Day of the Rake is Here as Leafs fight each other over chocolate milk.

50  2019-07-23 by GodOfNature_Death


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Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


  1. Day of the Rake is Here as Leafs fi... -,,

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that country ain't right

Imagine fully trusting huffpo to fact check anything for you

I'd just like to take a moment to gloat about this quote on chocolate milk for everyone that criticized me on the other thread about the nutritional value of chocolate milk:

the other thread

Palestine? Israel? I just want to grill and drink chocolate milk, man!

Well, if you have an election where a Liberal drama teacher is running against a Conservative minivan owner it's hard to focus on the real issues.


fight each other over chocolate milk.

The Canadian general election summed up in six words.

If you think chocolate can be healthy you probably weight 400 pounds

Chocolate milk is a great post-cardio recovery drink. But I doubt anyone besides Trudeau even jogs in Canada.

Maybe only for athletes that needs to load carbs?

Nah you got it on the nose.

funny. i was going to say 'if you think adding some chocolate to your milk automatically makes it unhealthy, you probably weigh 400 pounds.'

have you considered not being so fat all the time?

Under no circumstances is chocolate milk healthy like the moron in the other thread claims

you sound limited.

They drink things that aren't maple syrup or Molson?

lmao just sweeten it with splenda (or if youre an organicfag than stevia)

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