Iowan threatens (((them))) on Facebook, reddit users slam that downsnoodle button when it's pointed out that the anti-Jew was actually TEAM MOMMY

22  2019-07-24 by _dude_jussy_lmao_


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  1. Iowan threatens (((them))) on Faceb... -,

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0 points (50% upvoted)

/r/drama is in full on S E E T H E

I think you’re seething friend

You both are seething

You post a link to yourself having a viewing slapfight then whine about downvotes.

How can one person be so fake and yet so gay?

Iowa. What do you expect?

Were not seething, this is just sad. Coming to /r/drama looking for people to support you in your inane slap fights is absolute rock bottom for reddit, and that's saying something. It was sad when one of our leftoid mods did it too.

Imagine being compared to a jannie

Now you don’t have to imagine lol.

What is it about /r/drama that attracts boomer Iowans? It can't be a coincidence at this point.

There are dozens of us... dozens

Also AnnArchist is the top mod of /r/iowa so...

I’m not sure, I usually only hear about Iowa during election season

The guy is a Vargcel. You know there are rightoids who hate Jews and (((Jesus))) right OP?

Are you trolling or do you have a legitimate mental disorder.

imagine thinking you are superior to anyone and living in iowa. LOL.