Subtlety is not the right winger’s forte

14  2019-07-21 by Ill_Regal


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No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


  1. Subtlety is not the right winger’s ... -,,

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Partisans can’t meme.

Only radcens can meme. 😎

I give this sub 4 hours.

Subtlety and shrew world :P



Hey man this heckin shrew really got a big nose, wow

If I find rightoid jokes funnier than leftoid jokes (do leftoids joke?), does that affect my centrism?

No, but it makes you have a bad sense of humor if you think that’s funny

How can that parody of NPC Redditor lexicon not be funny in the context of an antisemitic hate post?

I stand by my bad sense of humour.

If we take the humor in an unforeseen sense (that they are the very thing they attempt to parody), then I understand that. But ironic shitposting is just shitposting. I’m too tired for this shit

/r/stupidpol and /r/cumtown have the only funny leftoids

It means that you huff too much paint thinner

I honestly cant tell whether these posts are completely oblivious rightoids who cant into subtelty, or leftoids who desperately want these subs to get shut down posting the most overt but unbannable things to achieve that result

Lol how retarded do rightoids thing people are or do they just think they are that smart and subtle?


I'm not sure if the sub's creator is a troll or if he's trying to bait the antishrews, but he's a regular AHS and Antifastonetoss poster. Also a MemriTVmemes mod, so maybe he really does hate jews. IDK, all of this is kinda weird and I don't understand how nobody on AHS caught he's their guy.