Britbongs COPE and SEETHE as Boris Johnson becomes PM

260  2019-07-23 by Tay_Trap


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It's hard to work out which thread is less-informed, although the /r/worldnews one does have a comment complaining that only 90,000 people voted for him so he's illegally in power.

Just like Drumpf didn’t win the popular vote so he is illegal and illegitimate also

He’s illegitimate because the electors didn’t do their job


Lol cope

Hillary scores more touchdowns at the baseball game

The leadership election among three people is dumb af but it’s Britain’s system and it has been for a while. Electoral College kicks it’s ass

The people aren't fit to vote on a complex issue like Brexit. It should be decided by politicians.

wait wtf we didn't get to vote for Boris, only his party did. This is i l l e g a l >:(

Are you black or something? Why do you think fathers don't exist?


  1. Britbongs COPE and SEETHE as Boris ... -,,

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Viva la revolution!! The resistance will not be televised. As Stormzy put it: “Fuck the government, fuck Boris!!”

This is hilarious, has politics ever been this entertaining?

2016, yeah. Let's hope 2020 will perform as well as 2016 did.

Wait until this happens to Germany. Merkel has run her coalition into the ground, and the Canadian poulation is about to dump Trudeau as well. Gonna be fun few years.

Yeah, that party "Alternative for Germany" is gonna win.

And the mainstream media is going to act all surprised about it.

Could we be out of touch with the citizens of that nation? Neah, they must be wrong and racist!

Its all because of this:


But I had read we're woker than ever because The New Yorker was publishing National Enquirer stories about powerful famous men jerking off in front of barely legal hotties, as though it was laudable and even profoundly moral that the public wanted to read about this shit.

National Enquirer stories about powerful famous men jerking off in front of barely legal hotties

my GOD, won't someone ANYONE think of the WOMEN!?!

Raid area 51 slid that instead


I dont think they will. They wont have enough votes to be a majority alone, and no other party is gonna join with them. It will probably the hippie party plus two others.

They're gonna gain more seats for sure.


Maybe not win though.

Any seats gained by the AfD will be construed as "winning" by American media as they don't understand how proportional representation works (or really any non-binary system for that matter).

And then the Germans will complain, but they complain about everything anyway.

Either way the US will use it to fuel more drama.

Based and burgerpilled.

The USA can no longer depend on foreign drama.

Drama will become the main export of the USA in 2020.

And import!

Either way the US will use it to fuel more drama.

What's good for dramacoin is good for me.

I wouldn’t give that a guarantee - they only picked up about 10% in the EU parliament elections - given the type of person more likely to vote in them and their 2017 performance.

If it isn't right wing Anglo eyes immediately glaze over

Greens have been leading going until the next election and literally the only thing any Anglo can remember about German politics is that one time a couple years back where AfD was ahead of SDP.

The Greens are untested and unhinged. Once they run shit into the ground Europe is going the way of the third french republic

How is it that every green party turns out to be a bunch of insane commies? I don't think I've seen a single one that wasn't half denial of science, half denial of history and economics.

Commies and Greens attract the exact same type of person: someone with a messianic attitude who wants to remake all of society in line with their pet theory, regardless of the wishes of the majority (because they know better). Not surprising that there's a lot of overlap.

Not nearly as many as the Greens

Yeah, in the German system the fringe nuts can't hijack the main parties as easily. It'll just be increasingly ramshackle centrist coalition governments.

The worst kind of centrism

Give me BDE centrism or begone

Green party is more likely actually, the AfD peaked a long time ago. It just sticks in the minds of anglos because they're obsessed with the right. But the story of the past year has definitely been the ascent of the Greens, the AfD had been stagnant and receding ever since the last election.

Good, I want Germany to pwn itself even further before the NeoHitlers return

Hope so. Maybe this time we’ll nuke the right country.

Not according to any polls


Trudeau may lose his majority, but Scheer will never be PM.

Probably won't even lose his majority, I hope he doesnt. He makes rightoids seethe like no other.

Trudeau Derangement Syndrom is an epidemic in /r/metacanada and among /r/canada's rightwing mods

BQ getting 300 seats in the Commons?

Please, oh please god make this happen.

it's gonna be even better IMO. I can't wait.

UK joining USA on list of meme countries

Remeber, David Cameron started Brexit as a joke and it horrifically backfired.

All this happened before Trump so they were already top tier on the meme list.

Not a joke... I think it was more like a drunken bet. Like a 'after 10 pints of strong beer it sounded like a good idea' kind of bet.

Well, the left can’t meme so

In Australia from 2007 to 2013 was peak. Legit I used to turn on the news for my night time entertainment.

Don't you guys set your watches to every change in Prime Ministers

It's our reminder to test the smoke alarm.

Wait till Drumpf gets elected a second time

We can only hope he loses the popular vote again for maximum drama.

Extra spicy if he wins the electoral college by just 2 or 3 points.

Jesus man don't even.

Stop, I can only get so hard

Thank you Kanye! Very cool!

Truly an honor to be memed.


Even better if he only wins because of a supreme court decision

oh my fucking god.

For maximum drama, Daddy should lose in a mirror to 2000. He wins the popular vote, wins every state necessary, and gets cucked by the SC out of a win in Florida. Preferably in a 5-4 decision against Trump through the vote of Gorsuch or Kavanaugh.

stop, I cant get any harder

5-4 split, kavanaugh writing majority opinion

Actual maximum drama is the dems somehow removing the electoral college and Trump winning with the popular vote when he would of lost from the college votes.

keep going i'm almost there

Trump loses to the first woman president... Ivanka Trump.

I'm hoping for a Labour/Brexit party coalition next General

The UK is really trying to out do the US in the retard Olympics tbh. It's like a game of international chicken.

Sort of makes me happy I live in an irrelevant country, we do retarded shit but no one notices.

Well, let's not go as far as to call the UK relevant.

As much as I want to agree, nah they still have a lot of power for a country their size, nukes, permanent member of the security council etc.

They're a US vassal.

A lot of Q and other conspiracy theorist see it the other way around

Well, if the Q cult believes it.


They’re still the dominant trade power of Europe with or without the EU. Basically if EU wants access to US they need to work with Britain

from once great colonial power that owned half the world, both in territory and slaves, to being cucked by a union of cucks and now having a cheap replica of the real thing

We wuz zeppelin pilots!

Rude. Johnson was swinging his dick around in politics before Trump had even gotten syphilitic.

No one gives Duterte the credit he deserves. By far the most retarded leader currently.

I would say I thought Kim was but even he proved it was possible for him to be smarter than a 73 year old Fruit

Of all the adversarial countries in the Cold War, only two are left. Every other one either collapsed or reformed. Of the two that didn't, one is an isolated island. The other is North Korea.

Dictatorship is a constant struggle to maintain, and doing so is no easy task. Dudes obviously not a good guy, but Kim is nevertheless an intelligent political player.

Dictatorship is a constant struggle to maintain, and doing so is no easy task. Dudes obviously not a good guy, but Kim is nevertheless an intelligent political player.

That could however just be paranoia. (Hell, Mueller is testifying tomorrow on the totally exonerating report, but you have the entire admin saying “stick to the report” and also claiming EP)

People with egos and that are narcissitic seemingly get paranoid a lot easier when their narratives come crashing down. If North Korea citizens today, suddenly saw through all of Kim’s bullshit, Kim would go insane. That’s also one of his biggest fears in regards to his citizens.

If North Korea citizens today, suddenly saw through all of Kim’s bullshit, Kim would go insane. That’s also one of his biggest fears in regards to his citizens.

A good number do, the problem is that isn't enough to threaten the regime. NK is one of the very few truly totalitarian regimes, and his personality cult isn't the only reason to why it is successful, it is also the fact the regime is so entrenched into the society that they can actively prevent any sort of opposition or anti-government force to arise in the country. That isn't an easy thing to create and maintain, and neither is it easy to achieve and maintain the reigns as the head of state.

Kim may be paranoid, but it doesn't mean that he's foolish. Paranoia is pretty helpful when there actually are people out to get you.

I hope one day people get tired of his shit and publicly lynch him. Estimates say upto 20k might have been killed as part of his "war against drugs" . The govt brushed off the death of a 3 year old last week as collateral damage. They're claiming the baby was used as a human shield like it makes it any better.

"Shit happens" to quote a senior minister

Does make it a little better tbh. Not much though.

That's the polices word though. The human shield argument can be problematic, it has huge utility to the police of military in reversing the responsibility for a killing, and often is difficult to impossible to disprove, all they have to do is issue the claim and they're off the hook. I feel like it probably gets abused more than we realize.

Uncharacteristic understatement from you on this one.

Now they're literally imprisoning opposition politicians and sicking their death squads on opposition activists and journalists, color me shocked. Like who could have predicted this, he double pinkie promised that he'd only use his arbitrary power of life and death that Filipinos granted him on the baddies. Who would violate a double pinkie promise and just start killing whoever they wanted? Literally unthinkable.

Estimates say upto 20k might have been killed as part of his "war against drugs"

Based. I hope brazilian daddy can catch up soon.

Brazil v. Philippines. Who Would Win??

imagine being such a seriousposter that you oppose Duterte

Can’t wait for pshill to explain how actually trump is infinity worse than duterte

Well you see, Trump is orang man, and Trump make my pepe hard when I think of him and that makes me mad

By far the most retarded leader currently.

I mean, Pinoy Daddy has basically allowed for state-sponsored mob lynchings against anyone he doesn't like because "WAR ON DRUGS!" Orange Daddy wishes he had the balls to try shit like that.

The Philippine president? Who cares about the Philippines. No seriously this is the first time I've ever seen anyone mention it on reddit.

Philippine independence was a disaster, and the US should have taken control when they had the chance.

Then we'd have 90 million Filipino citizens

The U.S. did take control they just gave it up like all of the other imperial powers

But yeah the majoriy of countries would have a higher standard of living if they were still under western control

We tried, the crazy bastards are just fundamentally un-governable. The Philippine Insurrection was the 19th century version of Vietnam.

No one gives Duterte the credit he deserves. By far the most retarded leader currently.

No Duterte knows exactly what hes doing, hes just a murderous asshole...and people love him.

What was the better choice then? Jeremy Hunt was easily the least popular conservative politician, and they'd already exhausted the supply of non offensive lackwits

What about that guy who did heroin

Heroin owns

Excited to see what the next chapter in British retardery will bring

>~~ plunge own population into a recession ~~

>~~no-go zones ~~

>~~ ban kitchen knives ~~


> full-on sharia law

> state mandated cuckoldry

> Russian Vassal State

The brit bong cries out in pain as he strikes at himself.

full-on sharia law

every time

Sharia law would be preferable to whatever the fuck is going on in Britain right now

full-on sharia law


Imagine thinking voting mattered anyway

I hope their economy goes to shit like it did back in the 60’s and 70’s so they can focus on great rock music again.

and then growth happens again and instead of pretentious punk we get corporate new wave music

They've already produced the best rock album of the 2010s with AM so they're still producing good music


not ...Like Clockwork


That's a great album, but AM was legendary. It's like one of the few critically and commercially successful rock albums of the 2010's.

Youtube views for these songs:

Do I wanna Know?- 750 Million

R U Mine? 240 Million

Why'd you only call me when you're high? 80 Million

Arabella 71 Million

One For The Road 45 Million

If AM would have bombed in sales you'd get everyone saying "OMG It's one of the best rock albums of all time!" but because it's successful it's "mainstream trash".

Just my take.

Lol nope. Arctic Monkeys was a band built purely on catchiness and energy, with some british accent/flavor on top.

On anything but the first two albums, they dropped the energy and the british flavor and are left with some catchiness - and everyone calls them "mature", when in reality they just got boring, took something that made them alright away and added nothing.

It's not like the songs are complex, or layered, or emotional, they're just boring, uninspired rock that's not even energetic anymore.

AM is easily one of the most inspired, emotional rock albums of the 2010s and I'd argue of this century.


*Do I Wanna Know?* is a rock classic, it's a *true* heartbreak song set to an iconic guitar riff.


As for lyricism/complexity AM is full of it. The [bridge of Arabella/the solo]( is spectacular.


If I'm being entirely honest I think a large part of the dislike for AM from the original fanbase is Alex Turner's make over. If you liked him because he looked like [this]( ) and wrote about getting swerved on by cute girls but not caring and underage drinking then it's reasonable that you wouldn't like him when he looks like [this]( ) and is writing about getting his heartbroken or being nigh obsessed with a girl(DIWK, R U Mine, Fireside).


And if you want to state your opinion, you have to state what *you'd* put as the best rock album of 2010s.

i don't know much about britbong politics, but by the comments in the link, is he supposed to the tea-drinking version of trump?

People want to turn him into that, but he's actually an intelligent, shrewd man who uses a bumbling persona to keep people off-guard. He used to be the editor of The Spectator, which is hardly People magazine.

My main worry is that he does too many things for self-promotion and not the good of the people.

but he's actually an intelligent, shrewd man who uses a bumbling persona to keep people off-guard

isn't that literally how rightoids describe trump? 4d chess and all?

The difference is he has legitimate academic credentials unlike Trump. Both went to top schools but Johnson went on merit scholarships while Trump got in on "donations" to the school.

motherfucker Trump owned and operated one of the best universities on this goddamn planet, he be like the definition of the word smart

lol Trump University? Right, that famous for-profit unversity that totally hasn't been sued a few times now for being a bit of a scam.

leftist cope, his university had 97% approval rating, only a small bunch of triggered libtards who didn't apply themselves sued Trump to tank his chances during his 2016 campaign, it's great seeing them and you seething that you couldn't stop the Trump train

You do realize most of those federal lawsuits predated his presidential run, right? The first one was in 2005, the next one in 2013, it just didn't get resolved until 2015. It's not cope my friend, its literally just a shit school. The first lawsuit was literally about calling itself a university despite not offering degrees or being accredited anywhere.

How can you be this devoid of humour?

I like to blame bad genes

Get bigger genes, fatty.

well i didn't say that libtards didn't exist prior to 2016, Trump had to endure this type of behaviour for years and years before even running, still the silent majority has spoken and 97% of respondents loved it and 2016 electoral landslide

The fact that they closed down the revolutionary institute, TU, means that burgerstanis dont want to and will never be educated.

well i didn't say that libtards didn't exist prior to 2016

Pretty sure the first libtards were born in 2014 when Zoe Quinn and Anita had lesbian sex together for good reviews and when their pussyjuices were heated together enough by rubbing they morphed into a baby. That's why liberals are so weak and pussified, they literally come from 2 pussies and no balls.


I can't even tell if this is ironic posting or legit.


The choice of username is a rather nice touch as well.

Remind me which one that would be?

I mean have you ever sipped trump water while eating trump steak at Trump university with Ivanka porn on your phone? Some men DO have it all.

I mean it has university in the name, do you think some dean is stupid

Hey guys, I have a chance to graduate from either PragerU or Trump University, which one has a better campus culture?

Prayer obviously. Look how diverse they are....they have black hosts all the time when its politically useful!!!

Johnson is a smart guy pretending to be an average guy.

Trump is a retard pretending to be a genius pretending to be a retard.

So Trump is smarter because he has an extra level?

More like an extra chromosome

If by level you mean chromosome

I don't think Johnson is pretending so much has he just can't help but act like a mongoloid occasionally.

It's not pretending, he has a primal urge to act like a mongoloid most of the time in spite of his education.

That time when he conspired with Darius Guppy to beat up that journalist was hilarious.

Trump is what a poor man imagines a rich man should be

the spectator is quite good, has some controversial writers and takes that the guardian could never 👌

he's actually an intelligent, shrewd

They're everywhere I tell ya.

*reddit bongs. Dont count as actual people.

bongs. Dont count as actual people.


The UK sub needs to be linked more it's in 24/7 seethe

Hard to find a worse sub. I ditched them for /r/casualuk years ago. I wonder if they still bitterly complain that /r/ukpolitics (also a lefty echo chamber) is a right-wing shit hole.

r/badunitedkingdom is good for seeing the worst of the 24hr seethe that is UK political subs. It is full of smug conservatioids though

r/badunitedkingdom is full of smug conservatioids though

It really is. It's very unfunny despite /r/unitedkingdom and it's new clone /r/ukpolitics being even worse.

There is no place for us radical centrist loisencecels :(

Might create r/liberallabourtories for us

If only r/the_blair were more active.

I have no strong opinions on Blair, but he does have the ability to make literally everyone angry, which is great

He was a based radical centrist. He got rid of the economic illiteracy in the Labour party, and beat the conservatives at their own game whilst not being one of them.

He also started a war in Iraq just to create drama.

you're right; probably only Thatcher today is a more divisive figure.

besides casualuk the other UK subs are a mess they do seem to lean left though (labour/lib Dems)

Yup, they did a poll that showed the sub was mainly labour voting remain voters, they still think it's a right-wing shit hole.

r/Australia is the same tbh

From today I will always bet on the candidate with the shittiest haircut.

I dunno, Hillary still lost

Staying true to your name.

ree don’t bash mommy’s deepfried hairhelmet

True, nothing can bash through that.

Michael fabricant is worth a Google for epic tory hair. He should be the next Queen of England.

Resurrect James Traficant.

does that mean a hard brexit is coming, like soon?

October I believe

From what little i gathered, it seems that they have left themselves no other choice. The negotiations were laughable and there is no going back to them. Also, another referendum would cause serious social unrest if someone actually brought it.

Craziest thing to watch a country hobble itself.

Uk balkinazation when?!?!?

There already was no other option. It's either democracy doesn't exist and the government is never trusted again which results in rightoids rising up like gamers or they leave peacefully some of the left intact. God knows may is stalling at every corner at hilarious effect.

Good. I hated the half ass negotiations.

There's almost certainly going to be an attempt from the moderate wing of the Tories to torpedo or bypass their own government first. This farce isn't over yet

Every thread in r/unitedkingdom goes just like this.

It's a seethespace for disenfranchised UK soyboys to cope as a group.

Every man from the UK is a soyboy.

Accurate counterpoint.

More seething under Trump's tweet

Love a bit of Bozza, me.

So how many retards, bong and burger, are going to call the veteran political insider and former mayor of London "Britain's Trump"?

Like, you have such a wide variety of things you can say about this. If you go all "blonde man bad" then seriously you deserve to have your hands cut off


No, I'm seething

Then I have one "yikes" here prepped for ya

Lets unpack this.

> If you go all "blonde man bad"


Except they are going to do that and then complain when they lose again next time.

who's "they", you retard? And lose what, exactly? This wasn't an election.


Are you literally autistic because I’ve never seen someone fail this hard at using context clues

break it down for me, then. Dazzle me with your expertise in British politics.

Moron. The tories won because labor put up Stalin as their leader.

If you go all “blonde man bad” then seriously you deserve to have your hands cut off


Fucking hell. FUCK YOU UK.

the highly important opinion of a non british chapo

Who has the shittier barnet, Boris or Trump?

I think its time to bring back the monarchy in the UK.

Wannabe dictators are so boring though. We already have actual ones and at least closer ones in countries like NK and China. I wanna see more crazy left wing national leaders

This is just so fucking awful and embarassing. I've never felt so useless as a voting citizen as I have the past two or three years.

at least you have your feelings tho 🤣

This is just so awful my government has worked exactly how it’s supposed to.


Will we be getting a new general election or shall we start planning our revolution now?


That’s it. We now have a fascist in charge of the country. The time for peaceful resistance is over we will have concentration camps for Muslims by the end of next year and we won’t even get the chance to vote in Corbyn as Boris will suspend elections indefinitely.

The time for peaceful resistance is over. We need action.

Somebody start acting. Come on.

Boris Johnson? More like Trumpris Glumpfson


I was looking at the chapo thread.

At least their top comments aren't this retarded.

Every single comment is calling the right racist, retarded, sexist, etc. Zero self-awareness or attempt to understand why this keeps happening by the left on this site per usual. What happened to them being the party of empathy? It's never on display.

That's because they're not a party of empathy. They're the party of I deserve this and everyone else is going to pay for it.

Im guessing you think this unironically, you should stop hiding your retarded takes by pretending their jokes, shout to the world how the wealthy liberal elite want simulatenously higher tax on themselves and free stuff for the poors, who are also them.


It really is quite amazing that even though one country after another elects right leaning leaders, they have never stopped once to consider that maybe they are ones who are wrong.

Boris wasn't elected as leader, sweaty.

It never quite stops amazing me seeing retarded rightoid takes, you just implied rightoid leaders might be right because they are elected democratically except all the rightoid leaders tend to lose the popular vote.

Something something “paradox on tolerance.” Has left screams out in pain even as he calls you intolerant.

Empathy is when I’m friendly to people I like, right?

So can any bongs clarify these three things for me.

What kind of brexit will he go far?

Will this guy be the one to finally get the brexit done?

Is he unpopular enough to get Corbyn elected in the next election?

Corbyn has the mark of antisemitism on him, he’s doomed

damn, boris causes a lot of drama but even some conservatives don't like him here

Wait I'm stupid and out of the loop. Why is this bad? Did another far right hitler get elected? Or is this the libs time to shine?

Oh shit that's the guy that btfo may and made everyone laugh because he said she should ask trump to handle brexit

Realistically, he should

FINALLY something is happening

I’m a britbong myself and the fact that they think anything will be different just because a different cunts in number 10 is hilarious

It's Daddies all the way down 😍

Quick question, does Mr. Johnson have the power to launch nuclear missiles (not by himself of course, although...)?

Why do I keep seeing this kind of doom and gloom talk? Has anybody there ever experienced an election not going their way?

Do we have to whip ourselves into frenzy? This is great for drama, but it gets really tiring when people talk like the end time is coming.

Theyre letting America know that they are the OGs.

Seriously though, social media magnifies people's latent autism.


Marx was right and people need their opium back.

Wait wait wait that Marx guy doesn't sound so bad

I've increasingly been thinking that religion is an integral part of human psychology, and the sublimation of the urges it satisfies into secular ideologies is a recipe for misery.

they secretly want it to happen because then they would finally be right about something for once in their miserable lives.

Quick question, does Mr. Johnson have the power to launch nuclear missiles (not by himself of course, although...)? I am European, Boris despises us, as of now, I fear for my life...


I cannot understand how reddit is so stupid. Daddy literally got in trouble for vaguely suggesting nuking Afghanistan, I’m sure Boris is just itching to wipe Belgium off the map.

Reddit is full of histrionic idiots who think that their uninformed opinions are the only logical ones.

Most of these kids are college aged who have never had an ounce of responsibility and don’t understand how any organization of scale works.

It’s why Daddy hasn’t been able to destroy everything like they were predicting

These people can't be real


Lol. Absolutely beautiful.

Quick question, does Mr. Johnson have the power to launch nuclear missiles (not by himself of course, although...)?

I am European, Boris despises us, as of now, I fear for my life...

It was a lose-lose

Remember that he will most likely be succeeded by Jeremy 'Nazbol' Corbyn.

Based centrism

Proving any thing yanks cand do Brits can top them, yanks elect a dumb ignorant mysoginistic pervert, lying cowardly braggard in true Mussolini fashion who's one cell brain is fading fast. Where as Brits get elected by their lord & masters Tory party a buffoon who is in the same bracket as Trump, but where Brits top the yanks is that bonking Boris is highly educated, & that makes him a truly dangerous cunt to be in charge of anything.

Shut up fag


What the fuck has happened since 2016? Everything is going wrong politically.

If you think this started in 2016, you're missing the point completely.

politics never even began for these next level britbongs

Post-election leftoid cope is the gift that keeps on giving.

Lmao what retards

Yep typical right wing reply, insult( that like water off a ducks back to me) but knothing constructive, well its so hard to debate any topic when one is brain dead. Or to defend Trump or Johnson when they are along with their suppoerters the laughing stock of the entire sane global world. 😂😂😂

this is like the third time they've fucked up in the last 3 years wtf lol

How the fuck did someone uglier than Trump get PM?

Funny how they all say how much they hate him. But his party won the they must be doing something right.

Instead of bitching about this shit, maybe they should find out why people AREN'T voting for them

*middle class students

nobody else is posting in that shithole