost.

At least she died doing something she believed in.

She believed in getting shot with AKs.

but somalians are darker than her.

wtf is she talking about? anyway no one will cry for the death of her

This poor POC was forced out of racist alt right Canada back to her war torn country and now the leafs have her blood on their hands.


Nothing personnel kid 🙍🏿‍♂️🙈

Omg her logic is over 9000.. of course nobody looked at her like she'd strange, they are all dark skinned there.

That's literally her point, retard

That she needs a space with only people that look like her to feel welcomed and accepted? She sounds pretty racist.

Most people imagine there is a place they really truly belong. Sensible know they should avoid that place like the testing clinic after Mardi Gras.

Racial tensions is one of the last things on the priority list in a country ravaged by civil war for so many years. The gun barrel has no discrimination.

In Somalia, "nobody looked at me like I was strange, nobody cared that I had a darker complexion, that I was different from them, they were welcoming me," she said. "And we never had that belonging in the diaspora."

That's because everyone else is brown in Somalia you dead nincompoop!

It's like if my fucking slavscum ass went anywhere east of Germany they wouldn't know the difference until I opened my mouth.

It was like rain on her wedding day. :(

ahahahaha awesome

If it is so safe and beautiful. Why is she living in Canada?

She's not, she's dead in Somalia. Nigga can u read?

It's r/drama so I doubt it

:)) who reads anything other than the title


The answer is in the question.

>she was killed [...] a year after she moved to Somalia from Canada with a mission to showcase the east African country's rich culture

Damn I'm really seeing the rich culture now, when can I visit

Well I sure do feel enriched by the good laugh this gave me.

I will sacrifice everything in my life for just the smallest embrace of 3rd world culture? Cooking books? Fuck em take my wife as long as you can make a mean shishkabab

hey, go to Karachi, pay for a bunch of security, and you can have it all

There's third world countries, and then there's Pakistan. Even if you like the former, don't go to Pakistan. You'll get raped in the bussy, kidnapped and forced to have intercourse with a goat and then they'll kill you and use your meat to make kebabs that taste like shit compared to Afghan kebab.

sounds like someone’s an Afghan

Sounds like someone is a filthy paki spy. Give up Pashtunistan peacefully or else we might have to rename Hindukush to Pakikush after taking what's ours.


lol only thing that’s yours is bacha bazi

This hateful anti-bussy comment is not ok. And bacha bazi is also not Pashtun originally, the term is literally Persian.

And at least we're not shagging goats and 3 year old girls like pakicels. Pakistan is an illegitimate state that deserves to be partitioned between Afghanistan and India (we don't want all of the filthy pakis in our country so India can have the shittiest parts).

Keep coping with your shit-tier Punjabi genes.




why are you spazzing out so hard over your country and irrelevant politics

no one cares, trash is trash



why do you assume I’m a pakicel

If you ain't with us, you're against us. Pakicel sympathizers won't be tolerated in /r/drama.

“If you ain’t with us, you’re against us”

Someone’s not a radical centrist, and that calls for a ban


"us" refers to radical centrists you retard

radical centrists don’t jerk themselves off over Afghanistan while hating Afghanistan v.2, they hate both

Wait- do Afghan pashtuns really hate Pakistan pashtuns or is this a meme?

Nah, they're our brothers. They're not pakis!!! Paki pashtuns is an oxymoron.

Afghanistan is where the Paki's go to cut loose and show their true selves.

India got the better deal when they split. They were finally free of the Paki menace. Imagine Indian Muslims. They never stopped raping.

Imagine Indian Muslims

No need to imagine. There's like 150 million of them in India.

The women in India are thin because they spend so much time running.

why are they so hairy?

It camoflouges them in the jungle.

imagine thinking that people who cover themselves in cow shit as an act of worship are any better than people who fuck goats

pure indian cope. cant wait for the day pakistan or bangladesh wipes you off the map

Shishkabab is good though

Are we culturally enriched yet?

Idealists should be required to watch the 2008 Rambo before they go out on these admirable but risky crusades. It's great knowing that extremists aren't wholly racial motivated though.

Perhaps this will be the vehicle towards more mayocide. Somalia could use a lot more social justice.

The 50 cal scene in that movie fucking rules

I kinda miss when bad guys would just sorta hold their gunshot wounds and fall over, but this is dope too.

>foid is completely useless throughout the scene

And people say action movies aren't realistic

Somalia could use a lot more social justice.

Open borders for som... Nevermind 😑

There are likely no reported incidents of police brutality or sexual assault in Somalia. The West really needs radical anarchism and to leave policing to the free market.

Reported for libertarianism.

It's actually a decentralized peer-to-peer network of sharia law with some pirate code. If there's any Epstein shit, it's a haram node that will be subject to lapidation.

Stop projecting your degeneracy onto sovereign neo-nation free from the disease of globalization.

You did a bad. You committed a Haram. This will be stored in the block chain until Allah returns, or a 51% mullah attack commences. Good luck, infidel.

Damn she was pretty fine shame she died

43 year old pregnant foid


My type 💦

Yo ho a pirates life is not for me.

apparently not for her either

Your are doing amazing work in countering the doom narrative propagated by many about Somalia, one tweet at a time

Well this tweet didn't age well.

One tweet at a time


Imagine thinking being a retarded virtue signaling woketard on Twitter is something not only worth pursuing and totally not pathetic but also a legit strategy in working towards positively changing a violent hell hole

Idk why these virtue signal tards think that tweeting at each other in their bubble will change reality.

She added: "Social media has changed the game for how people learn about culture. If we don't become the creators of our own content, we are going to be at the mercy of people telling stories about Africa." 

I guess we're going to be telling the story regardless now

Is there a single shittier place on earth than Somalia?



A 7/11 at 3 am in Los Angeles

It all comes down to, would rather get eaten by an alligator or get splashed in the face with acid?

while getting stabbed

and robbed

Part and parcel

'Anks guvna

id rather get eaten by an alligator than spend a day in the great britain as a whole

But you're forgetting about the Floridapeople who have cocaine in their DNA

better than brits

This but unironically. Floridamen will do as they do but britbongs? Britbongs will have the gall to look down upon your filthy colonial ass even while their face is being melted away by the acid thrown into it

To be fair their murder rate is still lower than ours

Can't have a higher death rate than a first world country if most of your people are already dead

yaaas, anglocide when

South Sudan maybe?


You mean USA 2.0? Liberia is cool.


ah, black North Korea

This is heartbreaking. Hodan was a model for possibility in the Rexdale community, and one of the kindest people I've ever met. She used to tell me that whenever I got tired of the BS in this city, to put my family on a plane and go see East Africa.


I enjoy subtle murder attempts.

lol “BS”

Toronto is probably the most multicultural large city in the world, if you’re brown and can’t hack it here you literally can’t hack it in the white mans world

The fact that people are giddy about this really demonstrates how much of shithole this sub is. This thread is identical to a thread you would see on mde. Come to think of it, this is preety much where all the mdefugees ran off to when their garbage sub got banned.

it's super duper funny and def very dramatic

Another mdefugee.

we also laugh at dumb things trump says u retard

Hahahahahahhahahahahahahha that is rich. I dont know what kind of deluded alternate reality you are living in, but this place is filled with mdefugees and thedonaldfugees. Just look at what's upvoted you fool

Oof 4 out of the hundreds that are posted. No bias here!!

They should xall this place the Donald 2!!!


Hey man you wanna argue about nothing?

Ban this sub

Ok I will 😤😤😤

Did it work? Tall me if it worked.

Let me see


U know u should just become a mod and ban it that way. We can infiltrate that garbage sub

Dude I hate responsibility. That's why I'm a slave owner.

What the fk

I mean cat! Cat owner!

the cope is coming from inside the house

And like clockwork the most upvoted post on the sub is unironically about TDS. So pathetic lol

What, people cant laugh about dumb people dying anymore?

You seem obsessed


Isn't she doing exactly what Trump would like US immigrants to do? Try and fix their home countries?

I feel like a lot of accounts in this thread should be cheering her efforts and despairing at her loss...

alternatively, you could just be racist

Mayos are just projecting that she was one of the types to demonize the West. Anyway, this story just demonstrates that 'trying to fix their home countries' is at best a futile effort and at worst 'sending an dog to a farm upstate'. If billions of dollars of foreign aid and military might failed, social justice isn't going to be what changes anything.

Our departed idealist was like Patrick Swayzee at the end Point Break: someone riding a big wave of doom.

How did you find this thread?

/r/all page 177 or something

She should have focused on her own crime ridden Somali community in Canada, rather than pretending their homeland of Wakanda was a peaceful paradise.

She was basically trying to divert attention from the problems Somalians have integrating in Canadian society by saying "look, Somalia is so safe and welcoming, clearly it is Canada that is the problem".

Peaceful paradise

Did you read the article? She freely admitted that it was war-torn but wanted to focus on the positives to help give Somalis in Canada a more positive sense of identity

Focusing on the positive aspects of a country 1000's of km away that they had to flee due to violence is the definition of cope.

well yeah, of course it's coping but life isn't a reddit meme and learning to cope with things can be important. i imagine that being from a place and ethnic group that is wholly associated with violence can't feel good and that focusing on some of the positives of being somali can help somalis feel less like pariahs if that is the case. applying reddit memes to a real-world situation in all seriousness is ridiculous btw and for this you should probably spend more time off the computer

Look how it turned out for her, her entire narrative is now clouded by the incredible ironic nature of her death. This will just fuel exactly the type of stereotypes she was trying to crush

You're right, but the risk of this happening to her was reasonably low to the point where it probably seemed like it was worth it. from what I've gathered a lot of people in the Somali diaspora visit the country without having any problems.

She should have stayed in Canada and worked with Somalia culture here, we could have used someone like that. I live in a place with a lot of Somalians and I also know a social worker who operates with them directly. This lady moved here when she was a toddler, which makes her pretty much a sheltered Canadian as much as I am, and instead of fixing her home she decided to Somalia because (as she openly stated) the people there look like her. It's like she was given a gift by being one of the very extremely few third worlders allowed entry to possibly the safest country on earth (despite what Americans think it is actually very hard to immigrate to Canada) and she rejected it.

help give Somalis in Canada a more positive sense of identity

what, lighting cars on fire and stabbing people isn't enough?

This is why Ilhan got so upset when he said that.

I don't like trump tho

ngl I respect her acting on her values in a real way

but she wasn't trying to fix any problems. She was trying to demonstrate the malice of western nations while demonstrating the pure natural beauty of her POC-paradise.

She was in active denial about the problems.

So learn to appreciate amerikkkkkkkkkaaaaaa

Somalia is only safe if you have money, and know how to spread it around to create an enclave. Look at what Paul LeRoux did in Somalia (granted, his intentions weren't 100% pure, but the example stands).

And I thought Killmayo was a nice place...

Send that traitor of an immigration minister back to his same shithole.

I know that everyone in this sub has jerked themselves off about how a poc went and got themselves killed in some so called "3rd world shit hole", but I want everyone on this sub to reflect on the causes that compel a woman such as her to find meaning and betterment in such places. Somalia might be as shitty as everyone says, but have you forgotten that Canada is even worse?

So did she have a bounty on her head of was this just run of the mill Somali terrorism? Tbh idk what’s worse

Depression : Please die or something. Me: SHUT UP! PHASE FOUR WAS COMING MOTHERPARKER!

I don't think thats how it works.

Let's gloat over the death of this woman like a bunch of pieces of shit

Somalia is beautiful and you are shit

You should go on an extended vacation there to prove your point. This is the only way.

What's a foid, for those who don't spend 24/7 on reddit?

Toronto sucks. This lady had the right idea tbh.