Poly foid gets cucked

196  2019-07-22 by Tay_Trap


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1: moralfag incel posting with zero drama 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮

Nice try lawdoodette. Too bad your whole dating life is histrionic self induced drama

zero drama

Accusations of a post having "zero drama" these days are usually the result of massive asspain whenever someone's favorite subreddit gets made fun of here.


I hope that this is the end. r/Drama has a unique way of bringing out the worst in people. It really does, I think. The dynamic here is just so fucking toxic and it turns people into the worst possible people they can be.

Drama is an addiction. It should be classified as something more like heroine or meth than a game.

The legacy of Drama has been written large in blood, quite literally. Several Drama posters have committed mayocide, and this place enabled their downward spirals. u/DarqWolff's insanity was made far worse by this place. I've come to the conclusion that the internet, as a social platform, was a mistake.

It radicalizes people by isolating them with other people just like them and so they spiral into the worst versions of themselves. Drama made me a worse person, and it's made most of you worse people. It's been the breeding ground of pedophile groomers, alt-right killers, and suicidal narcissists. This place is a total fucking shithole and I spent three years of my life that I'll never get back immersed in it. It was a total waste and I'm going to regret this period of my life for the rest of my existence as will most of you.

Even the most moral people have been made worse for being here. I think that the fundamental issue with Drama is that due to the way reputations work, betrayal, secret cabals, two-faced bs, and bad faith negotiation isn't just prioritized, it's the only effective way to operate. Being a huge piece of shit to everybody around you and tearing them down like crabs in a bucket isn't just a viable strategy, it's actually the only viable strategy once Drama reached a certain size. It's all just a bunch of assholes circlejerking over how bad all the other assholes are, because it's impossible to do anything else short of outright genociding anybody who poses any sort of threat to Drama's security and dominance.


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Poly is the new degeneracy.

Its not exactly "new"

Yeah it's just "being a slut" but with more scientific-sounding terms.

"polycule" makes me physically ill 🤢🤢🤢

That word triggered a vicious reaction in my guts and it took everything I had not to downvote you for its mere use. I keep seeing tards apply this to their 'headmates' which is even worse.

Its current popularity and level of mainstream acceptance is new.


It’s pretty much a furry convention without the masks

When did these become obsolete?

Sometime around the 17th century.

Bring back 17th century.

and that alone makes it like 1000% better

because like .5% of the population is actually built for it, yet it's being sold to everyone as some woke option. and then instead of being normal people who have some fwbs/one-night-stands inbetween actual relationships, they convince themselves that slutting around with multiple people is "love" as their personal lives crumble around them

State Enforced Monogamy When?

when known SLUT, donald drumph, is elected out of office

Men can't be SLUTs, seeaty.

Donald J Trump is a World Wrestlin Hall of Famer, 45th President and a STUD.

More like ex stud loser paid for a used up pornstar yikes

Some men are too virile for their own good. Agreed fucking a porn start is disgusting.

Are you kinkshaming daddy’s love for bimbo grannies? Rude

When lobster daddy's plans are unfurled.

Because a vaguely Christian monogamy has been the norm in the West for several centuries and those societies have become the happiest, safest, most stable and most prosperous societies on Earth and just as some places in the West are beginning to cast off its conventions, it is seeing rising suicide rates, anxiety and depression and TV shows about teen trannies.

Monogamy is the norm because it's the most efficient way to raise children while also maintaining relative power parity between the couples. Even in nature, where you can find gay animals on occasion, the polygamic relationships that stay together are all the stereotypical one male-multiple females, which is a harem in human societies.

Imagine downvoting people in /r/drama.

Poly molly the human cigarette pack btfo by prude traddy

Tale of the femcel

Becky meets Chad, accepts his demands. Chad meets Stacey, accepts her demands. Becky gets kicked to the curb.

I wonder what their weights are.

my god do not think of such things brother. instead, let us turn our thoughts to allah

One of the OP's top comments mentions having a former a posting history in GoneWild. Allah has left a long time.

Anal jihad!

Inshallah, or let ar-Raḥīm cast divine judgement upon these lost fools.


You'd expect a bunch of sex crazed libertines to try to be hot, but poly people always look like the Pillsbury dough boy had a love child with a tater. Maybe fucking 10 fat people is as good as 1 fit person, and that's the whole basis for the lifestyle.

Exactly. I did some work at a soon to open "sex positivity club". The last day they showed up to do some work. BARF. 2 women, 10 guys, both women 250+ and one was incredibly bossy and grating.

It looked like a Reddit Meetup. 🤮

It was also a Reddit Meetup.

that goes without saying

How did I not see the writing on the wall 😵

They fuck other uggos to cope with the fact that they are also uggos.

Perfectly balanced.

Relationship based around biffing whoever you want.

Who could have possibly foreseen this? 🤔

Just. Be. Fuckbuddies. Stop pretending you've discovered this new Woke way of approaching relationships. Fuck whomever you want. Realize feelings will probably develop somewhere at some point. Clean break when that's too much. Jesus.

This dude is 110% gonna cheat on his girlfriend.

There's always somebody trying to sell their new and improved device to assist in moving heavy weights and loads that totally has never heard of a wheel in their life.

I like how it's sorta-smart, but allows even the biggest retards to understand what you mean.

Managment 101

I like how it's sorta-smart, but allows even the biggest retards to understand what you mean.

because he wants maybe to “build poly” with her

started to feel bad for her at first because lmfao he totally is but at the same time, you're retarded if you try to settle down with someone with that kind of sexual/relationship history

I thought the new gf knows about his history sad that she's gonna get hit by it with a sack of bricks

These goofy angsty fucks want the best of both worlds. Either have someone you hang out with on the weekends to get drunk with and fuck no strings attached, or you build a meaningful fulfilling relationship and share a life together. You don't get both.

FwB is a dynamic that works, but self proclaimed "poly" people thrive on sabotaging themselves with histrionics and instability.

FwB is a dynamic that works, but self proclaimed "poly" people thrive on sabotaging themselves with histrionics and instability.

And that's a good thing

Not really, plenty of them end up producing offspring accidentally.

Sounds like you are ready for r/antinatalism. Get on the right side of history, it's more important than idpol shit like racism

Or how about just not being a whore

What a radical stance

but then we wouldnt be blessed with ur presence :)

Be a whore. Who gives a fuck. Just don't try to pretend that makes you better or different than everyone else.

Or just be fucking normal and have aspirations after 30

be fucking normal

normal people don't spend any time in /r/drama tho tbh

Good for them

That's because normal people aren't degenerates.

Quit moralposting

I think telling people not to be a whore is problematic in current year actually.

One thing I'll say about the ban-out is the usernames got a lot fresher


Shut up incel

Straight people can't handle fuckbuddy status after age 28 or so.

Only cause they start panicking about kids and a stable partner at that age. Most older people that do open relationships/swinging seem way more level-headed than their younger counterparts.


"new relationship energy"

Ill stick to 'no reason erection', thank you very much.

We already had a term for that, "the honeymoon period". Why do these idiots insist on making up silly new terms and acronyms for everything?

it helps them feel like they’re breaking new ground and pioneering brave new frontiers in human relationships, when of course it all boils down to an ancient and infantile desire to have your cake and eat it too



this but unironically

He wants so much to be friends, because he wants maybe to “build poly” with her

Imagine wanting your significant other to cuck you.

He's probably just saying that to keep his ditched fuckbuddy sweet.

there's 3 types of poly ppl

1) girls with huge attachment issues. usually have bpd. they can't connect with someone in the long term so having superficial affectionate relationships with multiple people is more enjoyable to them

2) guys who are so desperate for a morsel of pussy that they'll even share a communal one. massive cucks and might not even realize it up until they're asked by their gf to open the relationship

3) Male Feminists who realized that they can get more pussy through poly than rape

Mormonism is White Sharia cmv


1st three subtypes pictures here. And fuck Americans who say "dreadful." You're not Jane Austen, bitch.

This picture is awful

Answering questions in quora? 🤮🤢🤮

r/indianpeoplequora is worth a sub

Hello sir. Today I will teach you how to install Apache PHP Linux webserver on Ubuntu 16.

Please do the needful.

I'm never trusting another answer on Quora again. I hope that's intentional bait, just missing a Nintendo Switch and a shed.

Yer’ bloody dreadful, mate. Hav’ a pint and piss off, wanker

Don't forget beta-chad here, he is banging two 6/10 beckys.


On the Louis Theroux documentary about cuckolding polyamory, all of them were number 2.

Jesus very true fren

Imagine having a significant other.

I know you really like this guy but... he doesn’t sound super great. He lied to you and he’s getting in this relationship with someone who has clearly expressed a mono boundary with hopes he will eventually convince her otherwise?

Avoidant behavior makes people assholes? That explains that subreddit I guess.





Oh look, another poly relationship that ended in cheating. In other news, the sky is still blue

This man is as poly as can be — vibrant, affectionate, sociable, flirtation, open-minded

A yes, all things only polyamsrus people are, not at all qualities anyone can possess.

It's so fun when people who base their identity around a single personality trait ascribe all positive attributes to that trait, instead of, you know, the rest of the person.

This is very common among idiots that center their entire personality around their sexuality.


I am become flirtation, destroyer of worlds

Fuckin hell. Whenever I read about Poly shit I cringe.

Poly is one of the most laughable subs on this degenerate site. Half the posts are people crying about getting cucked and not liking their partner doing "pda" with other people around them, the other half is literal bottom of the barrel, truly off putting people taking pics together. i mean Jesus Christ, these people really lower the bar for what could be considered attractive.

lucky guy

Lucky he didn’t suffocate. I can smell them from here.

There's no luck here. Just straight up love, effort, and hard work to make things positive and happy.


What the fuck is wrong with everyone in that picture. They look more like accidents made in a lab then people.

Polyamory is what happens when social rejects can't get laid and band together. It's the closest thing to physical retardation other than actual disabled people.

I was in a “open” relationship at age 22. It involved us doing whatever we wanted but being a “couple” this was perfect until she realized I was “lying” to her but not making her aware of the other women I was sleeping with.

So in other words foids love poly right up until you put fuck them

So who did she think you were sleeping with? Dudes?

She was bi so she thought it was a fun excuse to brings girls home(it’s not gay if I’m there I guess?) but ended up being a problem when I brought them home without her

open-minded, with a fair history of non-monogamy.

Translation: he's cheated before

Probably on his newly exwife

I took a look at the rest of the sub. The pics there.... they basically look like what I’d imagine them to look, but WORSE

Reddit: Polygamy BADDDDD!

also Reddit: Polyamory is AWESOME. You are shit if you don't approve!

Based centrist: polyandry bad, polygamy good

Most poly foids are obese sjw with purple hair anyways


He went back to the right way. Most poly foids are obese sjw with purple hair anyways

Which one if you bastards did this?

People that have lots of sex partner end up not having stable relationships or become happy. But I guess it's sexist to say that.

I am a whoresexual: here's why you're a bad person for wanting to be with someone else after a month of dating

Allah is dissapoint.

Owned lawl

True polyamory is impossible without Allah