KDE's Plasma 5 desktop is 5!

13  2019-07-22 by automatic_cluck


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


  1. KDE's Plasma 5 desktop is 5! - archive.org, archive.today

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tbh using KDE is like using vi: an ethical way of nailing your weenie to a motherboard

No drama. Don't come back here until you bring us a KDE vs. any other DE flame war as an apology for this post.

Alright, GNOMEcel.

Screw GNOME and their cringy interface nazis. Openbox all da way.

btw I use Windows



Openbox has too much bloat. dwm is the correct choice.

KDE5 is fucking cancer to begin with


KDE4 was perfection

I've never used KDE4 so I wouldn't know.

But I'll continue reeeeeeeing anyways.

booooo KDE boooooo

KDE won't compile and Gnome won't start so I use Lumina.

Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.

KDE won't compile and Gnome won't start so I use Lumina.

lmao your computer is made of vacuum tubes or what?

ROP based virtual machine running inside a major cloud provider.

I love KDE Plasma <3

Imagine being a poorcel and using an OSS OS

Windows 95 was the last great Windows.

Is there anything more cucked than paying for your software?

OSS devs are the real Jannies of this cursed existence

I sure am glad I'm not a poorfag and can afford the best in operating systems, such as Microsoft's©\ excellent line of Windows©\ OS's.

OEM Windows doesn't make you rich.



rmscels apparently

imagine using linux for anything that needs a GUI

t. sysadmincel