AIToids seethe about gaslighting and abuse because man playfully teases his wife about pooping

24  2019-07-23 by SideFumbling


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I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


  1. AIToids seethe about gaslighting an... -,,

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Next time he should marry a man at least they can take a joke

Especially about poop yaknowwhatimean?

Like the other post, this is a pretty big indicator of mental illness. Not just the not taking a joke about normal human processes but the other stuff he says.

yikes sweaty that's abuse, gaslighting, major redflag !!!

Can someone tell me the “sweaty” version of “oh my sweet summer child”?

Oh my sweaty summer child

Wait I think it was oh my sweaty Sumerian Chad or something like that I don’t even remember haha thanks tho

I want to sit in on these peoples relationships, on the off chance they have any.

It would be so fucking boring to live your life in a way that wouldn’t upset the Reddit hivemind

SHE JUST HAD A BABY!!!1!!1!!!!one

Spammed at least 30 straight times at the top like that somehow changes the fact that anyone who takes something like this so seriously that they're crying about their husband seeing them poop is an emotional child. Also, I would assume this qualifies as unfair standards to women? Like, you women aren't allowed to let us men know you poop because it's unfeminine. So add on some of that good ol' bullshit ~InTeRnAlIzEd MiSoGyNy~, which only counts when you do something as a woman that reddit dislikes.