The generations just keep getting weaker and stupider. Story and see comments.

44  2019-07-22 by The_Great_I_Am_Not


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening.


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whenever someone is clearly doing a troll post you will get one of the mods or just some jackass saying "LMAO THIS IS BAIT!! HA HA HA" like they are in on the joke.

imagine you are watching a movie and some asshole yells out spoilers. it ruins the total performance. just shut the fuck up, like a good retard, and enjoy the show. dont be such an idiot and scream like you and the writers are on the same level because you are not. it is art.

i have literally seen countless posts where bait is ruined because some faggot points out it is bait so they can feel internet savvy. i am actually very angry.


  1. The generations just keep getting w... -,

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What kind of overly coddled bullshit is this?

Do you need a mental health day from Reddit?

Do you need a mental health day from Reddit?

Everyone on reddit does.

Children shouldn’t need to show up at school at all as long as they’re able to pass tests.


Children shouldn’t need to show up at school at all as long as they’re able to pass tests.

I want to see a generation who learn to socialise by talking to their fleshlights.

The only social skills I learned in school were that most people are pretty boring and vapid and I’m probably no better.

Well done, most people don't leave schooling with anything close to that usefulness.

And yet dumb American children think that free college is the answer.

Either way, kids aren't being bullied. And thats a bad thing.

The ones that don't are not usually the same ones that are able to pass the test.

The one's who skip school and fail will get executed.

Bad genes will go away in a generation or two.

Bad genes will go away in a generation or two.

Based and Oliver Wendell "three generations of imbeciles is enough" Holmes Jr pilled

Children shouldn’t need to show up to school if they can’t pass the tests tbh

Learning to work and study is more important than passing some shitty test.

I don’t see the problem.

I do, it has its hand raised.

You cant be a fly nibba if u raise ur hand in class and answer all the questions

The problem is, this shit don't fly in the real world.

And zoomers and younger millenials whine because they can't own a house and want free college.

You act like a couple more days than the minimum you are given in the workplace and uni will ruin people's life. Of course some will abuse it but those same people would've skipped or not shown up regardless of being depressed or whatever. Maybe you should follow suit to your advice and use the internet for something besides social media. Go learn something new.

Its not that it will ruin their lives it won't, its more the whole baby gloves or that motherly thing of it all. We should be teaching teens how to be adults, not prolong adolescence into what should be early adulthood. As companies aren't going to give you a mental illness day because you feel bad that day. They expect you to come into work and work.

As a matter of fact, you get 12 weeks for mental health problems so long as you don't mind not getting paid.

Having a kid is a mental health problem?

Yes, but thats a different story.

More like having actual depression can be classified as a serious illness.

lol burgers dont know what its like to take days off when you feel like it

Holy shit you sound like such a boomer

Gen z and millennials is the generation of feels.

Idiots should have been using the internet for something other than video games and making a buffoon out of themselves on social media -- then, maybe they'd more prepared for the real world.

They think social media is the real world.

They think social media is the real world.

Sadly enough.

A lot of people are in for a rude awakening in the next few years.

I wager the boomers will be fine as they largely aren't hooked on social media like gen z and millennials are.

will be fine

Maybe not entirely "fine", but certainly much more well off that those who can see past or do anything that doesn't involve a screen.

They aren't. People have been saying that sice I was on Something Awful in the early 2000s, and all I've seen is the real world start to capitulate to this shit.

Shut the fuck up reactionary boomer.

Yeah dude because boomers work real hard refusing to learn how to use any form of technology while companies have to carry their dinosaur asses 🦖 🍑 and bragging that they’re the next Benjamin Graham for buying a home in the 80s.

How about the direct correlation between hand-holding of everyone when they are sad for the last 15 years and rising Zoomer/Millennial suicide rates?

I mean isn't it bizarre that, as it's become completely societally acceptable to be depressed and to talk about it publicly, as support and resources for sad people have gone up 100000000000%, as your potential group of friends/lovers are infinitely wider, and as people being told to suck it up and move on has dropped precipitously, a near-record kids are doing the perma-bonk on themselves?

That said, I agree with you. There should be 90 mental health days per school year.

The problem is that nowadays we tolerate these mentally ill FREAKS instead of telling them to man the hell up.

A school whose curriculum is so weak that skipping a few days makes no matter is a school that will graduate mediocre citizens.

Only 100% school attendance (or a confirmed kill) should guarantee voting rights.

1 kill 1 vote.

Passing the citizen test should be required for graduating high school

Lol just skip you idiots, its what i and everyone else did

just skip

You weren't kidding!

If you are implying that im retarded for listening to cum town, well you are absolutely correct


my look of complete surprise and shock

Isn't that what sick leave is for?

You say that but...


I am not exaggerating (just SEETHING):

Only boomers with a very very high education are close to be reasonable adults. Most are literal Karens with the education level of a 12yo. Really, I mean this without irony and without exaggerating. They say stupid shit like "I did not grow up with computers, therfore I can't use it. But I know how to read a book.".

  1. Actually, you were in your 30s when computers got popular. But okay. It was not important back then.

  2. Everyone can read a book. It takes no skill. Except knowing how to read. 8yo kids can do this. This is nothing to brag. Also, you only read obscure romantic dramas.

  3. You grow up with TV. You had TVs for at least 40 years and you use it daily. And you still can't figure out how to use it. Your new TV has the power button on the other side and you need help to figure this out. And you are only 65. It is not that fucking old. Other people give lectures in rocket science at this age.

And fucking yes, there is proof that smoking is bad for you, grandma. Yes, I know that some people do not get cancer. No, the meme you saw on facebook is not the same as a scientific study. Yes, grandma, maybe if you went to college you could actually tell the difference between science and a facebook post.

Yes grandpa, you are very smart for never paying taxes. Not to difficult if you never made money and just live off the two houses you inherited and are now worth over $1mio. But do you at least see the irony that you still use the streets and infrastructure paid by taxes while contributing nothing yourself, and you steal complain about immigrants. Sorry! I know! Only non-white immigrants are bad.


still unemployed then?

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I got paid while posting. Love my job tbh

I mean... like 6 people will use this and everyone else will skip like a normal person

This is a good thing, imagine making such a boomer tier caption lol