Incels in denial C O P E and S E E T H E at capeshit

27  2019-07-22 by Ghdust2


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My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


  1. Incels in denial C O P E and S E E ... -,,

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Rightoids are pussies

For real, they sperg over more dumb shit than liberals.

People that compare movie thor who is an alien with powers to the literal god are so stupid

Interdimensional space lizard vampire time travelers make sense in the lore, but a woman hero? Suspension of disbelief only goes so far

Also 2 white men in eternals are replaced by a deaf black and regular latino woman. I think someone else is black too but I forget.

oh my god. the movie character i look up to? a woman. my life is in fucking shambles. please fufking kill me. i dont want to be a tranny oh god oh fuck

At least we have anime, it's not tainted with agendas and shit talent... for now at least

Jfl what is it with retards and anime?

Retards are often pedophiles

The new inevitable Rambo remake will probably have Raven Symone as Rambo.

I support this

Replace all white actors don’t @ me

I hope Marvel brings back the Punisher but this time going with the 90's story arc when they turned him black. It was ridiculously stupid back then, it's cannon, and it will make them S E E T H E.

Funny thing is Chris Hemsworth Thor will still exist.