Slurrp ah that's some good London Fog tea

14  2019-07-23 by caliberoverreaching

It has no sugar because I'm trying to cut down on sugar.

What are you drinking?


I'm making southern red beans and rice with andouille sausage so I tasted the broth just now. It's spicy af with a nice herb aftertaste.


I now know why people just buy this shit at Popeyes instead of letting it simmer for 3 hours besides the overnight bean soak.

I'm enjoying a digestif of Hennessy after my steak and asparagus dinner and a few puffs of a fine black cavendish tobacco in my pipe.

natty ice because im not some queer tea drinker

Monster lo carb because I'm a 30yo boomer and also worried about sugar.

Water cause it's hot af