Mayos on cb2 SEETHE at a black man actually fixing racism instead of being truly productive with milkshakes.

63  2019-07-23 by BussyBlastBismallah


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I'm past the point of partisan garbage and ive been exposing myself to many ideas and ive found generally both sides have a partial truth -----so there actually might be some weight to this george soros shit ----- my question is, is there anyone on earth that is talked about more than george soros that talks less than george soros does


  1. Mayos on cb2 SEETHE at a black man ... -,,

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W O K E as usual snappy.

Someone link a source that says this dude is paying bail for people who commit hate crimes or being a character witness for them.

This guy came and spoke when I was in undergrad. Super chill guy actually. Def doesn’t not deserve the hate that woketards give him.

This guy went to at least one of trials after Charlottesville to testify as a character witness on behalf of the KKK. I can understand him thinking he's doing good by talking to them but paying their bail and trying to get them off when they attack other minorities is such bullshit. I can't imagine what he is thinking.

Not to get too conspiracy on it but god damn does it seem like he just exists to be good PR for the klan, or at least to take heat off of them.

Like how can someone be that much of a useful idiot

This is peak circlebroke

They sure were seething but they’re kind right the David dude is a moron. He has claims like he ended the Kkk in Maryland which is untrue according to the police, FBI and pretty much every monitoring group. A few of his “saved and turned their robe over” people keep getting in trouble with right wing groups and their klan buddies still to afterwards. Even the videos where he’s interacting with him, the ones that tolerate him even call him “one of the good ones”. Good grift but he isn’t putting dent in mayo supremacists being mayo supremacist.

Good god who downvoted this, shits hilarious.

Everyone knows the kkk has only two unironic members and the rest are undercover fbi agents.

If he's truly converted even one KKK member, than he's already done more than cb2 and cth combined.

I wouldn't be surprised if cb2 and cth are directly responsible for creating dozens of Nazi's or clansmen.

Bricks and milkshakes, those are my weapons against fascism, not words.

Fascism is so insidious and convincing that it is impossible to argue against it. The literal only solution to it is to violently threaten people into not believing it.

I'd enjoy watching these people be confronted by actual fascism. They wouldn't know what to do.

They'd take a mental health day

Sorry comrade, can't start the revolution today on account of sad brains

You're missing the part where he will do nothing except talk about it online because he's weak and useless. If anyone truly believes fascism is taking over this country and thinks milkshakes are the answer then they are retarded.

Bricks and milkshakes.

Calls to violence? On Reddit? It is more likely than you think.

Oh shit this a great idea for a sub. All you do is ping people who make comments about calls to violence. Just call it r/ CallsToViolence.

Tbh he is a doormat and goes a bit beyond just trying to be friendly (as evidenced by being a character witness). Of course, fucking lol @ ANTIFA tarts in CB2 who think milkshakes deter anyone. I love how they think they are == to WW2 soldiers.

Buying milkshakes from a billion dollar corporation to throw at people is exactly what the soldiers did.

I think they're just jealous that he's actually doing the thing that they pretend to be doing.

CB2 posters and thinking they'd totally be pticially simpatico with 40's era Allied soldiers.

Name a more pathetic duo.

Imagine being that dude’s maid. Like you show up on your first day, you get your marching orders from this chill black guy. You’re cleaning the house, you get to the bedroom, open the closet to dust inside, and BAM! Klan robes as far as the eye can see.

According to a story on, a Klansman who also testified as a character witness for Preston posted after the December hearing that “[t]he ape was a witness [for] Richard and was willing to put up 25000.00 [sic] bucks for his bail. He said he’d take n****rs money and fuck him.”


what the fuck is circlebroke2 even suppose to be about?

It's an antirightiod sub but they take it seriously and everyone is a feminist foid. They're like anti gamer gater circlejerk.

def Cb2():

If rightoid agree:

   Return(Smug disagreeing rant)