Bradford Cox of Deerhunter gets accused of cultural appropriation by heckler.

28  2019-07-22 by RedditsAnti-American


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I don’t know who that twink was on stage but he actually handled that really well. Notice how as soon as he said he’s been marginalized, she immediately shifted in ‘I bet mines worse’ mode. She even threw in a classic ‘I’m calling you out for something but I’m not gonna tell you what it is’ followed by ‘it’s not my job to educate you’ with the grand finale of ‘you’re a white male’ which she totally blew. I’m torn on whether or not we should expose these faggots every time they say stupid shit like this or ignore them, they seem to be immune to embarrassment. 🤔

She even threw in a classic ‘I’m calling you out for something but I’m not gonna tell you what it is’ followed by ‘it’s not my job to educate you’ with the grand finale of ‘you’re a white male’ which she totally blew.

its exactly the same response, every time

Reminds me of this.

never heard of these guys but with that macho sounding band name I knew they would all be trans-curious

oh ya wimpy guys can make good music

Can't argue with that

Bradford Cox is notorious for giving batshit concerts. There was one a few years ago where he came out in black sweats and a ski mask and all they played was a 50 minute cover of My Sharona.

Cool to call her out, bad to attempt to engage neutrally. Really should have done a bunch of tomahawk chops to her and made Indian noises.

Also good to hear a crowd of hipster shitheads in the most sjw part of the country audibly express distaste at morons trying to inappropriately dialogue about cultural Marxism. Maybe there is hope?

The crowd were basically all fans so dont read too much into their reaction

I swear this was so fucking stereotyped I would not be surprised if it turned out this was planted. She literally said it wasn't her job to educate him ffs.

Great band