The Prince launches a violent coup d'etat against /r/ConservativeDemocrat. Mass purges and causalities reported with no end in sight.

85  2019-07-21 by TheBravestButthole


His name was jackrousseau.

His name was jackrousseau.

His name was jackrousseau.

Its how homosexuals procreate.

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I may be a 30 year old virgin who has never had a relationship but at least I’m not an incel


  1. The Prince launches a violent coup ... -,,

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Imagine being above the age of 13 and saying out loud that your an anarchist unironically

Imagine being above the age of 18 and still bending over for big government to fuck your ass

Imagine being any age and not realizing the state was formed as a useful way to maximize human efficiency.

Imagine recognizing the utility of the state but also its ability to inhibit people’s desires and freedoms in a harmful way

Imagine not realizing that some people's desires and freedoms need to be inhibited.

Imagine not realizing that it isn’t the place of any individual to force someone to partake in society and that the industrial revolution has led to it being impossible to live stateless

This whole match of words is, frankly, very Jewish. I'm in no need of convincing a simpleton to accept the rule of his masters, when his daily life does it for me.

Are you implying uncle ted was a Jew?

Silly shrew, everyone is a jew until proven otherwise.

And why are you sending shit on a less than a month old alt that has only commented here

You are not doing anything to disprove your shekel loving.

Neither are you nazbol gyp

The sheep's last resort is to self destruct in an attempt to ward off attackers.

Imagine unironically calling people sheep.

Imagime failing to see that irony in your own autistic screeching as you're milked by dramatards

Imagine thinking the system should change because a couple of angsty 20 something college dropouts don’t want to participate in society with the rest of us

Imagine thinking it would be hard at all to leave a couple of 20 something college dropouts alone

Don’t your parents go to work all day leaving you home alone?

No, being unemployed is the family business

it isn't the place of any individual to force someone to partake in society

Why not

Isn't that literally the point of any political action whatsoever?

it isn’t the place of any individual to force someone to partake in society

That's fine, but I don't want to give those people money. You're cool with that, right?


Okay, that's fine then.

A main reason of not participating in society is viewing that the benefit you get from being in it doesn’t outweigh what it takes away from you. Only full retards want to be above the law and social contract and yet expect gibs

That’s the point of society

Imagine being a serious poster.

Imagine being a serious poster.

Imagine being a serious poster.

Imagine being a serious poster.

lmao nice

Imagine imagining

Even worse a bourgeois liberal pretending to be anarchist.

I love kropotkin for the shit stirring he does, but he reminds me of a hamster on a wheel.

a hamster that tankies make songs about cooking and eating

The name, _ham_ster, is suggestive.

He's probably the pettiest bitch on this entire site, shame he won't associate with /r/drama anymore

And look how defensive he's getting to people who notice that he's a massively online loser.

Nuh uh, I totally have a full and enriching offline life! This takeover of an obscure sub that most people don't even know exists happened on a whim and only took me 10m! Being a mod, a self-proclaimed anarchist over the age of 16, and a poweruser on reddit dot com with full discordcel intigration doesn't mean I'm not a normal and productive human being! No, really!

Come on P_K, just own that shit like pizza or lawlz. Denying your "very online loser" status makes you look slightly more pathetic, not less.

The absolute state of reddit

I believe in fairies and unicorns i took over this sub. Hahahaha

I'm curious, how does this kind of thing even happen? Like how does he just get control of subreddits?

Through /r/redditrequest if there are no or only inactive mods.

Taking over these pointless, unpopular subs is his life's work, but not even chapo seem to care and just seem to find him sad and annoying.

because it's funny! the chapo podcast got its start trolling twitter accounts with like 17 followers too

also I just removed a bunch of posts because i thought they were dumb

"Because it's funny chapo! Aren't I cool now, guys? :D :) :( :,("

I remember this dude being insufferable like two years ago but god damn his little reddit persona has really gone to his head. This is just bizarre, hes using his own catch phrases and talking in the third person.

This is just bizarre, hes using his own catch phrases and talking in the third person.

That makes him a strong candidate for being an /r/drama moderator.

I'd happily invite him to mod if only because the urge to punish all the non-believers with the compulsive powers of moderatorship would fry his anarchism circuit.




No zozbot. No.

Sounds like an unironic dick head. Most larping chapos/anarchists are absolute annoying cock heads though. But then again, they're all literally 16-20 year olds.



Ah that's a lot more boring than expected. Cheers tho bro

No, it’s because you’re a loser who has far too much time on your hands

I'm not sure how such a mundane and obvious fact can continue to be so amusing, but damned if I don't at least smirk whenever I read something like this about PK and other like him.

Did he ever get his PhD like he used to tell everyone?

I think he said in some CTH thread yesterday that he was gonna get it next year

Which means he is projected to earn it by at least the year 2034.

Lol I’m just glad that people are reminding him of his commitment. In communism, if one earns a degree then they all earn a degree.

Also PK: “my online enemies hate me for no reason lol they’re just like obsessed or something”

417 readers

Wasnt prince an active mod here a few years ago?

He was at least a pretty active user here.

He wasn't a mod I don't think, just a power user.

I was really hoping that said /r/conservative

Dude that would be epic

Miss his antics.