Rightoid Troll poster causes TuMOR and WorldPolitics to reeee over whether or not a photoshopped image of Daddy Drumpf throatfucking AOC counts as Spam, a threat, or an image of implied rape

111  2019-07-21 by El_Guero_Alto


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Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


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Fuck whoever made that. Don't like AOC or Trump but that's not funny and whoever made that is sick

imagine caring

Imagine caring about anything at all

Nihilism gang RISE UP!

Or don't. Whatever. It doesn't matter anyway.

SOLIPSISM GANG RISE-- oh wait you can't because my mind is the only thing that actually exists lol

Based and unfathomably redpilled

imagine imagining

I bet that tard is an avid /r/politics poster

I can guarantee that same person found the Kathy Griffin picture with Trumps decapitated head feel sick as well.

My name is [name] and this thing on the internet is bad.

It is 2019 and i am shocked.

not funny didn't laugh

People acting like faked/drawn raping of public figures is even close to a new thing. Cute.

I think it's trashy as all fuck but people can get the fuck out of here pretending the DDF invented this.

lmao that pic was posted on /r/killthosewhodisagree talk about reaching

That sub needs to ban all US politics, forever.

I’d Trump doesn’t support this, why hasn’t he clarified that via tweet?? He needs to link this and denounce it publicly.

Watch out aoc you're gonna choke on a mushroom

I mean its unrealistic as fuck, we all know Daddy wants to get domed and stepped on by commie mommy

Trump was literally paying post-wall bimbo blondes for sex. He couldn't bag AOC if he wanted.

Yeah because she's top shelf.

Are there people who don’t want to get domed by a sassy histrionic Latinx commie with giant perky communal milkers and an ass that grown men would starve in a block long line to dick down?


Foidfuckers raus


You are inferring rape. Rape has to be unwanted. You cant determine that from this pic.

Stop lying to yourself this is clearly a threat of rape. I can't imagine a single instance in which AOC would consent to this.

said the same thing when i heard this story the first time.

Based website.

I can't imagine a single instance in which AOC would consent to this.

"If you suck my cock I'll give you the Presidency."

Source on that cutie (I'm lazy I need a direct link faggots)


das hot

Can you imagine if he retweeted this?

Fuck me i hope that happens.

God that'd be incredible for this sub.


How would he get his massive hog past her teeth

Isn't the point of /r/worldpolitics to promote policy discussion? What is this supposed to accomplish?

discussion of MOMMY MILKERS <3 <3 <3
