Incel showers and works on his personality for 10 years.

145  2019-07-23 by album1


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If I ever see you in real life I'll fucking make you eat cement. You got that, bitch? If it wasn't your mom coming downstairs to the basement each night to bring you a plate of chicken tenders, you would be dead with droll running into the cracks of your cheeto dust covered keyboard. I bet you weight about 400 pounds and have a string tied to your dick you use so you can piss. The fact you have to keep making new accounts suggest you need a new hobby. Stop being a piece of shit troll and find something creative to do. You only have so much time left before your arteries clog and Coonrod lowers your 2000 pounds casket into the ground with a fucking crane.


  1. Incel showers and works on his pers... -,,

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wow losers just have sex lmao

What exactly do you mean by "sex"?

Insert your peepee

Under what circumstances, in what manner, and into what? What rehabilitative effect is doing so supposed to have?

peepee in vagina

What the fuck? No. That's gay bruh. Peepee in Bussy😥

Insert your peepee into another man's Bussy and you shall know the love of Allah

dude just get peepee hard lmaoooo

in all seriousness if you've spent ten years working on yourself and you still feel miserable and repulsive, you probably haven't really changed yourself at all.

I think this is where he can start the "Fake it till you make it" phase by acting like an actual human being, which wouldn't really work if he was smelly useless weeb trash with hydrophobia (both meanings) and terminal case of victim mentality.

what was he doing for the preceding ten years then??

He was preparing, probably over preparing. Now he actually needs to exhibit enough confidence to be attractive.

pal if he can't crack it in ten years he's fucked

I was being a teenager without any drive or self-esteem.

If he seriously has improved himself then he could at least try getting Tinder of Bumble or something

Narrator: he hasn't

Narrator lies. I have.

I may have worked on myself for the past decade but at least I’m not an incel 😭

I'm not on IncelTears to make fun of incels, though admittedly, your thread would be funnier if I were.

If you are on tinder or bumble and not getting swipes you need better pictures. Either do exciting shit and get pictures taken of it or just get one of your foid friends to exploit angles, fat women especially are masters at the craft.

If you unironically use the words "social calibration" then there's something wrong with you only a professional can help with.

:( I like the phrase.

if you've spent ten years working on yourself and you still feel miserable and repulsive, you probably haven't really changed yourself at all.

Honestly, I feel pretty good about myself. What gave you the impression I was miserable?


That said, I've lived on both sides of it. I've been the lonely virgin (incel before incel was a thing) and then I grew up and learned to talk to girls and shit and swam through pussy, atm I'm dating a hottie personal trainer who goes to some smartypants college and it's dope.

I won't say you haven't learned to live with it, maybe you have. That said, if I had to guess most incels hwo say they're fine with it are probably coping. You may be the 5% who aren't and hey, I mean if you're not gonna do what you need to to get a partner than I guess just accepting it is the next best thing, at least you're not spending your entire life seething over it.

I mean being in inceltears is probably as pathetic as being in incels, but at least you're not too upset about it.

incel before incel was a thing

boomers OUT

Incel is a fucking Zoomers thing, I'm a millennial retard.

Whatever you say, old man. Shuffle off now, or you'll miss Coronation Street. And don't forget your cane.

I mean being in inceltears is probably as pathetic as being in incels, but at least you're not too upset about it.

How am I "in" IncelTears? I'm the contrarian voice, telling people personality isn't everything and that "maybe you can't find love, and that's okay."

I won't say you haven't learned to live with it, maybe you have. That said, if I had to guess most incels hwo say they're fine with it are probably coping. You may be the 5% who aren't

Well I have some recommendations for the other 19/20; send them my way. I have a lot going for me that others don't.

I mean if you're not gonna do what you need to to get a partner than I guess just accepting it is the next best thing, at least you're not spending your entire life seething over it.

Exactly. Sometimes you simply will not get what you want, and if nothing is going to change that, the only choice you have is whether to suffer over it. I used to suffer a lot over it years ago, but I'm fine with it these days. It's not something that just happened; I worked for this.

How am I "in" IncelTears? I'm the contrarian voice, telling people personality isn't everything and that "maybe you can't find love, and that's okay." That puts me at odds with IncelTears. You should let me into your Cool Kids Club.

Fair enough, you can be here but you're going to be made fun of. Its not even personal, its just what everyone does.

Well I have some recommendations for the other 19/20; send them my way. I have a lot going for me that others don't.

Considering I think most of them can still actually develop themselves into having real romantic/sexual lives I'm gonna pass. Maybe you're part of the 0.02% of people genuinely incapable of ever attracting a partner, but I don't think most incels are. I think the biggest problem is they're in an echo-chamber and most of the advice given to them is inceltears level retardation.

Considering I think most of them can still actually develop themselves into having real romantic/sexual lives I'm gonna pass. Maybe you're part of the 0.02% of people genuinely incapable of ever attracting a partner, but I don't think most incels are. I think the biggest problem is they're in an echo-chamber and most of the advice given to them is inceltears level retardation.

Actually, you're right. These communities are full of people in their early-twenties who haven't even addressed their most basic deficiencies. If they're not going to make that minimal effort, neither are they going to make the effort necessary to be at peace with being alone.

Do you think sharing my story in places like IncelTears is counter productive? I might just be serving as an example to incels who would otherwise have a chance that they shouldn't even bother.

I think its counterproductive for 2 reasons.

  1. I doubt you're actually part of the 0.2%. This is a relatively small part of it, but I can bet that if I could interact with you for a week I could understand why you are still an incel and tell you how to fix it.

  2. You essentially share the incel worldview with the only difference being you aren't bitter about it and don't hate women. Sure, you may think they're wrong about women only caring about height or jawlines and shit, but the core premise is something you and them share. I think that is wrong because:

a. I think the incel worldview is basically 20% truth and 80% bullshit, they basically realize women are shallow and therefore unachievable for many men when really it means you have to appeal to the shallowness of women (just like how women have to appeal to the shallowness of men)

b. If you're right then it means that their only options are to keep being angry about it or just suck it up as you do. 99% are gonna just keep being pissed, I doubt anyone will actually be persuaded by it.

What is this faggot ass thoughtful discussion doing in my r/drama?

Agendaposting is allowed so long as it exists to further the goals of radical centrism. My argument is instead of both sides being wrong, both sides are kind of right.

Why join the anti-women-criticism group instead of trying to moderate the group that actually has your self-interest in mind? You're basically a black guy in the KKK saying don't lynch that guy. You're basically a fat person in FatPeopleHate trying to explain the factors that lead to obesity.

The people you're speaking with don't care. They just want someone lower status than them to dehumanize and bully. Those advice threads are just a meaningless smokescreen they put on so they dont seem like the bad guys.

I play that side of the field too. I pop into r/ForeverAlone, r/FA30plus, and r/IncelsWithoutHate to argue for moderation there. Those communities were ostensibly set up to distance themselves from the more depraved ones, but there's still a slow creep toward defeatism and misogyny.

I have a real question.

How many friends male friends do you have that:

Unironically have a goatee

Are obese or skeleton level skinny

Play sports that are actually taken seriously on the world stage and are decently good at them

Binge drink cheap beer and/or liquor instead of buying 4 craft beers to slowly sip through the night

Have a girlfriend or wife who is legitimately attractive, not just good for them

I think the number of friends in each category will tell me a lot about your social circle.

How many friends male friends do you have that:

Do the women not count?

Unironically have a goatee


Are obese or skeleton level skinny

1; he really should eat more.

Play sports that are actually taken seriously on the world stage and are decently good at them

1; I assume basketball counts.

Binge drink cheap beer and/or liquor instead of buying 4 craft beers to slowly sip through the night

0; everyone drinks wine.

Have a girlfriend or wife who is legitimately attractive, not just good for them


Men have approximately 2 female friends that are not attached to one of their male friends. One of those women may actually be his best friend and confidante, but is not usually the case. Guys who have more women as friends than men are pretty much guaranteed to be weird in some non threatening way but also is unattractive. Basically, you are probably "cooler" if you have more guy friends than girls that you hang out with consistently.

Your answers are a surprise. Almost no visibly unhealthy friends? Almost no sports is expected, weird people tend to not know people who are good at sports because those people have normal friends. I have literally never met any normal people that only drink wine that are under 50 years old unless you have a shit load of money, and even then you'd be drinking some kind of decent liquor at the very least. The hot girlfriend one is hard since I can't tell if you're a pity friend.

I don't know your whole history, but you can't be very attractive since one of the ugly girls in the group would have nervously approached you by now. You can't be very funny because every funny guy I know, even obese or ugly (not both) has had drunk ass girls throw themselves at them.

Unless my buttfuck nowhere childhood and city adulthood is super different than weirdos who never leave downtown metropolises, your closest friends are weird. You'll love them forever, but they're probably pretty fuckin weird. You definitely have something wrong with how you act, which makes literally no one try to bang you in all your life. If you have a friend that gets invited to a lot of bachelor parties, you should should legit ask him why you can't get women. After 2-3 bottles of wine each would probably get you in the sweet spot for heart to hearts depending on your booze tolerance.

You are a bit of an enigma, and I can't believe I just did this.

That was a mistake. You're about to find out the hard way why.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Harsh but fair, best bot.

good post but retarded nonetheless

I have literally never met any normal people that only drink wine that are under 50 years old unless you have a shit load of money, and even then you'd be drinking some kind of decent liquor at the very least.

Your alcohol expertise is failing you. I know a couple functional alcoholics who used to basically only drink boxed wine because its dirt cheap and relatively high % alcohol.

Alkies are their own breed. Weirdly enough the few functional ones I know drink rye or rum and the deadbeats drink beer.

My advice is to make new and different friends. Quirky friends like the ones you seem to be describing aren’t bad and don’t stop talking to those guys but try to put yourself out there to new people preferably dudes. It doesn’t need to be attractive guys who slay just look for guys who know how to have a good time the kind of guys who hit bars and get wasted(responsibly). Unless you have a physical genetic deformity I swear on my life it is impossible to not get any action if you party with the right crowd and do it for long enough. I’m not bullshitting with you even if you’re a super attractive guy it’s possible to not get action if you don’t go out. And when I say go out I don’t mean hobbies I mean clubs and bars and concerts and parties. Our gender expectation is to make the move and to put ourselves out there and with enough liquid courage anyone can do that in those situations. You might not like it if you’re not a drinker but alcohol is at the base of social culture so take advantage of it.

Your toxic personality. Fix it.

What's toxic about my personality?

The reason you can't get a girlfriend is your toxic personality, sweaty

Well, I asked, and you wouldn't tell me, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Very misogynistic, sweaty.

Lazy troll.

Welcome to /r/Drama


If a guy not having sex is hot shit on this subreddit, it must be pretty boring around here.

You are willing to die alone without ever feeling that intimate connection with a girl, not even a kiss. That shows you are miserable.

Really, you guys. I'm fine.

Lmao if I didn’t see the title of the sub I would literally just think it’s a forum for incels. It’s over for involuntary-celibatecels


Inceltears is primarily other incels that think they can score good boy points by not being angry and attacking angrycels.

Yet more proof that inceltears is made up of incels who’ve given up.

So is r/MGTOW

Do they deny being Incels on there?

They deny the “in,” not the “cel.”

They deny both. People call them virgins as a shaming tactic. Go to the sub and see for yourself.

Who calls who that?

They're """volcels"""

volcels are just incels who don't have the balls to admit they're incels.

You can't fire me because I quit

/r/MGTOW is incels and divorced men who are mad they have to pay child support/alimony

MGTOWs: "Fuck my ex"

Incels: "I have no ex"

MensRights: "Fuck being a man"

MensLib: "Fuck my wife"

TheRedPill: "I fuck my girlfriend who lives in Canada"

drama: "god i fucking love cock"

drama: “god i fucking love BBC”

He already said cock bro

No, that's Bodybuilding. Drama loves bussy.

I remember the first time I sucked cock. I wasn't sure what it would be like, and I was nervous. I'd always been told that sucking cock was gay, but this looked and felt like a woman, she just happened to have a cock.

When she pulled her dick out of her panties, and forced my head down, I wasn't sure what to expect. But it just felt so right. When she shoved my mouth onto that hard rod, I knew this was the best thing that would ever happen to me. I would suck dick again, but it would never be the first time again. The first time is the best time, because you get to explore every inch and not know how she's going to react. She might love it and moan, or she might not react at all. But you don't know what you're doing, so it's a surprise no matter what happens.

Sure, every dick is different, and you might get some surprises occasionally, but you still know spots that are going to elicit reactions no matter what the cock.

And when that cock cums? Sucking up every little drop, making that cock so happy, keeping it in your mouth even after it gets soft? There's nothing like it in the whole world.

That last one

she goes to another school

Absolutely. The only kind of loathing that can result in you spending your entire life browsing the forms of a group you claim to hate is Self-loathing.

The lolcow screams out in pain while posting their next anti-Trump agendapost in /r/drama

Is there any proof that there are any self described incels that have not given up?

Braincels still have a functioning biological imperative. These incels are domesticated and gentle. Little more than cattle.

Ah, Letzter Mensch.

Yeah, braincels are the feral version of the IT incel.

Leftoid incels, specifically.

How does an incel give up? Do they just say "Welp, this involuntary celibacy thing isn't working out, time to stop chasing off the hordes of women at my doorstep and just let the sex happen!

They give up on trying to have sex/a relationship.

That's just staying an incel

No shit, they've given up on trying to not be an incel. Not sure what's so hard to understand.

If you want to get real technical about it once they give up they’re no longer incels because they’re no longer involuntarily celibate. Their celibacy is now their choice, even if they’re not entirely happy about it.

whoa, that's deep, man

How does an incel give up?

the trap pill

Yeh, it's IncelTears, not IncelRage. It's for Incels to cry about inceldom and find solace in not being like those angry Incels.

other way round surely, I'm fairly sure the net flow is from inceltears to incel forums

So is incel tears just a bunch of leftist self hating incels?

I've had the pleasure of post snooping someone who was throwing around incel and he looked exactly as I expected. Total fucking projection.

Cant wait for that poster to skin some instagram model and wear her hair. 😎

Uh yeah. Anyone that spent 30 seconds looking at their front page can figure this out

Sorry for being slow mommy I'll be better.

You're going to get a lot of dead end advice that follows a familiar format. "Have you tried x?" Where x is something that you've been doing for years but haven't had the presence of mind or tolerance for run-on's to fit into the burgeoning list of things you need to tell people you've already tried. These people can't help you.

Do you live in a major city? I've noticed a lot of inceldom seems to happen when people stay in areas they can't realistically compete in (in looks or jobs). Your dating prospects will probably improve immensely if you move to a smaller city. Think about it

What even is reading?

Its a constant search for the chadless island of beckies. Like the mythical madagasgar hitler wanted to exile the jews too

woah...if only madagascar were real...

Plot twist: she lives in New York and just wants incels to fuck off.

Do you live in a major city? I've noticed a lot of inceldom seems to happen when people stay in areas they can't realistically compete in (in looks or jobs). Your dating prospects will probably improve immensely if you move to a smaller city. Think about it

Having trouble finding a date? Try moving somewhere with a smaller dating pool!

could (((tinder))) be responsible


Do you live in a major city? I've noticed a lot of inceldom seems to happen when people stay in areas they can't realistically compete in (in looks or jobs). Your dating prospects will probably improve immensely if you move to a smaller city. Think about it

That's retarded. I'm an extremely handsome, tall, mildly muscular man with great hobbies, good personality, very interesting stories to tell and shit. When I lived in a city I killed it with girls. I moved to a small town and it sucks. Practically everyone here is already hitched and most of the ones who aren't are extremely ugly. Cities are the best place to stave off inceldom because there are so many people. Then again, I might be biased because I pretty much exclusively like nerdy libtard foids and most of them are in cities with colleges and stuff.

Honestly if you paid half attention you'd know inceltears is full of self hating incels that are tryong their best not to go full bitter mode like braincels

They have become bitter, just against different groups.

They're Samuel in Django.

So like i care so much about what women think of me im going to do exactly what they say they want and then get mad when it doesnt work.

Eh? I'm not mad, because the work I've put in has benefited me even if I haven't gotten a date out of it.

In context, I was giving advice, not complaining.

Do you live in a major city? I've noticed a lot of inceldom seems to happen when people stay in areas they can't realistically compete in (in looks or jobs). Your dating prospects will probably improve immensely if you move to a smaller city. Think about it.

This is the most defeated advice.

It's unironic good advice though. I'm not stunning, but have had moderate dating success. When I used to use tinder I'd get hardly any matches while I worked in New York, but when I visited home to Albany I probably got five times as many.

I've had the opposite experience, I'm like an 8/10 and got lots of matches when I lived outside of Washington DC, but barely get any now that I live in a small town in Utah.


Did you mention your three sister-wives in your profile? Everyone knows a man without at least a couple isn't worth the trouble.

Serious question. Are you actually an 8/10? Most people overrate themselves a shit ton because they think 7 is the average joe and they don’t want to think of themselves as average.

Pretty sure I'm an actual 8/10 according to the few girls who've given me a number rating. I look really good, like I could have a more chiseled face and some bigger muscles (hence not being 10/10) but what I do have is pretty good and better than average. It's helped by the fact that I have an extremely nice voice and stuff.

I should have known an /r/drama user is a chad

We're all Chads here in our own ways.

Iron sharpens iron. Just because a few years in the major league helped you hit in AA ball doesn’t mean you should playing double AA

Inceltears is a bunch of incels crying.

Ten years working over himself and no results?

I have but one explanation, either he has a really shitty attitude or very high standarts for his dates. I mean seriously he needs to be more realistic.


Well if he has a job, doesn'f live with his parents, grooms himself, keeps himself in at least a moderate shape...he actually probably might need just that.

r/drama is a braincels affiliate, please do not deny the blackpill here

Blackpill is an entry level pill. We're onto experimental next Gen pills.

Based and Bogpilled

Take the dinopill

I think people enjoy my personality. 🤔

I may know the issue, how many copies of Captain Marvel do you own? Please specify blu ray, DVD and digital separately.

Is that a batman villain?

Try watching a film with a strong female lead and leave positive reviews for it online.

Guy needs to embrace the t word and GO. ALL. IN!

either he has a really shitty attitude or very high standarts for his dates.

More likely explanation -> manlet.

Lol no, even a manlet would get laid after all this effort.

Lmao, /r/inceltears has to be the most pathetic of all incel forums.

I may die alone and kissless but at least I'm not an incel.

I wonder if inceltears understands they almost exclusively make fun of volcels while the majority of their userbase are legitimate incels

Tfw you’re not particularly handsome, don’t have a six pack, are socially awkward but still get occasional pussy.

What am I doing right?

Well, Final_Anal_Disaster, it's probably your ability to approach a person and have a conversation.

You're not a pathetic pussy who was whipped by his single mother to that point he's too timid, docile, and spineless to talk to a women without shuffling their feet and refusing to make eye contact out of fear.

I'm not trying to go full Tyler Durden pseudo-intellectual on everyone but Holy shit, how can people even be surprised the most pathetic and immaculated generation in human history has a lot of men unable to get pussy

You’re right, actually. Millennials and Gen X were brought up horrifically. I fear for adult Gen Z’ers- they might actually collapse the system with no survivors.

My mother is the single closest thing to a saint I know. My dad slightly less so but above all he showed me how a man ought to act. This didn’t turn me into a hookup hotshot or Casanova, but I can say that I’m normal in the important respects.

how can people even be surprised the most pathetic and immaculated generation in human history has a lot of men unable to get pussy

t. Middle to upper class kid living in a nice town

yes those are the pathetic ones lmao

And those are the type of people to make these type of posts lmao

By that do you mean the kind of posts that linked OP made or the kind of posts that IHeartCommyMommy made? Cause IHeartCommyMommy is right especially about sheltered suburban kids.



Tfw you're that pathetic pussy


Jesus was an incel

wow, dude is trying to have some genuine positivity about his situation and not be a bitter woman hater and everyone shits on him. This is how real incels are created and its honestly sad.

It's the internet. I'm used to it, but thanks for the sympathy.

Cool, glad youre staying positive, fam.

Incels btfu
