r/KIA has the worst jannies, don’t they folks?

52  2019-07-21 by Ghdust2


DavidMe died for this shit.

Also don't vote on the linked thread, blah blah blah.

David-me didnt abort it early enough now it's someone else's problem

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womp womp


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Nah that would be r/drama

Calling drama jannies jannies is an insult for actual jannies.

Hey you’re unbanned. Lol



all jannies are benises?

all jannies are bussy

pay attention to the sub you're in goddam

Trappy noo!

hiya sid

🤗 Hiya

Cap'n Ajab

Gayest mods for the gayest users on the gayest subreddit

Anyone that seriously posts on KIA deserves to be force fed castor oil

That oil tastes the worse. And I should know.

it tastes better if you take it up your butt

Sorry I'm a hick who hasn't had to to taste it that way way! It's great for niggerrigged engines but yeah...

what about fish oil

Tell me about it

you have NO idea what lengths people will go to to get this sub shut down...

when will gamergate go away.

once the phase of meme politics ends at the end of 20's and they all realize how painfully retarded they've been all this time

and then comes the incoming wave of gif politics

Vine/tiktok politics when

But not for long

You dont see much about it these days. Maybe game "journalists" finally realized their own spergouts about it were the only thing keeping it relevant.

You dont see much about it these days.


there’s an entire generation of “journalists” that will go to their deathbeds whispering “gamergate” like fucking Rosebud

When humanity is cleansed by fire.

I'm honestly convinced you have a severe learning disability. The poor reading comprehension, the inability to grasp points, the forming of strong opinions on subjects you have no understanding of.

It all adds up.

The dinosaurs shall return soon enough.

It seems like half of the rightoid subs always have some weird, complex janitor drama going on at all times.

Didn't you hear? KiA just banned the only right wing mod they had last week.

What's their litmus test?

Probably how much they approve of pedophile games.

I'm honestly convinced you have a severe learning disability. The poor reading comprehension, the inability to grasp points, the forming of strong opinions on subjects you have no understanding of.

It all adds up.

Depths of knowledge of state by state AoC laws and how fervently one believes the Mann Act is the most unconstitutional violation of the NAP.

I'm honestly convinced you have a severe learning disability. The poor reading comprehension, the inability to grasp points, the forming of strong opinions on subjects you have no understanding of.

It all adds up.

Reposting my comment from the last thread

That's not even the half of it.

There were literal years of AntonioOfVenice trying to get the sub to become an anti-SJW free-for-all. Every now and then, something crazy (but unrelated to videogames) would happen and dozens of posts would be purged for being off topic, and everyone would get mad and call the mods nazis and closet SJWs for stopping their free speech... often foisting Antonio as their leader, since he was the most prominent and loudest voice against the moderation team.

This came to a peak a few months ago when he formally split off and took a few thousand followers to /r/kotakuinaction2 to free themselves from the posting restrictions on KiA. I wasn't really paying attention at all, but I had heard every now and then that Antonio and the KiA mods were discussing things privately to try to reconcile, and I guess the split meant that they had finally stopped trying.

I don't know much about the fallout, since I started posting to /r/drama instead, but Antonio has become more and more scarce on reddit, leading to a couple meta posts wondering about his fate.

5 days ago, Antonio responds to a particularly desperate sounding meta post: https://www.reddit.com/r/kotakuinaction2/comments/ccw6zu/antonio_please_just_tell_us_what_is_going_on/

They've been nearing an end for two months or so now. The part where they are talking to me is done, and has been for a while. But they also have to agree among themselves, and people like Hatler want to really get it right - so they're taking their time. They're also very busy with some other things, which is why it's taking more.

So, Antonio knows that big things are in the works.

The next day, KiA blows up with a fucking huge meta thread about 007 posts getting removed. https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/cd59va/why_do_posts_about_the_new_007_movie_keep_getting/

Then, a great purge took place where one of the longest-standing mods stepped down voluntarily and purged a ton of other moderators, most notably Brimshae. Brimshae is the most right-leaning moderator, and the purge leaves things in the hands of Raraara (who everyone seems to hate for some reason I don't understand) and pinkerbelle (the resident foid who is literally always on, and if you ever have your post removed for being off topic, there's a 90% chance pinkerbelle is the one who did it). This is likely part of the Big Thing that Antonio heard about, but the sudden removal of Brimshae seems to have been completely out of the blue.

They targeted comics. Comics.


>still caring about gaymerglompf

It's like finding Japanese soldiers deep in the jungle who refuse to accept WWII ended decades ago.

Actually, it's about ethics in fucking cartoon children

They should have let David-me kill that sub

Has there ever been a case before of Admins taking a sub away from the creator because he wanted to shut it down?

It seemed like such an out-of-left-field move at the time.

As much as I want to disagree, it would have been a mercy

I'm still not really sure what that sub is, and it's been a good year or so of seeing it here

Understanding why KiA exists will lower your quality of life substantially so you're better off not knowing

No fucking idea what is going on over there. My old ass thought it would be a car subreddit.