Jessica Yaniv Is A Pedo Effort Post

277  2019-07-23 by DrZerglingMD

The publication ban has been lifted, so letโ€™s gather round for the tale of Jessica Yaniv aka Balldemort. Please note, this is going to be LONG, he is a whole fucked up bundle of pedo tranny For those who don't know, here is some background info on Jonathan/Jessica Yaniv:

Jessica is a stunning and brave transwoman from the land of the leafs who first made headlines for her attempts at starting a National Sex Day. For a while he ran a tech review blog under the handle "TrustedNerd", as well as handled the fan page for Cimorelli. Here is one of his reviews for a sex toy. Here he is giving his number to minors and confirmation it is his phone number. From this position, Jonathan proceeded to perv on and harass many young girls including one brave woman who outted him. There are many Cimorelli fans with similar stories, I will update this section as I find them but it is hard due to his DMCA's. Around 2017 she decided to transition from being a fat weirdo perv to a fat trans weirdo perv who wanted to be a simple looking underage girl.

She has made very little attempt to pass. It came to light last year, in an effort to meet her needs to feel like a real woman he decided he needs to bond with women by asking about how much tits are out in the gym and helping young girls with tampons show here 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. She seems to have a very keen interest in girls ages 10-12 as you can see and loves taking photos in womens bathrooms 1, 2. Our dear friend, who is one vexatious litigant, decides to take it a step further by going for a ball waxing. She engages 16 immigrant woman for waxing services and is denied and proceeds to file 16 BC Human Rights Tribunal complaints against them all. Somehow she manages to get a publication ban in place banning the media and people from naming her. Naturally this pissed off r/GC and the terfs who went at him on Twitter resulting in many twitter feminists being banned such as Meghan Murphy who tried to sue twitter and lost. Hell, any mention of the fat fuck got your shit kicked in on twitter and parts of Reddit which makes finding stuff semi hard. Will update this section as I go!

Now that we have some background on JY, let me update you all on what he has been doing recently. Our good friend has taken to twitter and prominently put herself in the front as a voice of the LGBTQSA$@$%+ and general sperging about being a woman 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6. One of her newest goals is to bring Free tampons and pads to minors, you need to hit D.1 on the bottom left bar to see the video. She is also actively trying to become a leader for young LGBTQ individuals. In another attempt to get closer to young women she decides to join the Ms BC pageant and is fundingraising for them and Ms BC Teen. Most likely the BC Teen is so he can use his trans identity to raise money and get a special invite to perv on young girls.

During this time, Tommy Tampons had struck up a friendship with another trans person named Morgane Oger who was a local politician and activist. Morgane is best known for getting the Vancouver Rape Crisis Center defunded and is bat shit in their own right. Morgane very much proceeded to defend Tampons right to a gender affirming ball waxing.....until the heat got turned up too high by Yaniv's antics. Desperately seeking a way out, Morgane proceeded to throw Yaniv under the bus, thus ending their ball waxing friendship. Now, Morgane and Yaniv proceed to have slap fights all over twitter 1, 2, 3, 4 with Yaniv being named a predator. It gets even better as Jessica blasts Morgane on Twitter how she's attempted suicide AND emailed about his suicide attempts to Devyn Cousineau who is presiding over the BCHRT and granted the publication ban!! Apparently they seem to agree that ball waxing is a necessary gender affirming activity

During all this as Twitter was heating up, we finally have Yaniv admitting to sending the tampon screenshots!!. We also have Yaniv blaming jealous Cimorelli fans for harassing him and faking screenshots. We also have JY's specialty, deflection, on display here as well as he trys to attribute his pedo antics as a personality disorder and plans to sue Morgane Oger

Jessica is eventually removed from two pageant and has filed a HRT complaint due to them allowing "Natural Born Females" only. Only a fucking Transphobe wouldn't want this stunning beauty strutting around in a tiara! This doesn't sit well with our blushing beauty who, while suffering PMS proceeds to make threats of violence, how he has power and throwing a dilation dildo at someone and fight Lindsay Shepherd. We've also obtained some pictures of the complaint of being removed caused her suicidal thoughts 1, 2. And here is where the dipshit compares themselves to Amanda Todd

Ok, now here is where the stalking comes into play soon because Jessica has been removed as a contest from the pageant, 2], 3, 4. She proceeds to shit up twitter bitching about her HRT complaint and being generally racist against immigrants 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5 and filed an anonymous complaint to the licensing board for Dr Hendly. Soon he turns his attentions to some of the contestants and mainly the organizer, Char Millington, while being a pest in their mentions 1, 2, 3, 4. During this, Yaniv gets pissy another transgender, Alexis, made it instead of him and proceeds to lie about her, 2.

Charlotte continues to show minimal kindness to Yaniv until she's informed about his past but the fall out will come later. During the downtime between Charlotte being nice and turning on Yaniv, he submits another proposal about cyber bullying in an effort to criminalize visiting KF for documenting and archiving his antics. He also proceeds to fake a number of medical incidents and general wasting police/EMT/Hospital staff time being hypochondriac 1, 2, 3, 4. General consensus is that he is claiming brain tumour to use as a shield from his past. One of his claims is partial paralysis and he now has a mobility scooter, streamable

After this is when Charlotte becomes friends with [Ogre]( and the Miss BC pageant starts. Except suddenly [Jessica and his mom]( appears out of nowhere likely stalking them and Charlotte turns up [the heat](, [2]( Yaniv proceeds to spam [her]( and offering [make up help]( while [quoting her schedule]( indicating he knows where she is. Really desperate to get into the preteen section, IMO! Despite it being known he is unwelcome, he still shows up anyway in a [wheelchair]( With that, the pageant Arc ended pretty dull with general whining with one final tweet from Charlotte calling out his [faking](

Now finally, THE FUCKING COURT CASES....but I'm near 10k char so it will be in the comments!



This might be the only time I ever say this but Alex Jones for the win!

Jessica, will you wax my hairy butt?

He managed to lose to this fucking autist from a debate perspective. But at least he was able to piss them off and troll enough until they quit. Truly dramapilled

I'd just like to point out that I can't find any references to this case in any major news source. This is despite government documents/legal proceedings provide clear evidence that things are happening.

I checked:

  • NYT
  • wapo
  • BBC
  • guardian
  • CNN

Im not going to say this story is very important compared to wars and international politics, but its more interesting than 90% of the filler shit they put out in the 24/7 news cycle. Maybe they're just not hot off the blocks following the publication ban, but its a teensy bit suspicious that not even local affiliates or random editorial columnists have picked this up.

he got arrested today lol

I eat ur gay ass reddiquette for breakfast and shit it out on Alexis Ohanian's wife stomach while having kinky sex with her


  1. National Sex Day - Outline

  2. minors - Outline

  3. phone number - Outline

  4. one brave woman who outted him - Outline

  5. 16 BC Human Rights Tribunal complai... - Outline

  6. Meghan Murphy - Outline

  7. 4 - Outline

  8. 5 - Outline

  9. pads - Outline

  10. Ms BC pageant - Outline

  11. defunded - Outline

  12. under the bus - Outline

  13. lie about her - Outline

  14. 2 - Outline

  15. streamable - Outline

  16. 2 - Outline

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mentally ill lgbt person is also a pedo

Oh wow. And for what it's worth OP you should be thrown into prison with the pedo tranny for writing all of this while being sober ๐Ÿ‘

What makes you think I didn't get high before doing this?

Doctors don't use any intoxicating substances, duh

He obviously just borrowed a bit of the collective high from that OG Overmind gestalt ๐Ÿค‘๐Ÿ”ฅ 420 blaze it ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿค‘

For the swarm!


Unironic good job mate.

For real, this is a site that shan't be named worthy breakdown.

Oh dude they were a MAJOR help with all of the archives and links. I've been following this one and off for a while and regret not saving stuff sooner.

It was really hard to track certain things down as the thread exploded with 300 pages since beginning of the tribunals! But thank God more shit is populating Google image so I could grab shit from there too.

Yaniv is such a HorrorCow he has his own sub forum

i assume you mean Encyclopedia Dramatica

why can't we name it?

Kiwifarms. Links to it are banned because they have doxx

[Baptist accent] TESTIFY!

The most thinly veiled agenda post ive seen yet.

Nah, people wanted a Yaniv post and I decided to give it to them

Donโ€™t listen to them OP, I canโ€™t tell you how refreshing it is seeing a post with more in it then a thread Chapos have brigaded

Luckily since he keeps his twitter public and his FB used to be semi public, I was able to use the dates from his posts and narrow down the range on KF. Basically, look on Jessica's shit for drama postings then look for any posts timed after on KF and its full of shit.

I highly recommend you check out the JY sticker thats being plastered around his building and town. He stalks KF to see when someone post about a new one, the verified leaker tells us he's outside scooting around to search for it within minutes of posts hitting

have you missed the thousands of political snoozeposts that make up most of the content here as of late? this is good for getting everyone up to speed on something that's blowing up all over the internet

I submitted Kurdish drama and no one cared ๐Ÿ˜


I admire his confidence

I admired ur post but i couldn't think of anything funny 2 say sorry ๐Ÿ˜ž

I admired ur post


post but i couldn't think of anything funny 2 say sorry ๐Ÿ˜ž

I forgive you, go in peace ๐Ÿ™.

Fam, I hate to tell you, but USA only cares about Kurdist-hahahahahahahaha

....when itโ€™s convenient (ala Assad)

Are Kurds radical centrists ? ISIS hates them and so do the Baathists ?


Are they /our guys/ ?

Kurds are the ni- women of the world

Huh, no wonder ๐Ÿ• hates them.

Who cares what he thinks just googled for the first time 10 minutes ago?



This drama has been building online for over a year, this is hardly an agenda post.

JY is a tricky motherfucker and knows how to use DMCA's and social media report features very well. This guy is literally the guy that TERF's have been raving about...which is awesome!

DMCAs are really easy to file, especially when the stakes aren't high enough to the recipients that they'd actually spend money to fight them.

As for the reporting, I have strong suspicion JY doesn't have a real job and has nothing better to do than hit that report button.

Rumour is he's got some kind of contacts in Twitter's safety team but never verified. Not sure how he managed to get so many american's suspended or banned even when they used proper pronouns

lefties being retarded isn't an agendapost anymore than its an agendapost everytime someone posts one of daddy's more exceptionally retarded tweets

These types of posts are the best actually.

Not only it's a very welcome break from all the Reddit links that are usually pretty stale, it also has a tendency to attract defenders of whoever is being shat on in the OP, and you know who makes the best lolcows? Someone passionate enough to come to /r/Drama to defend an e-celeb.

Sadly the trans commnunitys are basically keeping tight lip about yaniv and many remove all mentions of him from their subs. Only place LGBT related I saw it was rightwinglgbt

The most thinly veiled agenda post

What's the agenda that's supposedly so obvious? The infamous anti-pedo-anti-predator agenda ?

Found the troon.

Please await my hot takes as I attempt to reach this genuinely solid effort post. As always: lol Canada.

Okay, first thought, getting through what was contained within the post (not subsequent commentary): how the fuck does this person survive? Not in the 40% variety, but gainful employment? Or any means of income? They seem immensely insufferable. Did they go full grifter and ask the Twitterotiz for cash?

Subsequent thoughts, per the latest nonsense: what the fuck? Quick, someone, give me the progressive stack lowdown. Shouldn't ESL immigrate POC win out over white feminine penis?

Woketoids don't actually care about the oppressed like poor immigrants. Right now the category deemed to face the most prejudice in society is trans people, so people like this racist (literal) troll get precedence over poor immigrant women trying to make a living.

Don't question it sweaty, just keep donating to their patreons :)

This person just fucking screams fraud and grifter. Who supports such an individual? I just don't understand.

I really hate sounding like a rightoid or a stupidpol Nazbol right now but this is the exact definition of identity politics. Her support comes solely from her identity as a trans woman, no matter the fact that she is more racist than 75% of Canadian conservatoids and a literal pedophile threat to society. I have no idea where she is getting her money from because she seems to have a great legal team. A part of me honestly believes she is paid opposition designed to make trans people and the left in general look bad, but now I sound like an Infowars moron.

What I'm trying to say is, I don't get it either man

Firstly, Strasserites are praxis. Secondly, I genuinely wonder how this obscene would play out in the United States. Perhaps our retarded Daddy lovers may even have value if they protect us from this insanity.

Imagine not just pretending to be a Strasserite to fuck with people on stupidpol.

Imagine being a troll on the internet.


The situation is made worse by BC culture.

Its like a hippy commune but the hippies all became millionaires simply by signing mortgage papers in the late 80s.

The literal fent capital of Canada.

Between the region opening up their property market to Chinese money laundering, to ignoring a massive homelessness crisis, ignoring an opioid epidemic, and cultivating "asians only" neighborhoods and zoning,

it really is peak leaf.

2019 and this faggot figures out idpol retardation literally today.

Who supports such an individual?

Grifting in fringe and identity-based communities is super easy because people will defend and support you just by virtue of your claim that you're being persecuted. People will stumble over themselves making excuses for them to avoid admitting that the grifter is a predator, opportunist, or otherwise a shitty person. I think/hope Yaniv's pushed it too far though; I'd be surprised if the support lasts beyond a handful of fellow fuck-ups when all is said and done

Vultures upon willing carrion.

Pretty much. People like Baked Alaska and Laura Loomer, the dozens (hundreds?) of Qanon grifters, etc. make money on the same premise. You'd think that people would get it by now, but it seems like they take criticism of anyone who represents their group as an assault on themselves.

There's one that I'm following over on the girlchan that's beyond entertaining; she embodies literally every negative stereotype about 'SJWs' down to the malingering, extreme aggression, daily demands for money, and thinly-veiled hatred of other women. She even allegedly sexually assaulted a woman at a local festival, yet people still follow her, buy her terrible traced "art", and donate to her. Even though she by many accounts assaulted someone in the same group and regularly targets even those who donate to her and give her exposure for not being her very specific brand of woke. It's nuts that people keep supporting her; she doesn't even pretend to be a likable person.

Ahem I see, I see, yes... but also, is she hot?

she used to be very pretty, but as she got older her appearance started to match her personality in a very big way

Funnily enough, Baked Alaska claims to be a changed man and his latest 2-3 videos were talking about the dangers of online radicalization, first one after Christchurch shooting, second one after bombing in Sri Lanka. Basically confirming what you said since alt right grift is starting to pay off less and less, if you don't already have a massive base.

I'm not sure what he is trying to do though, since his like ratio clearly shows his fans don't like his new direction.

Funnily enough, Baked Alaska claims to be a changed man and his latest 2-3 videos were talking about the dangers of online radicalization, first one after Christchurch shooting, second one after bombing in Sri Lanka

lol seriously? i'll believe it when i see it, even if he does hop on the bandwagon he'll probs move on to his next attention-seeking endeavor

i'll believe it when i see it

Please, snally, I would NEVER lie ๐Ÿ˜ค Here's his first video with a timestamp to the relevant part

He also made a Yanggang song when /pol/ was shilling him.

How can you watch even a second of him speak without catching fatal douche chills?

People apparently enjoy watching Ben Shapiro, and I just don't see it. I think he is a giant conspiracy, TPTB rubbing it in our faces that they can convince the ๐Ÿ˜คsheeple๐Ÿ˜ค that some nasally, obnoxious conservative, Judeo-Christian, could be some sort of YouTube star.

Sounds like "baked alaska," whoever the fuck that it, is transitioning to a similar, ableit more profitable grift.

post terrible traced art please

here's an example of the tracing (it's a photo of her that she made into a black person). here's an example of her 'free-form' work. NSFW of course

Beautiful ๐Ÿ˜ป๐Ÿ˜ป๐Ÿ˜ป

Oh man I think I know who you're talking about. Does she also have a more-than-likely-being-abused autistic boyfriend/fiance and does she identify as genderqueer despite looking completely female?


Here's the thing that disturbs me though. And I apologize for the semi-seriouspost.

This isn't a single incident. As you say, this is incredibly easy in these communities - and even when something this appalling happens, the support doesn't dry up completely. We can see it in the trans subreddits where they're still defending this fuckjob. Hell. Look at Greta Gustava, who set up a non-credentialy trans suicide hotline that didn't answer the phones then stole $350,000 from it. The organization admitted this in their non-profit IRS filings, and then declined to go after Greta legally (neverminding that Greta is a turbogrifter and is effectively judgement proof). It's still broadly denied that this ever happened. Nyberg is an unapologetic pedophile who has openly admitted to possessing and distributing child pornography, and there are copious logged examples of shit as bad as anything Yaniv has done, on top of attempts to groom a pre-teen relative. Nyberg had his encyrpted hard drives seized by law enforcement, but they were apparently unable to get in, and he still has copious defenders who are at Qultist level denial. Some of this drama has been going on for over a decade.

Something is going to have to give eventually - either in an explosion of drama, or the systems involved adapting to surpress, minimize and permanently shove these people out of sight of society. Since these people rely on grift and grandstanding to support themselves (not to mention the validation they get), they will not tolerate the latter quietly.

Your pulitzer's in the mail

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100% of the sub could say sheโ€™s just a troll, that doesnโ€™t mean we can ignore her identity. As long as she claims it we have to respect it. The only one who gets to define her identity is her, end of story.

God damn. They want to be robbed for a sense of moral superiority. They crave it.

He's planning on filing for 500k in compensation from JCCF, and Lindsey Shepherd who he insists works there

Someone in government must understand this is madness.

Peanut gallery is hoping Yaniv wins so JCCF can appeal it to a supreme court. It would be such a glorious battle as PC types have to choose ESL immigrants who don't want to handle hairy nuts or delusional trannies who will abuse the BCHRT complaint process. It's lose lose for them in this situation because Yaniv is the very guy people were talking about using Self ID for harmful purposes

Trudeau/Yaniv 2020

Doesnt matter, the law says what the law says.

The ideology is perfect for fraudsters and grifters as it makes victims unable to object. Here's what it means to be an "ally" you can translate the lot of it into "the perfect sucker"

our needs are secondary to the people we seek to work with: we are responsible for our self-care and recognize that part of the privilege of our identity is that we have a choice about whether or not to resist oppression; we do not expect the people we seek to work with to provide emotional support (and weโ€™re grateful if they do)

Quick, someone, give me the progressive stack lowdown.

Honestly, I think they side with whoever is acting the shittiest, because obviously the more you act out, the more you must have been offended, and therefore are the biggest victim.

The academic term is brat-theory.

This grift seems to be Yaniv's job - take people to court in the Human Rights Tribunal. Since it's on the government's dime, it costs you nothing to do it, but when the business you've sued inevitably settles rather than struggle against the unlimited resources of the government, you get the payout. At least, iirc. Presumably, the parents are supporting this creep otherwise.

I don't speak Leaf but are such things as room and board also accommodated for plaintiff?

I just meant that Yaniv would secure a couple grand from a settlement and then live off that until the next lawsuit victims cave and pays him to go away. But otherwise, it looks like he lives with his parents and is unemployed, I don't recall seeing anything about having a job.

Ah, gotcha. Mostly a question as to whether the type of grievance granted any particular, ahem, "protections".

This is also the reason why he filed 16 complaints since he'd have many chances for pay out. He's withdrawn 3 complaints when the accused had legal representation, which hasn't gone unnoticed by the BCHRT

Mother seems to be suffering from Munchies or Mitochondrial disease and is hard of hearing. It's like a fucked up norman bates but they feed off each other. His father has unfortunately passed away, may he RIP and never see what his sin became.

Fun fact, his own mom more or less confirmed they spend like 22-23 hours a day.

22-23 hours a day what?

Woops, I was phone posting when I replied. They spend almost every waking minute together. They're like a 2019 version of Norman Bates and his Mother

Living off their mom?

Do better, mom.

Yitzhak, his father, seemed to be a pretty smart guy and good with money as he it seems he left both Miriam and Jessica a substantial amount of money upon his death.

Shut it down.

He ran some kind of PR management business that tanked following his behavior but my understanding is he gets disability right now.


Closing effort comment thread; this is a fraud and grifter, right? How can supposed allies support this? How does any of this stand up to scrutiny? What good does this individual do anyone?

Same, been following this but eager to dig in.

Total shitshow is the appropriate tag here.

Seriously this country that im from is full of trash




Im going to find out if you can orgasm from schadenfreude alone

Listen to the Yanivery itself as he tries a sexy Elmo voice


Jessie's boobies go up and down, up and down, up and down!

Fucking ironic beyond belief since Elmo's VA/puppeteer was a kiddy diddler

Fucking ironic beyond belief since Elmo's VA/puppeteer was a kiddy diddler

Oh shit really


But he was ruined by an accusation...

Wait fuck, I thought he only got out of it because of a technicality with Statute of Limitations?

that wasn't my understanding, but by no means do i have my finger on the pulse of the muppeteering community

Superlative post, I wanted some background on this lovely creature but not enough to put any effort whatsoever into finding it.


Could have saved you some text.


Yaniv and Chris Chan are unironically representative of all troons.


I said it before, but Yaniv is just a Chris Chan who knows his way around the legal system and who doesnโ€™t have a problem sexually abusing women

Fuckkkkkk, Yaniv is like a RL cartman and almost semi competent. He is the sole reason the pub ban is gone and hes the sole reason hes going down for beind a pedo. Elmo girl is within SOL and filed a complaint

The Cartman comparison is disturbingly accurate.

I can't take credit for it, was watching the Water Bears episode of south park and Mr Mackey said Heidi is basically a female version of cartman but actually competent. Fucking JY sprung to mind right away

nice work op, I missed some of the pageant stuff but it's good to have this all in one place

a citizen journo on twitter documented the tribunal hearings prior to the publication ban and it's uh eye opening

right now I think mainly national post and a radio show are reporting

What's the mother's story?

found a twitter thread from what I remembered she called emergency services in the courtroom and has caused lots of scenes, she also lied/purgured herself on the stand

That was a long thread, twitter is such a fucking bad website why cant these fuckers make good ol blogposts, but worth the read

Yeah no matter what, with thread unroller or copy-pasting the text it's a LOT to read. He actually accused JCCF lawyer Juris Cameron of not having credentials or proper degrees, which Cousineau had to remind him was a SERIOUS allegation to .ame

She threw up on the stand? Fucking based!

From what I've gathered, dad is dead, quite some time ago. Yaniv lived with mommy for quite some time, but eventually had to get his own place. Mom is a nurse, who works at a local hospital, and seems to be both validating Yaniv's behavior while enabling the medical shenanigans. She seems to be not all there upstairs any longer to some degree - but it's hard to tell if it's some physical condition, or we're seeing a completely unmanaged personality disorder of some kind.


Me when I didn't read any of this:


I honestly don't blame you, I said it was gonna be longggggggg. This guy has just been fucking exceptional as hell and keeps pushing the limits each day


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o7 brave poster

How the fuck were you able to follow all this shit?


This one has been an absolute rollercoaster of a time and I got in early on. I knew most of the stuff I wanted to include and luckily commented near most. Plus I'm in slow season for my business so I can dick around a TO especially since I'm the owner.

The biggest development was the beauty pageant stalking and when the first tribunal started. That was like 250+ pages in 2 weeks.

Thank you for your service o7

It's nice to prove the point for all other rational humans as to why troons like Johnny shouldn't be allowed in the same public restroom with anyone under 18.

Imagine unironically thinking every troon but teapot isnโ€™t a pedo. People are morons.

Imagine using that troon and effort in the same sentence unironically

I'm starting to think that Jessica Yaniv isn't one of the good ones.

Try to keep an open mind.... And if you're between 10-12, open legs.

I'm not finding this as dramatic as I hoped. Leftoids aren't defending her at all. It's pretty much just everyone dumping on her.

What about the Big Tech angle? Twitter banned Lindsay Shepherd just the other day after she had an argument with him.

There's been an implication of some kind of connection at tech companies like Twitter, beyond the rule lawyering we've seen so far. This may come from the tech-blogging era. Yaniv's critics, up until very recently have been silenced extremely quickly on Twitter, which is normally not swift at handling this sort of thing. Not even credible threats of violence get shut down so quickly.

Witnessing someoneโ€™s dirty laundry being aired out is a delicious source of schadenfreude in its own right. Personally, I always welcome another example demonstrating that even if you take the male out of the male โ€œfeministโ€, you canโ€™t remove the โ€œfeministโ€.

I haven't seen a single person defending him anywhere since this started months ago. I guess there are some blue check marks who will defend anything, but they're a really tiny minority.

Give it time, this has been a slow burn that's catching fire. There are multiple news articles in different countries about him, the National Post FB post with it has over 800 comments of pissed off people.

Not to mention, Elmo girl.confirmed it was yaniv and he technically committed a crime with that shit. Her and many others are coming forward. Also theres potential shit hitting the fan for Cimorelli due to his close ties and running their fan page if people start digging!

Twitter must be the vanguard of leftoids at this point. They are the only org ready to step in to defend m'ma'am's honor.

Get on the right side of history, leftoids.

Chris-Chan is better cmv

โ€œYouโ€™ll be screaming Donald Trumpโ€™s over and over againโ€ unironically what did he mean by this?

Thanks for this

Thanks op, I comments on a post about this degen last week knowing someone would put the effort cuz im a lazy fag, and here you are

I wasnt sure if anyone else was following the KF thread and I have a good memory for crazy shit like this. I was just worried about keeping the narrative in order cause hes done sooooo much.

Gotta say, he looks like Ursula and should be cast for Little Mermaid. I demand TransUrsula!

Fantastic post.

It's all ogre.

all trannies are exactly the same as this guy prove me wrong

Well theres people like blaire white

(And also all the trans people that arent vocal about shit)

This is real journalism. I can't believe no media organization is covering this.

I can.

ugh i thought this was a good post and about to upvote but you said "fall out" instead of "fallout." i hope a mod deletes this thread till you learn how to properly treat the threat and consequence of nuclear winter.

High quality effort post. An excellent balance of seriousness and r/drama quality bad manners. I give it a 10/10 and I'm only like 1000 char in. Can someone explain to me why a MTF trans person needs pads?

Unfortunately a lot of the trans and wider LGBT+ community are keeping quiet on this because of the possibility of being painted as transphobic (the extensive threads on Yaniv on sites like Kiwi Farms don't help this). I don't just have an issue with JY because of the blatant unnatural interest in minors, but because she's doing active harm to the trans community.

I don't just have an issue with JY because of the blatant unnatural interest in minors

I need an adult! Stranger danger!


I hope this bitch wins every case

publication ban in place banning the media and people from naming her.

Shit like this makes me so happy to be a burger.

So when /r/drama posts are better then literally all Canadian journos is that a problem?

I recall hearing about some of this shit in the press but it was never connected by any common individuals or pattern.

So again, why should i be sad that the press is dying?

This is now the place to point JY n00bs to.

Very concise yet informative account.

This needs to be a Medium article so I can unashamedly link to it publicly.



Enjoy the time โŒš you have ๐Ÿˆถ left ๐Ÿ‘ˆ. JUSTICE ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€โš–๏ธ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€โš–๏ธ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€โš–๏ธ IS ๐Ÿˆถ COMING. Tick โœ…โœ… tock.


  1. National Sex Day - Outline

  2. one brave woman who outted him - Outline

  3. 16 BC Human Rights Tribunal complai... - Outline

  4. Meghan Murphy - Outline

  5. 4 - Outline

  6. 5 - Outline

  7. pads - Outline

  8. Ms BC pageant - Outline

  9. defunded - Outline

  10. under the bus - Outline

  11. lie about her - Outline

  12. 2 - Outline

  13. streamable - Outline

  14. 2 - Outline

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This pedo has been making me seethe for months. Even ogre turned on him for being a pedo. Fuck this pedo for making me go to KF to watch him.

I lost it at Balldemort.

Jesus Christ this subreddit is so openly transphobic... do you not realize how damaging this post is? Like, this is even worse than the thinly veiled cryptofascism of fr*nworld...

My brain wont work until this person is arrested. For the love of fuck some one please arrest this fucking virus.
