Mueller Testimony live stream: Watch Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Congressional hearing today

101  2019-07-24 by OverSocialization


If I ever see you in real life I'll fucking make you eat cement. You got that, bitch? If it wasn't your mom coming downstairs to the basement each night to bring you a plate of chicken tenders, you would be dead with droll running into the cracks of your cheeto dust covered keyboard. I bet you weight about 400 pounds and have a string tied to your dick you use so you can piss. The fact you have to keep making new accounts suggest you need a new hobby. Stop being a piece of shit troll and find something creative to do. You only have so much time left before your arteries clog and Coonrod lowers your 2000 pounds casket into the ground with a fucking crane.


  1. Mueller Testimony live stream: Watc... -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

Summary of so far:

•73-year old Dementia Patient is shittweeting

•right of the bat, Mueller says he did not exonerate Trump

•Soy Boi Republicans start acting like how they acted with Strozk and Cohen with Collins trying to lie through his time. And Chabot asking questions that Mueller was not allowed to answer

•Oh and the rightoids are brigading the comment section on Politics megathread with bad faith comments about Mueller

>bad faith comments


Nah, that’s what Td actually has done and then doxxed the user who reported on it.

Just tons of bad faith comments rightoid throwaway accounts

imagine arguing in good faith on reddit dot com

You are a 1 month unironic /r/politics poster lmao.


he's saying you're retarded


Leave the tard alone, his mere presence is excellent bait for other retards to show up and argue with him

Oh wow they are in bad faith? Gosh I hope they don't gaslight our strawmans gish galop

oof, that's a hard yikes from me

that's a stochastic terrorism fallacy, sweaty.

That's the sweaty fallacy.

How could they do that to Harry Potter 😤

Looks like another one's come to pasture boys

bad faith comments

The humanity.

Oh and the rightoids are brigading the comment section on Politics megathread with bad faith comments about Mueller


Imagine thinking "rightoids" aren't banned from /r/politics


For a “nothingburger”, it surprisingly has a lot meat. And the chefs found the meat provider ti very credible despite what critics say

Repeat after me:


Point out the entire section of that in the report.

He is finished now 3: the cope knight rises

In evaluating whether evidence about collective action of multiple individuals constituted a crime, we applied the framework of conspiracy law, not the concept of “collusion.” In so doing, the Office recognized that the word “collud[e]” was used in communications with the Acting Attorney General confirming certain aspects of the investigation’s scope and that the term has frequently been invoked in public reporting about the investigation. But collusion is not a specific offense or theory of liability found in the United States Code, nor is it a term of art in federal criminal law. For those reasons, the Office’s focus in analyzing questions of joint criminal liability was on conspiracy as defined in federal law. In connection with that analysis, we addressed the factual question whether members of the Trump Campaign “coordinat[ed]” — a term that appears in the appointment order — with Russian election interference activities. Like collusion, “coordination” does not have a settled definition in federal criminal law. We understood coordination to require an agreement — tacit or express — between the Trump Campaign and the Russian government on election interference. That requires more than the two parties taking actions that were informed by or responsive to the other’s actions or interests. We applied the term coordination in that sense when stating in the report that the investigation did not establish that the Trump Campaign coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.

No, don't reply like this, please do another wall of unhinged rant please.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Don't let appearences fool you my man. Like a chapo, it is 1% meat and 99% fat and bones.

So like every right wing conspiracy.. also stealth edit from chapo to Politics I see


God u cringe

nice username, soy baby. Why is every /r/politics and chapo posters also into some manchild hobby like capeshit, starshit and pokemon? Also, is this you?

Account made 14 mins ago wants to talk about people’s account history. Probably one of those cancers to society that resides at TQ

When you are a td user and you have to make an alt in order to seethe and cope.

You really didn’t think this through, did you?

TD posters are sending their best. Low energy, low IQ, low testosterone.





Feel free to check my post history, soy toddler, when you can from your busy life of crying about drumpf, playing NintendoDS and coming into your japanese pillow.

Why did you start at 68-8? And why do you make new accounts so much but you don't delete the other ones? What's the point?

I didn't start at 68-8... check 68-2 for example. Why not? It takes literally 10 seconds to make a new reddit account. Why should I use just one account? AFAIK there is no rules against making a new account every hour if you wanted to.

Just seems like more of a pain in the ass than just keeping one account.

You make it because you can and that's the point.

I can shit in my hand and rub it on my dick but I don't do it that much.

I really hope you are younger than 18 to still be into pokemon at a non nostalgia level

laughs in red state obesity rates

Don't worry fam, Mueller will personally impeach Trump at the end of the hearing.

We've finally got him.

Shitposter be gone!!!

Man that joke is so fucking old.

Imagine being such a humorless, self-important cunt that can't even fathom the concept of laughing at their own side.

Trump obstructed with his big, fat, orange, Russian butt. 😎

his cheeto peepee obstructed mueller's throbbing investigation

Putin's Space Raptor Butt Invasion, winner of four Hugo awards.

Cry more, lmao.

Tears of laughter? Because that what I usually do when I see cancer like you leak from The_Quarantined


LOL! Now this folks, is how you bait.

Gays reproduce by molesting children

Senile old man spit roasted by by Pubbies in Congress.

Imagine coping this hard.

Mommy defense force hasn't yet assembled, as this tripe is only at +9

Isn’t bitching on Twitter about a guy testifying about you also coping? Megacoping I would say if you have to lie about him

Isn't having an entire news network dedicated to taking things out of context to make the president look bad the ultimate S E E T H E ?

How about 3 of them?

Jfc dude youre not Ivanka, hes not gonna fuck you.

Doesn't that apply to both sides?

This guy wants daddy to diddle him

he's a boomer, boomer's don't cope, they mope

and trannies rope. it's the holy trinity

Imagine coming to drama to agendapost

Gays deserved the AIDS epidemic


Lol Mommy defense force.

Are liberals actual capable of coordinating enough and getting something done instead of just talking about it, instead of REEEEing with impotent rage?

They don't do it for free...

Are you telling me liberals are able to actually accomplish anything?

They get $oro$bux

The entire history of the world has been leftoids dragging rightoid neaderthals forward as they kick and scream.

Honestly you're right.

But giving women the right to vote was a mistake.

So were white people.


mayocide now

Considering they lost to Trump, yes.

What "mommy defense force"?

Leftoioids aren't the ones guilty of leader worship, my dude. That's a hilarious amount of projection.

loonie lefts like pizza

Leftists don't like Hillary if that's what you mean by mommy. So not much of a defense force

commie mommy and indian mommy

Jesus, you post a lot about Pokémon.

Agendaposters OUT

But lolcows IN

I see you are getting downvoted by butthurt rightoids here.

Imagine having dozens of the smartest lawyers in the US, who all hate Trump, special investigative powers and a budget of tens of millions of dollars to investigate and this is the worst you can dig up 😂😂😂

Sounds like you didn’t read the report Mr. Cancer. Stop leaking from the Quarantined. Why are you TD retards constantly spread fake news? Just shut the fuck up.

•Citation on where they all hate Trump, dumbass.

•You do know that Trump and his allies have deleted a lot of their communications or are encrypted and have lied a decent amount, of course you don’t because you’re a cocksleeve and anything bad about Trump gets you banned at your little safe space.

•You do know that they have only spent around 25 million, which Manafort’s ASSets have seemingly covered the probe’s expenses. Saying tens of millions of dollars makes it sound like they spent 70 Mil.

TD users= The Laughing Cockslevees of Society

New, previously unheard of levels of cope. Wow, governement officials speaking with scary encryption™. thats unheard of!

Time for a new pivot, sell your 'muh russia' stock and go long 'hes racist'!

But tell me again, why should we believe Trump? The dickless 73 year old dementia patient that wastes his time MEGACoping on twitter every time something bad about him gets coverage.

Why should we believe anyone? What if this whole country is full of blood sucking interdimensional lizards? 😱😱

Hey fag guess who is a fag (it’s you)

It’s over for drumpfcels, it’s mueller time! Impeachment is now inevitable

This is more bad news for Trump but I don’t see much coming out of it. And Mueller doesn’t seem too hot here.

What??? Mueller is bai 😍. He’s going to single handedly take down drunpf today, I read a great piece about it in wapo today.

you dont read wapo, you take your news from your brother in baldness

im starting to think fantasy and sci fi and comic book writers are overthinking their escapist fiction

after that obama fanfic im starting to get some ideas

Children r in cages and this is our response

LITERALLY concentration camps!!

Children are in pizza cells!

MUELLER COMING. Surely now trump will be arrested and perp-walked out of the White House

Yep, imagine not thinking he will be formally arrested today for obstructing collusion on behalf of Putin himself!

Subscribe to r/the_mueller pls

It's Mueller Time! It's Muffin Time for impeachmentcels

It's fairly simple really:


Nadler: Did you or your report exonerate Trump?

Mueller: No

(Reason: DOJ rules that you can’t indict a sitting President. Mueller also couldn’t name people without indicting them as per DOJ rules. So now Trump is stuck with “can’t be charged, but is not exonerated”. That looks real bad on any presidency)

But if you say no obstruction loud and often enough, by the law of human retardation, it becomes true.





Randy, is that you??

Who's Randy

A friggin onion-ring sasquatch.

Don't deadname her.

I’m such an asshole. I’m so sorry

do you even go here?

Unless I'm misreading what he said during this testimony during a line of questioning, if Trump was not president (or after he returns to being a private citizen), he would be charged for obstruction

This is true!


Fake News Folks

Yes. rightoids here are all upset about it saying no collusion. One rightoid on another sub was saying how “We are a country with a presumption of innocence. Prosecutors need to prove the someone was guilty”. I was just assumed it was a bad faith poster or a retard because this has been pointed out numerous fucking timesz

•Doj rules you cannot indict a sitting president (it’s a stupid rule honestly)

•Doj also rules you cannot name someone in an indictment without indicting them. Because that would actually be accusing them of a crime, they cannot legally defend because they were not indicted.

Since Mueller could not prove Trump was innocent and with the White House and Trump trying to block interviews and such like that. Mueller was in the position of: “I can’t indict him and I can’t exonerate him either”. So now Trump is in the position of, “would have been indicted, if the DOJ rule didn’t not legally protect him”

Whether he would have been convicted or found non-guilty is another story


Pathetic rightoid cocksleeve still a cocksleeve for a 73 year old dementia patient who would be indicted if the a certain doj guideline didn’t exist.



To back to r/worldnews retard

Head back to rConspiracy cunt. Isn’t that the subreddit that had a Moderation war? Or was that Td-lite aka Conservative?

Wtf are u babbling about

They're calling you out for being a conspiracist coont from /r/conspiracy because feeding off drama automatically means you went to there or Conservative following the influx of TD users to those subs, I guess. We all know you believe jet fuel can't melt steel memes, so admit it!!!!!!!!!



Also, another tidbit:

Apparently Trump lied about interviewing Mueller to replace Comey and had order McGhan to lie

He specifically came back after the break and said that was dead wrong, but keep parroting that /r/politics bullshit.

“That is not the correct way to say it,” Mueller said. “As we say in the report and as I said at the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.”

Imagine, S E E T H I N G so much you have to make up things


Is that how I change my gender?

Are you a burger? Cause they have to pay for surgery



Don't worry you two. The evil orange man will be in cuffs soon.

When you C O P E by writing C O P E

Someone’s coping over that exoneration question pretty hard

So now Trump is stuck with “can’t be charged, but is not exonerated”. That looks real bad on any presidency

Definitely. But on the bright side it looks real great for any criminal that's been caught red-handed.

Now THIS is radical centrism.

ok but Trump said no collusion no obstruction

ball's in your court

nadler: help my pants are eating me


for real have you seen his pants its like humpty dumpty

OMG, he's old, white Urkel.

“I want to go back to one thing that was said this morning by Mr. Lieu, who said, and I quote, ‘you didn’t charge the president because of the OLC opinion.'”

“That is not the correct way to say it,” Mueller said.

“As we say in the report, and as I said in the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.”


“Can you give me an example other than Donald Trump where the Justice Department determined that an investigated person was not exonerated because their innocence was not conclusively determined?” Robert Mueller: “I cannot”

You either get indicted, or not indicted. You are convicted, or not convicted. Literally no one is "declared innocent" in our criminal justice system. That's not how it works. That's not how any of this works.

bluecheckmark foid unironically has “autism parent in twitter bio


I think I may be an autism parent

How do I get my cats checked

A burlap sack and a river. Afterwards get a real pet.

Cats are the only real pets

They’re lazy depressed selfish assholes

Just like me

Cats are better than dogs cmv

*whitney wisconsin disliked that





no u

I too am a hermit crab supremacist


^ ^ ^ THIS ONE

Look even the president says so.

“I want to go back to one thing that was said this morning by Mr. Lieu, who said, and I quote, ‘you didn’t charge the president because of the OLC opinion.'”

“That is not the correct way to say it,” Mueller said.

“As we say in the report, and as I said in the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.”


“Can you give me an example other than Donald Trump where the Justice Department determined that an investigated person was not exonerated because their innocence was not conclusively determined?” Robert Mueller: “I cannot”

You either get indicted, or not indicted. You are convicted, or not convicted. Literally no one is "declared innocent" in our criminal justice system. That's not how it works. That's not how any of this works.

It's over

It's over for saying it's over

Epstein cope coming up next

That's what I'm waiting for. It's sick but I've been on the edge of my seat waiting for those documents to be released for like 2 weeks

Sheeeeiiiiiiit, I've been over here scrubbing those docs clean for two weeks.

Ghislaine Maxwell is such a rapey tease. I bet she only uses baby talk in the bedroom.

Coochy coochy coo!

you know itll be fun when they outright admit a lot of famous people are going to be caught up in it

My prediction? Everyone on the known earth is named and we are all sentenced to 20 years.

🌿👀🌿 they won't be able to find me in here!

Lol snally you really think anyone notable will be in there?

I suppose only time will tell.

Let's take a moment to appreciate that the Greatest Country in the WorldTM is lead by an illegitimate President.

No really, lean back, take a breath and actually ponder that for a moment.

Children r in cages and ur posting on reddit. Do better.

Not my monkey, not my circus.

Also lol at Ameriburgers not taking this well, like, at all.

Not even sure what’s happening tbh but the fact that he has that good of hair combined with his jawline and his ability to ghost chinks, I’m on team mueller.

Can the leftoid and rightoid agendaposters finally agree on something, that Bobby Mueller is quite strapping for a 70-something year old man? He's literally within 3 years of both Breadline Bernie and Dementia Daddy.

good of hair

Dude his hairline is just straight and full. No wonder daddy hates him.

honestly that's the best place for them. shoutout to /r/childfree

He’s not illegitimate just because Hilary was too lazy and retarded to campaign properly

Good point. It is akshually Hillary's fault for failing to collude with foreign governments and commit better treason.Trump is really a great traitor, many say the best, they say nobody has done it like him. He has commited so much treason people will begetting tired of it.

I’m sorry but I’ve seen the Facebook ads that the Russians did and I don’t think they swung the election.

I think the Russians did a better job hyping BLM

Some Aussie ran one of the largest BLM accounts

Yeah, she should’ve colluded so they would’ve reminded her that the rust belt was still a part of the US and to visit there at least once

Both are compromised by Epstein.

Stop downvoting our guests, folks

It's useless.

Burgers have notoriously bad impulse control. Just look at the fentanylor obesity epidemic.

It's because they lack a good leader, tbqh.

There's no such thing as an illegitimate president, retard.

He has all the powers of the presidency, that makes him just as legitimate as any other. It's all you need.

Even if it were to come out twenty years from now that Trump only actually got 103 votes in the general election to Hillary's 120,000,000 and it was actually just Sean Hannity banging on the master vote counting console with a wrench that changed the numbers to give Trump the votes he needed he would still have been a legitimate president.

To leftoids, nothing has intrinsic legitimacy. Not elections, not courts, not laws, not law enforcement. Legitimacy to them only comes from advancing their ends.

In all honesty it's not that I believe the office of the presidency has intrinsic legitimacy- it's the powers of that office that give it legitimacy.

If Trump won in 2016 and was sworn in but everyone around him refused to do what he asked and straight up didn't acknowledge his authority then he'd just be a figurehead and an illegitimate president despite having won an election. (Obviously people have held him back over the past few years, but that's not what I'm talking about.)

However if Trump lost the election but then during Hillary's acceptance speech he went on stage and shot her with a gilded AR-15 while yelling "YOU'RE FIRED" then declared himself the winner by default and everyone went along with it and gave him the powers of the presidency then he would still be a legitimate president imo.

Thanks for clarifying you're so mentally impaired, that you do not understand the meaning of basic words like "legitimate".

Par for the course for a REEEEpublican, and about as obvious as the Trump campaign's collusion with Russia, still the confirmation is appreciated.

Thanks everyone, don't forget to subscribe and hit that downvote button.


not being mentally impaired

You must feel so lonely around all the other agendaposters.

And power grants legitimacy. You can claim the law does if you want to, but laws are only valid while they have have the backing of those with power. Laws are illegitimate without power- they're just suggestions at that point.

Try to think outside of the perspective of a child that only grasp one concept at a time, sweaty.

don't forget to subscribe and hit that downvote button.

Imagining actually using the downvote button lmao.

they are sort of right nothing has legitimacy that does not come from allah

The only thing that has legitimacy are the various Injun tribes that coexisted peacefully before us on this continent. Everything since then has been illegitimate.

You’re right we need to start arming the native americans for the genocide

>Trying to disguise your seriousposting


[I'm definitely the cerealposter in here and not all the fatriotic Americans and REEEpublicans!]

Props for trying to bait both sides in this thread 👌

I wish you a grave illness followed by an intensely protracted period of healing.

So Democrats and others can illegally fabricate a crime, try pinning it on a very innocent President, and when he fights back against this illegal and treasonous attack on our Country, they call It Obstruction? Wrong! Why didn’t Robert Mueller investigate the investigators?

That's a very good point, unindicted co-conspirator #1 is bringing up.

well now i see why mueller has been so reluctant to do any public hearing, dude seems old and frail

Ya he does. But people in /r/politics claim anyone that says that is a russian not

everyone knows Russians are too drunk and retarded to make a working bot

finally the end of drumpf

we did it ya’ll


Some pretty hard C O P E here. Rightoids only use “drumpf” when they’re seething

Lol who stickied this

Mommy defense force, who clearly isn't actually watching Mueller get his ass handed to him

He's literally just repeating what his report said

The dims in that session aren't even letting him finish answering before they say their next sound bite for CNN

It's the same on both sides because each person has only 5 minutes for both question and answer, and since Mueller is a lawyer, the answers are not what either side wants to hear

Republicans get senile Mueller who ums and aws through their entire time.

Dems get scripted Mueller who literally is reading exactly what they agreed to ahead of time.

I respect your total commitment to rightoid agenda posting

The cope is amazing!

only matched by the S E E T H E levels from team mommy that impeachments aren't happening.


A day later and dozens of liberal pundits have sounded off on how unprepared he looked and how bad the optics of this were while right wing pundits are ecstatic. Already there are Democratic lawmakers “who wish to not be named” saying similar things to national publications.

Odd case - did the Russians pay off Chuck Todd and Michael Moore and Lawrence Tribe?

That's not S E E T H E, sweaty.

Pretending like this somehow isn’t the truth even as a leftoid

Rightoids angry that Mueller answered every Repubs question with "I can't talk about that" and Nunes subsequently gave up lmao

This is this week’s top drama, I’m glad it’s stickies

lol there's at least 3 leftoid seriousposters in this thread within minutes of it being made. One is an unironic chapoposter.

Do they actually think anything is going to happen because of this testimony?

I think we’re just hoping something does

It likely won’t tho

He literally said at his press conference anything he said today was going to be straight from the report

Just a complete waste of time

Congress? Wasting time? Showboating? Never!

its fun to watch people get their hopes up and then have them all dashed yet again

I hoped he would finally bring up FusianGPS, the DNC, and pizza gate, but alas, life is unfair.


- Melvin Toby Jr.

Don't forget Imran Awan and his family. DNC IT professionals who perloined DNC servers and other electro equipment. Debbie Wasserman Schultz backed them to the hilt.

Story of my life.

Also, nothing ever happens.

Well, to be fair, not many read the report. Even a lot of congress did not read it.

It's over for daddycels.

It's just begging for Daddy 2.0

Why is this on r/drama? Genuinely curious. Btw Hillary and Trump aren't going to jail.

TBH I'm not super against Trump, but I kinda hope something happens with all this shit too. It'd be huge drama.

And now the DDF has arrived, so we can finally enjoy some animal pit fighting.

Which side do you think is more like Mr.Pibble?

Violent and stupid? Conservatives or commies. But not every Democrat is a commie so they win

Trick question. They both are. 🐴 👟

The chapos are much more likely to advocate for abortion, but then again the DDF like putting kids in camps.

Pretty hard to tell which side has given the most kisses


Hey it worked

who would have guessed OP was a shrieking hysterical faggot?

Mueller is going to personally impeach Drumbo Wumbo at the end of this hearing.

Two words: citizens arrest

Even the major media outlets were trying to prepare everyone for a boring testimony so probably only the usual suspects who think that something is always on the verge of happening

The Boomers and DDF showed up too, you just have to scroll down more.

dae le both sides?

Um, yeah, we do here. Radical centrism, bb. If there aren't two sides we make the second one up so that it's balanced, as all things should be.

That a boring obstruction charge is a win and they didn't waste a couple years trying to prove he colluded with the russians.

Mueller doesn't need to prove anything the Russians already admitting to electing Trump as President.


It’s over for Obummer

He's squirted his last bottle of Dijon

I hope he didn't get any on his tan suit.

Not gonna watch it. Spoonfeed me juicy bits.

There's nothing we didn't know already besides the fact that Mueller appears frail and senile. He's completely unaware of the findings of his very own report. One moment he mentions he can't name a source, then is immediately told the source is named at page 192 of the report.

I mean that's basically par for the course for these kinds of hearings, the safe route for any question you're not 100% sure of is always to 'refer to the report' than to mistakenly state something not in agreement with the written document. A good bunch of the rightoid reps are using all their time to play that game just to get a sound byte "are you contradicting your own report??!!"

He couldn't even remember Reagan appointed him. He answered Bush and the Democrat asking him questions had to correct him.

why are we letting people a decade past retirement handle the most important positions in our country is beyond stupid.

There really should be an age cap at 70. Maybe 60.

Mueller wasn’t handling anything of import. That’s why.

Daddy is having a meltdown on Twitter lol

75% of the country wouldn't even know that Mueller testified before congress, if he would shut his mouth about it on Twitter.

Hey, but how would the world know he had thought about nuking Afghanistan? (even though we are at war with the Taliban in Afghanistan and even if his defenders try to say “that’s what he meant”, you should still say what you fucking me, you dumb nutless cocksleeves)

On a different note, all of Trump’s problems have been ironically causesd by Twitter.

Including his presidency.

Which ironically has caused him to be under more investigations regarding his business and his past.

I honestly wonder if Trump would be under so many investigations had he not run for President.

Would the Republican Nominee also hire Manafort and Flynn?

Would drunk Papadumbfuck mouthed off at a bar in Austrailia?

I honestly wonder if Trump would be under so many investigations had he not run for President.

Lol you really have to wonder about this?

I mean he would be under a few. That’s obvious. But some of his legal losses and problems and have been contributed to his own words.

Like would the Russia Probe be as big if Cruz became the nominee? Assuming Cruz didn’t do something stupid like Trump did

Or did hiring Manafort, Flynn, etc is what caused the Russia probe to become such a distraction to this admin?

Or was it the Nra and Republicans association with Butina?

Are we at this point at history because the RNC is full of fuckups and horrible people like Romney’s Niece? I mean all of the RNC finance chairs are in legal trouble. They only turned on one of them (Cohen) because he didn’t defend Trump.

If Trump wasn’t elected, would the NRA still be in more legal and financial chaos?

I honestly never really though about these questions. Because I thought oh all these people at the RNC are so fucking stupid and just left it at that.

If Trump wasn’t elected, would Trump still get away with financial crimes he possibly committed?

If Trump wasn’t elected, would Trump still get away with financial crimes he possibly committed?

You should have lead with this line instead of ending with it.

Would you still be seething? Lmao

My favorite part of thr mueller report is twitter as references/sources in thr report lmaooo

...and solutions.

Does he have dementia or something like that?

Watching this feels like trying to have a conversation with retirement home boomers.

He’s just old

Not all old people have dementia or are currently sundowning on twitter.

Still think Bernie could win eh?

Mueller just got his asshole shot out with a shotgun. For anyone wondering about a run-down, Gohmert basically destroyed Mueller and his entire report fully. Essentially, Mueller is accusing Trump of obstruction for trying to point out that the agents that he appointed for the investigation had a conflict of interest. Regardless if you hate Trump or not, the law applies equally to everybody; How would you feel if police agents appointed to investigate you were previously sharing text messages with eachother about how much they hated you and wanted a chance to take you down? Watch r/politics try and damage control this unassailable fact.

Oh shut up

you shut up

No u

Rightoid srsposters are cancer

Don't make me slap you with a rolled up news-paper you teenager, calling out this bullshit doesn't make you a Republican by any means.

I didn’t say republican

I said rightoid you boomer faggot

Go away

Go play video games on your smart phone, dweeb

Go cry about antifa on Facebook you fuckin boomer

Go make a tik tok about blowing trannies

I bet you’d watch it and hate-jerk off to it incel

haha yeah blowing trannies to stick it to the rightoids

Shut up nerd

You legit made a new reddit account because you were scared to criticize democrats on your real account

You’re a pathetic loser

This is some quality content.

I was hoping the Pokemon cow from higher up would scroll down and start arguing with this cow.

scared to talk about Democrats

Is that why reddit has to quarantine everything that makes fun of the left?

“I had to create this throw-away today because of just how frustrated I've become with the delusional progressive posting on reddit“

That’s something you said in all sincerity

Your life is sad

Any more pathetic than someone getting upset that their fake investigation shit the bed? Or calling some dude "she" because he told you to?

Do I seem upset about this “fake” investigation? You’re the only one srs posting about it faggot.

And what is your obsession with trans people

Do I seem upset about this “fake” investigation? You’re the only one srs posting about it faggot.

Lol, yes, seeing as you called me a "rightoid" for laughing at Mueller

And what is your obsession with trans people

It's funny making fun of them

I called you a rightoid for srs agendaposting in /r/drama

I really don’t care

You’re annoying boomer

Wtf is srs you spazz

Jesus Christ you boomer get off the fuckin internet



Seven hours late and enjoying the show.

Srs means serious. Serious-posting is a big no-no here because it distracts from "the lulz".

"Drama" is secretly all about milking things for humour, not reasons to be outraged.

That sounds GAY

Confirmed boomer ^

The internet's aren't tubes fyi

Why are you bringing up Benghazi out of nowhere?


No it's because one of your brothers is always threatening to shoot the joint up lol.



you got dramas number there gotta hand it to you


im agreeing nigga

theres lots of tranny blowers in here

If my son was a tranny I'd throw him off the back of a pickup and kick him on the top of the head on his way out

Its gonna be funny when you're too old to take care of yourself so your son is given control of your assets and he puts you in a low end, shitty assisted living center where the nurses roll your wheelchair in the corner and let you spend your time counting the cracks in the wall when they arent renting out your bussy to truck drivers. Meanwhile your son will be banging traps in the bed you used to share with your boomer wife who got early onset alzheimers.

lol id donate my assets to a Swahili tribe before a tranny fag son, and Id also like to be buried up to my neck and have a viper bit my face. Ill beat you up son

AnnArchist better fucking you

what does this sentence mean

* mod you

I’m retarted, sorry


"Go have sex"

LMAO bruh u a tually checked his post history

God u r pathetic

It’s a 10 day old account

I spent 5 seconds and saw that

Pssst calm down you’re on /r/drama

Go play “v v srs debate game” on your smartphone, dork

speak english you mong

Damn you got him.

Fucking nerds with their phones and video games.

I know I hate it


Shame they'll never actually follow through saving the rest of the internet from their idiotic takes.

Go play pubg mobile with your gay friends

ahahahaha you're still sperging in here?? 😂😂😂


If you play games on a cellphone you are certified gay and retarded

I dunno, I like the one where you can be a car or a bike or a snowmobile, and then you run out of gas unless you give them your credit card number. Reminds me of real life.

Imagine thinking politicians deserve the protection of law you fucking pro-gov cuck. Trump isn't getting it too hard, it's that everyone before him got it too easily.

Imagine thinking since they are a politician they deserve political enemies to be in charge of levying charges

That should be the case for all politicians, really. Like I said, everyone before him, especially Clinton, got off too easily.

Get off easily how? The prosecutor can't charge him so he's guilty? Thats like calling someone who passed a polygraph "inconclusive"

Yes. Politicians should be presumed guilty.

You're a retard lmao

No counter-argument, eh?

An American should be presumed guilty just because they were elected


An American should be presumed guilty just because they were elected

Being elected means you are a very skilled liar, and thus less trustworthy.

okay 13 year old

Better a 13 year old than a boomer leech.

atleast I can wake up on Monday you bitch

Not for long, grandpa.

Are you pizzashill LARPing as a Boomer?

wtf are you talking about retard

>Old ass,by the book, traditionalist Republican whose glory days were in the 80's levies charges against fellow old ass, but more affected by dementia and daddy issues, Republican trying to relive his glory days from the 80's

but political enermies amirite?

what the fuck are you talking about

Unironically the most intelligent comment I've seen yet on this shithole sub.

All seriousposters are cancer.


AllMost seriousposters are very entertaining considering they're cancer.

If ya gonna get cancer hope its a seriousposter?

Better cancel than a Chapo or some other kind of Male Feminist.

Both of you shut up

Let the Boomer argue it is good entertainment.

Lmao he looked like a retarded senile coot. He got his ass beat repeatedly, made contradictory statements, contradicted the report.

It’s clear to anyone who isn’t dumb that he was barely involved in this - the whole report was written by his fiercely anti-Trump subordinates. And they STILL didn’t find evidence of collusion.

This isn’t /r/the_donald

Keep your boomer posting out

Not /r/politics either. Go jerk of to Maddow

The fact that you people still can’t cope with being misled by MSNBC into believing a grand russian conspiracy is amazing. You lost - get over it. Listen to competent leftists like Glenn Greenwald.

Fuck off and srs post elsewhere

No one cares

lmao, it's hilariously clear you care as much as the dumbass boomers itt.


I didn’t srs or agenda post at all

I just posted this for drama and boomers came to spew their bs

My first comment on this post is me mocking a leftist

thank you for your service



Not really tho

Yes, every thing is always leftie cope with you. Do you actually disagree?


i really do

Read back through your history and tell me that again

Ok done

Still think that

I don't believe that you do

If you seriously look at my history and see leftoid cope you’re a troglodyte

If you go deeper than the first page you couldn't possibly deny it..

Show me examples

Ok trumptard

Trump is a hero and Obama will go to jail

Q was right! - you, 8 hours ago.

point out real facts

LOL ARE YOU /r/politics?

Trumptards are so dumb

Trump laughed about Epstein’s affinity for young girls

He knew he was a kid fucker. you, 8 hours ago.

I listen to NPR quite frequently and they really don’t say stuff like that. you, 9 hours ago. This one is especially damning.



I mean you cherry picked me arguing with trumptards

No kidding

You should become our new pizzashill, the old one is past his expiration date

Doesn’t pizza always agenda post tho

Y’all got that in common

I really don’t think I’m an agendaposter

Look at all my history

This is some SERIOUS cope lol

More like an explanation lol

Damn, you're a pussy

Go jerk of to Maddow

Gotta admit, she's nothing special, but I'd still hit it.

MDF is in the heezy! MDF vs DDF, go!

They are going over the evidence of conspiracy right now. This is evidence presented in the report. Plug your ears and cover your eyes!

Lots of DDF cope in this thread

weaklingANTIFA 8 points 4 hours ago

OverSocializationdrink[S] 31 points 4 hours ago


Boomers BTFO

Juicy rightoid cope

only one gonna be coping is r/politics when the mueller anal rape highlight reels hit the market

Cool story! Thanks for sharing, buddy! Don't let your mom know you're talking to me. It is a violation of her restraining order against me.

Hahahahaha how many anti-depressants are you on right now?

Just momruepari, how about you?

Joe Rogan supplements

Nice does that,ake you Bi like Joe? Or are you still ace?

It means I have a wicked spinning back twister

Imagine being proud of not being on meds and being this self-unaware about needing them to not come off as a seething boomer clinging to the only people who give you any kind of purpose at all by telling you what you want to believe and feeding you the delusion that you still matter.


Why do you keep bringing up that subreddit lol, no one here cares. Go be a boomer somewhere else.

Wait no stay

okay ill stay

You mean leftoid cope lol? Your christ figure for two years of this sham looks like a boomer confusing his grandaughter for his wife in the nursing home.

We now know for a fact that this was a partisan hoax perpetrated by this senile retard’s anti-Trump subordinates.

I stand by the information in the report and my post.


Ohh have you sucked Daddy's dick lately?

Daddy’s dick doesn’t work anymore, but if it did, I’d have already sucked it. 👅

No your daddy sucked my dick though fag

It's not gay if you call the son of the man sucking your dick a fag!

watching you sperg out here is worth it.




Serious posters get out

srs posters OUT OUT

Agenda posting smh my head 😔

Pizza shitting up comments?

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)


Imagine being such a retard you think Gohmert accomplishes anything other than shitting out of his mouth

Into Mueller's mouth and he swallowed maybe?

You tried

and succeeded


id rather smoke dope than cope you mope

Understand that this is a rare moment of sincerity from me: If I ever found myself literally making a Reddit account with a political name, then seriousposting about political minutiae on subreddits dedicated to drama (or indeed any subreddit), I would genuinely kill myself.

So, you know, that's always an option.

If I ever took shitposting seriously I'd probably think I was super smart and intelligent while also having an unhealthy body weight (whether it be fat or skinny) and also a skinny wee wee

Lol you're still going. I guess retirement gets pretty boring.

Gotta keep yourself busy some how.



"surely Mueller is going to expose Trump"

-Retard says for the billionth time


Are you really just copying the much more realistic version of surely this is the end of trump meme?

Nothing’s worse than copying and making something shittier lul

> testifies president broke law, can be charged with crime when leaving office

> testifies that they actively colluded with russia

> you come to drama longposting your narrative to try to make it true


But what about the_donald!!!!!!

Not watching but I am going to assume /r/politics sees the smoking gun and it’s nothing burger time at the Donald. Ultimately nothing happens

So...TD is right?

No Q is

Remember to upvote not downvote all slanted political users

YANG GANG wins again

I don't think that's the kind of slant he meant, but your subtle racism amused me all the same.

bless you

First time hearing Mueller speak. Sounds like his dentures are about to fall out any minute now.


“I uh... I.. can... I uh can you repeat the question?”

>Dems and DDF both claim this as a win

>everyone else stopped caring months ago

if that's the case then DDF won (again) by default

the dems somehow managed to outretard Trump which was thought to be impossible


Tfw at “no one actually watched it!” Levels of C O P E

lol, Mueller is under oath, trying not to tell the truth, but not to blatantly lie. Should just admit he wasted two years of his life on divisive horseshit that had no point. /semi-seriouspost


You have a very low opinion of our mental faculties and I agree

Why u mad

Well it’s over and predictably both sides are walking away thinking they won

and once again Burgerland loses

I have a large position in Dramacoin, I’m fucking set

It is still going. There is no way this was good for DDF.

Part 2 has started

Now they are going over examples of conspiracy from the report!

40 upvotes 200 comments. That's what I'm talkin' bout.

And OP stirring shit in the comments. Now that's praxis.


Mueller seems nervous. I'm not an expert at body language but something is off about him

If he says or does the wrong thing it could interfere with future investigations, or get him killed by a random lunatic.

Mueller sounds like if a 20 year old blood hound was a person.

Who was that sperg in r/politics who would write those 2000 word posts, completely annotated and footmarked about Russia and Trump? People gave him like 10k gold and he was writing a book or something.


a Canadian foid I believe

Akkkshully PoppinKream said they won't reveal their gender to the internet so everyone assumed they were a foid.

It's because multiple people run that account. I don't care what they claim, there is no way it's one person. It's most likely jointly run by some journos.

that means MtF trans 10,000% of the time

Whatever your political leanings, I think we can all agree that we want to hear Trump testify. I would actually orgasm if he does

Too bad his tard wranglers would never let that happen

who cares?

If leftoids would stick to making fashion and music and let righoids run everything else, we would have paradise

What do you think is gonna happen chapocel?

With trump and Russia?

Honestly, the more time goes on the more I think nothing will happen unless Trump loses 2020.

And after going through the 2016 election I honestly cannot even predict what will happen this time lol. Like you could tell me Reagan’s dead body is gonna be the president and I wouldn’t be surprised

That would definitely be more interesting than this timeline

did I miss anything good


Mueller more or less confirmed what we knew
