Can anyone decipher this for me?

18  2019-07-23 by clubby789


Jesus returns, dress rehearsal.

You would need to take enough fentanyl to kill an elephant to understand this

I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


  1. Can anyone decipher this for me? -,

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Dementia Daddy complimented a baby whose parents had written Q on the back of his shirt and Qultists are taking it as proof of Q’s authenticity even though Trump could not have seen the letter from his position.

Whatever it is, it is the first Garrisonian that has made me cringe.

The q stands for queer. That kid is gonna get his banana split as soon as he reaches the age of consent for transitioning( 8 irc) and daddy is showing his support for troons by pointing it out.

chuckled at UGLY BABY

Mayo boomers that peddle this Q nonsense are more of a threat to society than Antifa. These people have jobs, spouses, cars, guns, homes, and possibly limited influence on society.

They're in the military too. Some of them are schizos who believe the LARPers they talk to online are Q, then go around trying to arrest Democrats and assassinate mob bosses

I like that labelling the baby as Ugly baby wasnt enough, he had to label the word Ugly by making it green and oozing.

Fentanyl Daddy is even labelling his labels now 😎

It's a reference to this

Q in this context implies the baby daddy diddled at Epstein's.

The crying baby is one of his previous victims.

As Ben "my heart gets bigger with every dead nigger" Garrison puts his fenatyl fueled dreams onto paper, the new pairing is created. In 3 days we will receive Trump-Qbaby hentai.

it's a boomers fever dream

That’s just Garrisson’s default

The soles of the feet are dirty and facing the viewer.

Ben what's going on big guy?

I think Zyklon Ben put a self insert character in between the Q and T.

Did Ben draw himself in the background with a "Free Speech" sign?
