417  2019-07-23 by -M-o-X-


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This is a CIA psyop for damn sure. I can’t believe they would do this!

The bastards wouldn’t even give him a cigarette

This is that Muslims Obummers fault

This, but unironically

Spared one expense

The motherfuckers didn't even have the decency to shit in his mouth

How'd he know that, didn't the phone get cut off?


I haven't been able to tell if is actually on the run or if this is just him being a troll. I guess we'll finally be able to find out.

Well they are wanted for crimes

I doubt the cia is after him like he claimed but I’m sure someone is

It's tax evasion, as he's claimed. If you cut a check you're usually good to go.

Lol no, felony murder is the charge Belize wants him on.

Multimillion tax evasion in the US is a much more serious crime than murder in Belize.

What's the value of a human life there anyway? .2 BTC?

8 bananas and a handy

Yeah but how much is that in monopoly money

3 blues and a pink

I meant btc

He's not even wanted, he's just wanted for questioning. He deluded himself into thinking that a cartel was gonna kill him if he showed up to answer questions, so he went on the run.

If you cut a check you're usually good to go.

If you just fuck up your taxes but pay them anyways, you just have to pay the difference, but I don't know if they are so nice when you knowingly try to evade them like this.

INTERPOL for murdering his neighbor in Belize probably

This is 100% him tweeting. They wouldn’t give him a cigarette lol

Imagine believing the government in 2019 lmao

fuck no dude

if he has dirt on powerful people though this is gonna be good for dramacoin

John is Q

Epic if true



Eh who would he have dirt on? What powerful person is dumb enough to let this loose cannon get dirt on them?

McAfee antivirus is pretty standard for corporations and I wouldn't be surprised if it's standard for many governments too. It's a program that monitors all your files and network traffic and is allowed to call back at any time with "suspicious fragments". Think about it.

Except he has nothing to do with the company for some time now

You would think so.

I’m pretty sure lmao

What board would let that wacko have anything to do with a company

Only companies he’s involved in are shilling crypto’s

What board would let that wacko have anything to do with a company

Implying that he doesn't have a vise grip hold on the company's IT infrastructure that nobody even mentions to the board, because the oldest sysadmins are his friends and/or they are afraid that trying to dismantle it will result in the whole thing stopping working and the company going bankrupt overnight.

the whole thing stopping working

There is literally not a way they could make it work worse if they tried.

It could break completely and blow up several computers in the process and still be an improvement

You'd think so. You'd also be correct.

Except he has nothing to do with the company for some time now

Spez left reddit, but maintained backdoors.

Government computers don’t have McAfee on them. They use the free trial version of Norton Antivirus free for 30 Days! All it takes to keep you computer healthy is your credit card. Conditions apply. See for details.

I use kapersky labs xd give all my info to daddy rossiya xd

I do because I want them to realize I work for the state department and want them to recruit me as a mole.

... i just want to be wanted by somone :(

I work for FSB

cleaning bathrooms at the US embasy in india does not qualify you to be considered as a mole. Stop sending emails to us.

It's no coincidence that cyrillic looks like a drunk person's font.

Federal gov computers don’t have anti-virus software outside what windows comes with.

Windows comes with a Free 30-Day Trial of the world's best antivirus software, Norton Antivirus!

Dude ate a shit ton of bath salts and his mind was transplanted through time. He has all the knowledge of the known universe at his disposal and has personally seen what every living human has ever done in the past, present, and future.

Pretty sure he's got some dirt.

What famous and powerful people does he even associate with lol

nonviolent ending

I guess John wasn't that big a libertarian after all 😴😴😴

We knew this already, his wife is at least twice the age a libertarian would go for.

She’s 18?

The man said double of what a libertarian would go for. Not triple.

I thought 8-9 years old was prime Libertarian preference.

too old for their tastes

minarchists maybe, ancap tastes run younger

Out of diapers, out of my non-aggression principle

I remember seeing a picture of him and his wife on a boat wilin out in the ocean somewhere. Hope our favorite libertarian pirate hasn’t been taken out of the equation. But I am curious to see if he does have any good dirt on anyone.

tfw John has been siphoning damning evidence from elite boomers because they didn't uninstall his antivirus.

If I could one day be half as rich, and half as crazy as McAfee I will consider my life a success.

It is entirely possible that this man is sitting on something the grade of SQL Slammer and can bring the internet to it's knees on a whim.

if he deletes all of twitter i would offer to take his inevitable life sentence for him

If he destroys Twitter his face is going on Rushmore AND the Statue of Liberty.

I unironically support anyone who destroys twitter for good, even if he’s a lolbert who eats the poop of a Hispanic maid through a hammock

Truly he is the only man worthy to succeed Norton I to the throne. The irony that the last emperor's name also being related to an antivirus product is not lost on me.

Now this is presidential harassment.


The government has done a lot of awful things to me, but the have always, ALWAYS given me a cigarette when I’ve asked. Smdh, powerful people are after macafee. I fear for the free world.

Q is real. Q is this guy



100% he arranged to get himself arrested so he can't be held to his promise to cut off his cock on national tv.


Remember how Assange and every conspiratard had been going on and on and on about his 'dead-man switch". Totally 100% convinced because Assange said it existed.

Then they arrested Assange and nothing happened.


Trump has gone TOO FAR now!

Drumpf is finished


Wait what happened

No cigarettes or underaged prostitutes? Truly a fate worse than death for McAfee

What even is up with John McAfee anyways, he needs a god damn antivirus on his life

I bet that boat has a custom hammock for his ladies friends to lay on.