The strong women of r/TrollX get triggered by plates.

177  2019-07-23 by Ghdust2


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  1. The strong women of r/TrollX get tr... -,,

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Wow. As someone in eating disorder recovery, this makes me absolutely sick.

You have got to be kidding me. I don’t get it, how are foids strong (self proclaimed) but so damn weak at the same time.

Oh they've always been weak it's just the (((media))) has spent decades telling them they can do anything, except or course beat a 15 and under boys soccer team

Or even act emotionally stable on a daily basis

Hey don't blame the jews for this

Perhaps it was the amish who convinced them that they couldn't be proud of being women and mothers and needed to try (and fail) to be men instead?

No it was the media,not jews or anyone specifically

Very true! Thank you for stopping this antisemitism.

It’s not like there are any groups with centuries long histories of subverting the value system of countries they immigrate to, in an attempt to destabilize. It’s not like that same hypothetical, not real group also is very disproportionately in control of media corporations, psychology/psychiatry, news, and finance.

And even if this theoretical ethnoreligious group did have the means to accomplish this and the track record of doing so, it’s not like they have an innate belief that they are superior beings chosen by G-d, or are constantly disparaging every other race as inferior to their own.

Damn media, ruining our society...

active in these communities

r/opiates, r/cumtown


Making your bowel movements like concrete soda cans to own the (((libs))).

I only post on subs for cool people, what’s it to ya bitch?

The Jews don't need to do anything if their opposition is like this m8.

Fentanyl American

As someone in eating disorder recovery

Is this what we call fat camp now?

absolutely sick

Maybe she's just reminding herself to throw up the popcorn she had for lunch.

I tired to comment something similar but I guess I was banned previously 😭

Funny how seems like every woman these days is "recovering" from an eating disorder. Once your bmi hits 30 I think you're beyond the "recovering" state

How else can an otherwise well-off, well-educated, white woman claim victim status?

Pretend to be Native American.

Not like anyone would ever do something that outrageous, Ha!

bing eating also probably counts as a eating disorder

It does, but the people who pushed for it to be a disorder did it so they can claim black women have eating disorders at the same rate white women do, because the oppression olympics never end.

Even more funny how they think everything is about their mental illness.

Like, yikes, maybe it is almost like some products are not for you, sweaty.

Given it's trollx the disorder is probably binge eating

I looked at a few of the people saying they have/had ed and they’re all whales. So it seems they have an issue eating way too much fucking food, not purging and shit lol. Also op is a whale herself so no wonder she’s offended at a plate making a joke about being skinny. She needs the plate along with every other round foid in that thread.

I have far more respect for those who have eating disorders where they are underweight. Takes some actually work to do that. If you are a fat fuck, well anyone can do that. I could if I wanted to be lazy and give up on life. I don’t think I have the will power to purge lol

Can’t imagine willingly inducing vomiting on a regular basis. That can’t feel good

Great way to lose weight.

If by great, you mean great for weak willed pussies, then yes.

Losing weight is so fucking easy. The most pervasive store in America is an appetite suppressant drink shop. Every gas station in America sells addictive appetite suppressants, Silicon Valley invented a flash drive that helps you mainline appetite suppressants, and je... I mean psychiatrists will prescribe you even better appetite suppressants if you tell them you have a short attention span.

If all of that, plus your own will power, can’t keep the food out of your mouth in the first place, you deserve to be fat.

The easiest way is to simply stop eating sugar and restrict calorie intake. Then your body does the rest.

Oh definitely. Any man who has the baseline level of discipline and strength can adhere to a workable, healthy diet with minimal effort.

I’m just saying for idiot foids who can’t fathom eating normal, healthy portions, our society is drowning in stimulants. Sack up and mask the hunger.

My favorite part tho is the cycle.

Poor diet -> Feel bad about poor diet -> comfort eat -> go back to start

Like yo what the fuck?

or you can just NOT EAT FOOD

Free will is an illusion. They eat because they must.

It rots away at your esophageal lining that can lead to Barrett’s esophagus, a cancerous condition.

It also strips the enamel from your teeth, leaving them much more susceptible to tooth decay.

ghanks for the tip, sounds perfect for my ff7 larp

ghanks for the tip, sounds perfect for my ff7 larp

thanks for the tip, sounds perfect for my ff7 larp

All she posts is food, none of it would fit in the skinny section of the plate surprisingly, it would honestly probably be good for her.

like 50 times the number of foids dying from being to skinny are dying from being too fat.

the best foids are the ones who don't need to say they're strong

Feminism has gone from being about empowerment to oddly coddling and infantilizing.

I'm just recovering from an eating disorded

OMG me too!


I had ED too, you have my support girl!

I see the title works on multiple levels.

BPD support club lol

Binge eating disorder. They used to have it. They still do, but they used to, too.

Thanks Mitch Hedberg

Look at their profiles. They are all fat. They once went a weekend eating less than 3000 calories a day and consider that an ed.

Getting fat on barely 3k calories per day

Meme gender.

It's not solely because of their gender, it's because they are shorties.

Having a TDEE below 3000 calories means you’re short, a foid, or have non-existent muscle mass. All reasons to rope.

Why even live if Brazilian steak houses aren't a good deal for you?

1500 calorie a day is the most standard cut I go on lmao. For women that's pretty much weight maintenance intake 😂😂😂

"Eating disorder"

Lol, yeah right.

I think stuffing your face to the point where you're on the verge of puking and then not puking like you should is technically also an eating disorder.

Or the classic that fat person eating unhealthy so that diet actually makes them sick.

ED's is very low requirement. It's goes between being having anorexia and almost starving to death to a person bulking themselves to death.

I personally have both of those depending on the month.

I mean they can't eat normally

They immediately start talking about eating junk food. Typical.

They seem to love ribs

People desire what they can't feel anymore.

Wow. As someone in eating disorder recovery, this makes me absolutely sick.

So you're recovering your self control?

Recovery is synonymous with attending meetings. I'm sure they attend eating disorder anonymous. Fucking bizarre

apparently I’m banned from there and I’ve never even posted there

another victory for bitter humourless women who just can’t seem to understand why no one likes them

Also I love how moms are automatically gross and icky. I'm not even a mom myself and yet I am constantly noticing mom-shaming while of course dads are lauded and praised.

thats cause men get hotter the older they get while females...

Silver foxes 🐺😍😍😍

based and viagra-pilled

Silver foxes 🐺😍😍😍


How many 55 plus female sex symbols are there?

It’s OVER for Helen Mirren

You forgot Hepburn, nerd.

Unbiased and non Mary-Steenburgen pilled.


You can smell the insecurity

And it's disgusting

Landwhales btfo


It is solicited if you fucking buy it, and if you don't want to buy it you obviously weren't the target customer. But ofc I know all these people are incredibly self centered so it shouldn't really surprise me

Its also why they don't have the male equivalent, because guys aren't fucking shopping at macy's for this kind of plate.

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Being Obese Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Plate Like Nigga Close Your Mouth Haha

I love that tweet, Tyler is my hero for that one.

Really is disappointing that based black man turned into a fag.

He had the best possible fan base (edgy cishet white guys) and he traded it in for the worst possible fan base (trans, queers, and foids) because he came 5 years too early, and had to deal with white boomers getting mad at him for cursing and making rape jokes. So he had to pivot to appealing to the types of foids that lose their virginity at 15 to a guy selling molly water from his tent at Coachella.

If he had just stuck it out to Daddy Trump era, he could have said faggot as many times as he wanted without getting canceled, and alt-right zoomers could have worshipped him. Wasted potential.

Eh. He was running Eminem's early schtick at the beginning of his career. If anything his music has gotten better since he came out as bi.

Also, imagine thinking having a braindead alt right zoomer fanbase is a good thing. Tyler would an hero if that's what he was stuck with.

His music's always been good, he's pretty based for a fag too.

Advocating portion control to trigger the libs

Healthy weight is a tool of oppresion invented by the patriarchy

Unironically useful plate. Gotta keep that rump nice and plump

Women aren't just not funny, they suck any fun out of anything are are always a negative-sum game.

The word “inappropriate” has never been spoken by a man.

Change my mind.

in a poo pre-eat

Also I love how moms are automatically gross and icky. I'm not even a mom myself and yet I am constantly noticing mom-shaming while of course dads are lauded and praised.

Seven hundred fucking upvotes. What reality does that sub live in? I swear they might be more delusional than the DDF or Chapos.

Chapos are complicated because they’re all men, so of course they’re less delusional than women. But they’re also all trans, and nothing is more delusional than pretending to be the most delusional gender.

constantly noticing mom-shaming


dads are lauded and praised


I think this actually is the case and it's a trend that boils down simply: dads this generation around are kind of shit.

Every one (except one) of my SJW friends had just absolute shit or absent dads. No positive adult male role models. So then they grow up with the pop culture idea that dads are bumbling morons, their own dads are selfish cunts, and their male peers (kids/teenagers are already shit in general) and the only logical conclusion is that men fucking suck. Now add in weird 25+ year old dudes who go after the mid teens who think they're actually mature.

So now whenever we see a dad doing their bare minimum, it is seen as an underdog positive because a lot of em just suck ass. Reason why I don't want kids: I'd pump out a "feminist" with my shit parenting.

So now whenever we see a dad doing their bare minimum, it is seen as an underdog positive because a lot of em just suck ass

It's like when a single dad on Reddit posts "did my daughters hair for her lol, so crazy" as if it's supposed to be something to praise for

What fucking inbred shithole are you from, most of my mates have decent fathers

Oof they wouldn't like my novelty plates with insults on them like "did you really need that second serving?"

No seconds blame the patriarchy

SMH for "Thor" you'd need to bulk hard

You think these fatties know about bulking up

They're experts in bulking up lmao, just not muscle

True, when your life is a permabulk asking you about bulking must be like asking a fish to define water.

They are self centered. They can get a 9/10 body by just closing their mouths after a healthy amount of food. (10/10 actually requires some training for a woman, too.)

So they assume men can look like Thor just by eating less, too. Reality is, you can get a 5/10 body by eating less, 6/10 if you have good genetics. But above this, you have to work out regularly.

Yep. Bitches complain about unhealthy beauty standards, but all that’s expected of them is maintain a normal weight.

To look like thor, you literally have to use steroids, and or have lucky genetics and dedicate years of training. Men are compared to peak physical fitness athletes and actors, who use fitness science, hormones, and endless training to sculpt a perfect body. Women who have ever lived an active lifestyle and learned portion control are 90% of the way to Victoria secret model figures.

Damn foids are so weak, why did we ever give up control?


They key is to rock side to side in your mobility scooter until you build up enough momentum to dunk on the patriarchy

women: we are strong just like men !!

also women: omg i'm so fragile please make society revolve around not upsetting me !!!

Amazed at how many women online are (disabled/depressed/chronically-fatigued) sex workers

And bipolar and have anxiety and are depressed

Amazed at how many women online are sex workers

Most of them are "women" though

Specifically always-online women. Actual women you meet irl are thankfully mostly normal fucks trying to figure shit out like the rest of us


>when you're such a strong and independent womyn that seeing plates in a grocery store causes you to have a mental breakdown

>additionally, when you're such a strong and independent womyn that you ban someone pointing out this fact within 3 minutes of the comment being made

How Boomer must one be to care about anything to do with plates? It’s the responsibility of all post-Boomer generations to toss that shit right in the trash.

Fine Macy’s but I’d like a plate that says “Fluffy, Dad bod, Thor” so the men can unsolicited help on their eating habits too

i don't think she understands how much protein a Thor bod would need

She’s referring to fat Thor in Endgame

Wow. As someone in eating disorder recovery, this makes me absolutely sick.

It's called bulimia sweaty, and It's a Good Thing.

JFC. Who's idea was this and who decided to run with it? The levels of approval this had to go through. Just gross. Smash the Patriarchy Plates


I would eat so much with a plate like this. I would fill it to the outer line every single time out of spite. I'm an anger baker and eater.

Yeah, show the plate makers!! They will totally care lol

“I love how women are gross by default”

Man, I never knew women were so disgusted by the term “mom jeans”.

They should really be more body positive

The prevalence of the word "icky" in that thread is hilarious.

Fine Macy’s but I’d like a plate that says “Fluffy, Dad bod, Thor” so the men can unsolicited help on their eating habits too

Yea except to get jacked you actually need to eat more. Once again foids BTFO!

> Wow. As someone in eating disorder recovery, this makes me absolutely sick.


I think that was the problem in the first place, love