Minor drama when welfare-americans of /r/antiwork get told to grow their own food

62  2019-07-23 by NPC_in_disguise


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Imagine being a NEET but also being so self-important that you pretend it's a moral stance.

Employment equivalent of volcels


Wagies are the ones who work


The involuntarily unemployed

Turning their personal failings into ethical codes of conduct

>being a neet


>being a neet and arguing about it on twitter to convince braindead wagies to get neetbux like you, leaving nobody to earn your neetbux


voting for Yang to give you neetbux




This but unironically.

no they need to starve a little

obesity solution

Based and Uncle Tedpilled

I don't own enough land to grow enough food to feed myself a healthy diet. Additionally, growing food on a personal scale is less efficient than large-scale agriculture, contributing to the misuse of land and the decline of the planet.

so just give me free food

its good for the planet

this is the most galaxy brain take i have every read

One guy suggests a worker owned farm yet those retards are acting uppity.

There has never been anything to stop a bunch of people to buy their own business and run it as a worker owned business, but they never do because they all realize it's a dumb idea and won't survive the competition

No they just blame the oligarchs that use unethical methods to keep them down. They'd obviously succeed if the government wasn't in Big Ag's pockets.


There's actually plenty of them. Of course, they're ran by actual farmers rather than NEETs.

also they act like large businesses because they literally are large businesses.

Which is still more worker-controlled than the USSR lol.

It's also funny how as the majority of US dairy is produced by co-ops, milk is technically more communist than soy.

I need bare minimum System abuses you for working 47 hours per week No, I won't go freelancer No, I won't work part time, r u crazy?

Galaxy brain fucking idiot

eh the real fucking retard is the society that keeps his lazy ass alive

Don’t they know that no matter the economic system they’ll still working close to 40 hours weekly. How do they act morally superior cause they don’t wanna work lol.

Of all the jackass communities on reddit, I hate anti work the most. Not because I don’t hate my job, cause I do but because these people are just leaches

Imagine actually working how fucki- I mean yes please keep on working it's good for you :)

Lets not forget all of the fun parasites. There is a reason people don't go back to "native lifestyles" to preserve their culture, its because the past blows

I've seen this one before. Like a million times.

I will never understand how people don't understand the how the economy works at the most basic level. I have stuff you want, you have stuff I want, and we trade, because otherwise everyone has to learn to produce literally everything.

Also I enjoy the utter insanity of

Eat the rich, spread the resources, continue automating work so we can all just chill and make art/play sports, how is anybody against that?

I see a lot of people claim things cant happen because they aren't realistic. Reality is open to infinite possibilities, stop limiting yourself. Most jobs are unnecessary, we need food, water, and shelter, they can all be provided through automation. You're still so caught up on private ownership man, expand your mind


I guarantee you this guy couldn't even automate something like Snapshillbot, let alone automating food/water/shelter. It's INSANE that these people are so against Amazon (Praise be to Bezos, who giveth us our daily nourishment) which is years ahead of everyone else in terms of automating food... AND HAS THEREFORE BECOME RICH OFF IT. These retards are also probably against factory farming, which is the only reason you can get chicken at an insane $1/lb or less at any grocery in America.

I refuse to believe that guy isn’t a troll.

Welcome to modern economic discourse, brought to you by people think that labor is slavery, but access to healthcare is a right.

Enjoy your stay.

I saw an argument on stupidpol that all debt could be errased because a debt molecule didn't exist.

WallStreetBets often jokes about deleting the Robinhood App to get away from margin calls. You know, very "Hahahahaha how the fuck are margin calls real hahahaha just walk away from the screen haha", but actually just a joke.

I'll have to remember this "debt molecule" one.

I want to go back

Imagine saying you don’t work because you don’t fully enjoy it, plus everything is going to be done automatically anyways, while simultaneously wanting to eat the group of people who are working the hardest to automate everything anyways. I was going to say this is chapo level retarded until I realized that that subreddit sounds like the basketball American equivalent of cth. Btw, what is the cth equivalent for blacks?

Which one of you's guys posted in that thread

Looking at the time stamps, a lot of people smh.

That's why you've gotta let the drama age a bit