r/Atheism got triggered because I called out one of their top posts for being fabricated to make Christians look bad. I am now banned for linking to r/Drama and got muted for calling Darwin a Christian. When will the admins ban this hate sub?

40  2019-07-21 by TheGoldenWhale1995


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


  1. r/Atheism got triggered because I c... - archive.org, archive.today

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

The moderators of r/atheism are well-known for their fragility.

It is really pathetic.

I bet the guy who banned me thought he was some kind of internet philosopher, but in all likehood, he was just some teenage keyboard warrior with an oversized ego.

I’m the only philosopher on the internet

There's one in particular who is a next level lolcow. He used to non-stop spam some Madalyn O'Hair quote to anyone who dared add any nuance to a thread about religion and ban more than latestagecapitalism mods. Truly a titan among neckbeards.

God of atheism?

Probably since he also ruined every circlebroke network ever.

Any thought that may disrupt their fragile grip on euphoria cannot be entertained.

Not even r/drama jannoids act like this

step it up jfc drama

Imagine being a mod at r/atheism lmao. Probably the least respectable sub to janny for.

no entity has made me reconsider dropping my religion quite like /r/atheism

Trad Catholic hipsters are gonna be the next new contrarian phenemonon.

Im religious, seeing r/atheism makes me question my faith in God

Join the Ultra-Orthodox Orthodox club. It's the new counter-culture.

Well muslims are the most violent and degenerate religion

The only thing more pathetic than spending time on /r/atheism is being a christcel

Militant atheists are almost bigger fags than militant religious people.

I've been a lifelong atheist, but /r/atheism makes me cringe. Luckily for me, I've been banned for years.

Atheism as a movement is completely dead. At this point anyone who even cares about it is just beating a dead horse that has been rotting for half a decade.

You mean that Atheism+ nonsense that was getting pushed a few years back? Yeah, that was pretty dumb. Humanism is already a thing, why did Atheism+ need to exist?

Your life must be really boring

Atheism is unironically a worse sub than politics.

All I see is OP absolutely SEETHING

You got banned from a sub you self evidently shouldn't give a shit about.

I sleep.

OP is literally making drama out of nothing, this is the kind of shit we need. The results weren't that great but there was an attempt

Ya if this wasnt an obvious butthurt post and OP wasn't unironically mad this would be funny, but this dweeb posted here just to get patted on the head by drama and vindicated because they are mean atheists anyway. This guy actually cares about getting banned.

he can be a lolcow

Ok fine

Darwin likely lost his religion near the end of his life or at minimum he was severely questioning it.

Einstein called himself a "religious non-believer" and never believed in a god that gave a shit about humanity. He was a well-known humanist.

That said, 2 random (albeit incredibly famous) scientists believing or not believing doesn't mean shit any way. They could easily say that Hitler was a Christian and therefore Christianity is evil but that's an absurd statement.

I mean it's literally over for atheistcels.

Einstein is a part of the tribe. Relativity is a shrewish trick

Hitler was an [atheist who despised Christianity]( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_views_of_Adolf_Hitler ), but that doesn't stop the heathens on that sub from repeatedly making that baseless claim, believing said claim as immaculate gospel truth, and enforcing their dogma by suppression of heresy by any means. Ironic.


ngl this is pretty cringe

I am thoroughly embarrassed to have a similar lack of religious belief as the average r/atheism fedoralord.

What do you expect from the religion that was brought to its knees by a hat?

why would they delete the sub they dwell in ?

Talking about Islam like r/atheism talks about Christians gets you banned there