Sweden says no to Daddy over A$AP Rocky. r/worldnews' typical retards argue with DDF and hiphopheads about how it's good a black man is in prison for defending himself because Orange Man Bad™, Religion of Peace Good©

18  2019-07-22 by Ted_UtteredBoast


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stfu, i say it's okay

The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


  1. Sweden says no to Daddy over A$AP R... - archive.org, archive.today

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Good. MAGAtards should be bullied more


Send him back!

DDF on aneurysm watch

Kim gave head for nothing damn

Who’s counting?

Proud young refugee gets BLACKED RAW into hospital, then Reddit seethes when people start to think Sweden’s laws are kind of rarted.

This story is going to produce like five novels worth of rage by the time it’s wrapped up.

what is some copemasters do here?

oh right

78% upvoted

s E e T h I n G


Go back to Sweden.

play my mario maker level


I'm honestly convinced you have a severe learning disability. The poor reading comprehension, the inability to grasp points, the forming of strong opinions on subjects you have no understanding of.

It all adds up.

Seal Team 6... we've got another one for ya

>everyone wants A$AP to be freed

>orange man do something you never do anything

>the orange says he'll work on it

>well maybe you should be working on more important things than getting him out of prison

>he doesn't even deserve to be freed anyway why are you trying to free him

>but the refugees attacked him

>the refugees didn't go to jail

>okay bu- then that me- he should be fre- no- wait....

this is absolute gold and perfect popcorn for us enlightened centrist retards

Fucking everything is about America to these woke lefties.

Donald This, Donald that.

He commited a crime and is going to sit his time of, what’s the big deal.

I know, I'm thrilled. I hope he gets at least a year tbh.

Yeah, i think latest rumors (or it if was factual i don’t know) was 1-6 years.

Imagine the seething if he gets a six year sentence.