Lamo Chapocel

11  2019-07-24 by thedopestfish

https: // www. reddit. com / user / BOOF_ESTROGEN

I went looking for drama, but I found this fucking loser lamo. Chapocels, not even once. Mods mad


lmao dae chapo

upboats to the left mkind gentlesir

Jannie I'm being cyberbullied clean him away

Okay banned



Cleaned it up.

I cant believe I'm agreeing with someone who hails from a state that elected David Duke. One day your "people" will answer for your genocide against Crawfish/divergent genetic pools.

your genocide against Crawfish

unlike the turks, I simply cannot deny this one

Chapo angry that Chapos are getting made fun of

Who could have predicted this


I am so angery it's really true

now sit and tell me more about Chapo and how posting about them almost non-stop isn't a sure sign of your buttfrustration my friend


Do not dox yourself or I will report you

Those are the only topics drama users like, I've posted quality effort posts, banana peel drama, kids getting tattoos etc, but the only ones dramatards like are about race and Daddy.

If it makes you any happier your banana peel drama was good, but yeah you're right, sadly most upvoted content is either politics or general "cringe"/SJW outrage. Oh and AITA/relationship posts.

Can't believe I forgot the AITA/relationship bait posts.

Well that just speaks volumes about how interesting and memorable that kind of post is.

And it's dumb because once in a while there might be good shit/good bait in these subs but they get drowned out in the same themes, mostly "women stupid and bad".

not to mention the fact that we only get a genuine lolcow here like once a month now, because all the typical mongs bombard them with comments immediately

There are peoples who sort by new and upvote the non politard posts, dont lose hope in the dramacoin

Yawn, another brigade from Drama? They must be tired of disrespecting the trans community or creeping on underage children if they're willing to shit on a wholesome subreddit that actually does something to help others.


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Streaming is the dumbest thing to ever get popular that I hope this venture does as much damage as possible to the entire platform. I will support any and every cause to nuke all streaming platforms. It was a mistake to dabble in these dark arts, and it must be dealt with.


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the racism is simply this – why do random people off the internet see fit to tell a fully trained meditation instructor of the highest calibre that he isn’t enlightened because he’s angry?

Answer: white privilege.


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