White Power

7  2019-07-21 by Quietus42


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I may be a 30 year old virgin who has never had a relationship but at least I’m not an incel


  1. White Power - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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white trash gang member acts ou

Though embarrassing, a mayo acting less civilized than statistic Americans isn’t drama.

Check out the comments though

Ok ok. My apologies as always my friend. Imagine being such a fragile Mayo you defend literal gang banging nazis getting rightfully owned

Yeah I think my title isn't going over well. Serves me right for trying to be clever

Lmao, whitey had that unmistakable look of someone with a sudden appreciation for his place in the world.

White boy calling other white "people" "white boy"


What’s racist about him? He looks like a juggalo if anything, and he’s flying a red flag in his back pocket.

Unless he's a Buddhist, that swastika on his arm is usually a pretty good indicator