Daddy tries to help black person who is wrongfully incarcerated, mayos seethe

58  2019-07-21 by MayoNonsense


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Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


  1. Daddy tries to help black person wh... -,,

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I’m not so sure I’d call it wrongful incarceration

not wrongful but he has already spent plenty of time in prison for a minor crime

Oh no, he's spent a couple months in a Swedish resort for suplexing some kids.

It hasn't even been a month I dont think

which is more than enough time for slamming a couple aggresive rapefugees

He better get tipped on the way out 😤

some kids

lol funny way to spell aggressive fully grown Muslim migrants.

ASAP Rocky was doing the trash-removal jobs that Swede-cucks refuse to do.

mayos dont understand what makes daddy tick like i do

>Basketball American treats the World like it’s the hood

>He gets arrested


he didn't even start the fight

Black people start fights by existing tbh.

But he sure as fuck stomped on some kids with his security guys though walking away or calling the cops was not an option I guess. (protip if you can't see a way out of a physical confrontation your looking to get into a fight)

Sweden fast becoming a bigger shithole than "the hood", thanks to the kind of people he beat up.

Obviously ground into taco meat.

Lots of boomers in that comment section

This is such a wacky situation and I'm loving it. Boomers mad because Kanye has their daddy's ear and zoomers mad because daddy bad.

I love the Swedish is racist hot take since swedes love to self-flagellate about how their cops are racist

Imprisons black man for defending himself against islamisthelight-nationalists

somehow not racist

For a country that can't take in violent young men from Eritrea and Somalia quick enough, Sweden sure does seem to have a strong dislike towards black American males...

I literally have no idea who ASAP Rocky is

I bet you heard one of these before.

lol people love to think that the music they like is so universal that everyone must have heard some of their tunes before. Nobody over the age of 27 has heard those two songs.

go to sweden

get beat up by muzzies

Cant make this shit up.

yikes, Sweeden is filled with mayos, A$AP can't get a representation of his peers in the trial

Trump is woke for questioning whether he can even receive justice, but wokies would go full mayo nationalist before siding with Drumpf

Sweeden is filled with mayos


if you look at the stats, it's still 90% mayo

despite the great replacement mayos don't disappear as quickly as they need to

These are the same mayos who LARP as black people all day in BPT...