Tranny Chasers of Chapo are still Seething over r/Stupidpol

70  2019-07-23 by GodOfNature_Death


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every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


  1. Tranny Chasers of Chapo are still S... -,,

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Honestly? Good. Let them stand up for “trans rights” (as if they don’t have any rights that others don’t). If they wasted their existence on something else, it wouldn’t be as fun, and subsequently there’d be less for us to make fun of them about.

It's also a terrible political strategy to concentrate on such a small part of the population so this will ensure the left will keep losing and Chapos will continue to seethe forever.

Shut up rightoid. Anything right of complete political apathy is 🤮🤮🤮

This is the real pill, the final pill, do not swallow if you're not ready:

The Jews have caused the left to focus on divisive and meaningless issues that make them irrelevant so that they can maintain the prosperous status quo and this is a very good thing. We should all be very thankful for the wise guidance of our Jewish overlords.

Benevolent ZOG is a new one, I haven't heard this one before. Will do some soul searching about this

refuse to debate

Ah yes, the famous rightoids whose main tactic is no platforming anti fascists and progressives by refusing to debate them

TIL nerds are literally Hitler. Galaxy brain take there folks.

Stupidpol is bad praxis

Franco won the Spanish Civil War because the real popular front was on the right. The "Popular Front" on the left was nothing more than a bunch in infighting, tensions, backstabbing and murder and that is because leftist unity is a fucking meme and nothing more.

So deep in poes law they need machines to tell them if a user is clowning them. The ol red facists bot. Basically if your critical of them your either a troll or a heretic must be marched to the gulag either way

trussy ethnostate when.