Euros smugposts about Murican homicide rates until someone points out who commits majority of them.

126  2019-07-24 by Endless_mining_shaft


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Because someone trying to defend their unreasonably hated interests is just soooooo fucking funny. I'm only here for this post. Sorry kid, but I don't get off on laughing at other's expense so I'm going to gtfo of this degenerate cesspool asap. People wanna get rid of furries. Well how about places like this instead? The world would be infinitely better without drama. This sub is like the young people version of watching the Hallmark channel.


  1. Euros smugposts about Murican homic... -,,

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so it’s a racial thing is what you are saying

Yes, yes it is lol

It's not a Racial thing it's a cultural thing.

Basketballs have a complete shit culture that promotes all kinds of degeneracy and then they wonder why they are so bad off. How come European Blacks or fucking Africans are way better then the Kangz? 🤔

Good point. Also why African immigrants hate black Americans.

Everyone in Africa hates African Americans just like everyone in Ireland hates Irish Americans.

They are just jealous we got out


Protties are worse than g**mers. Change my mind.

We need a second Albigensian Crusade.

I can't. Anglicans are the most cucked denomination, change my mind.

They do?

True but the Irish from Ireland are total fags.

How come European Blacks or fucking Africans are way better then the Kangz?

African Americans are descendants of the losers in various tribal conflicts who were enslaved and sold to whites. African Africans are descendants of the people who were doing the winning, enslaving, and selling.

Wow, that summary is the new N word.

They seem to be better than american kangz, but they still commit more crime than others. It's harder to find statistics, because European countries like France or Sweden don't collect statistics about ethnicity and crime, but you can often see racial disproportion in prison population.

France has the same problem as America. In Sweden its the Arabs doing the shanenigans. I can only talk about Germany. I know some black Germans they are pretty chill and they can speak German fluently so they are already 10 times better then the Turks.

Anybody is better than a turkroach.

It's unironically called Constantinople and the EU is nothing more than a bunch of rogue provinces of the Roman Empire.

Return of the Marble Emperor when?

Every country has a minority that they use a scapegoat for all their problems generally, never are they willing to take responsibility

I personally blame all my problems on the Bavarians. Fucking Alpine Scum. 🤮


Blah blah blah everything is someone else's fault


the government oppressing blacks was the blacks fault

imagine being this retarded

I'm half black half Mexican and half towelhead.

Be better sweaty. Who hurt you? You okay my dude?

retarded or white

congratulations on being retarded i guess.

And 100% reason to remember the name.

You’re literally the person trying to blame your countries murder rates on blacks, instead of the country. You are trying to pass the buck. Southerners are behind in everything and all they can think to do in response is blame blacks for everything. Like Maryland has a lot of blacks too, it’s not nearly as backwards as Mississippi. The problems that Mississippi has, are not due to the black population. The buck stops at the top, the people with the power are responsible for the situation they created.

lol so that's why the Jews after WW2 went around Europe forming street gangs and murdering each other over drugs.

having such a simplified view of culture that you think post ww2 jews and african americans are comparable.

You're a fagosexual

dude bussy lmao

You’re a fugee

You're my dear friend.

U rite fam, we need to have cultural studies to make it evident that black culture tolerates unprotected sex to the point that 75% of black babies are born out of wedlock. Imagine how much good would be done if that problem was the one that blue checks were tackling 🤔

It's not a Racial thing it's a cultural thing.

Why are Americans this stupid?

Did you just call me an Amerifat? 🤢

The irony of that Swedish dude virtue signalling while A$AP Rocky sits in their jail.

Even in Sweden foreign born and their children are overrepresentation in crime stats. There is reason why Sweden stopped tracking those numbers.

Svenske tilstander

Best part was that politicians denied that immigrants are overrepresentation by stating there is no data.

There’s an infamous story how at one point people wanted crime stats in Toronto to include race. First year in, 13/50 was reached and same people agreed it’s problematic to include that info in crime stats.

The only to find out these days is to visit Toronto Police Most Wanted - current sectiion.


The only white people are on that list since the '80. They probably died of old age on some tropical island by now.

Holy fucking shit, 100% of those from the 90s till now are not White

This Mehmet Akkurt guy seems pretty white.

One of their names is literally


Cry more

What dumbshit is that? They have a wanted page for a man they legally can't publicly ID? And this fucker has been missing for 11 years now and they still can't put up a photo?

Here's one from 1991!

This is one of the funniest leftoid copes and why the “source” copy pasta is so good.

I showed a like 10 studies and statistics and when he asked why they were all raged I explained that it got controversial to record the data because it made blacks look so bad. His response was because o couldn’t find data I was wrong.

Crime data is like a fucking IQ year, if they could a way to use it make these m people Lolol good it would Ben plastered everywhere like how it was newsworthy that a black kid put together a PC originally saying “he invented a new computer”

Honestly in the US is bit bad when it comes how politicized the handling of the crime. At least leftist politicians in Sweden don't want to abandon immigrant neighborhoods hoods to the criminals.

The pc shit just the leftist racism of low expectations.

The condescending smugness of how minorities are not able to be responsible for literally anything they do is hilariously awful lol

Minorities are not collectively responsible for anything they do

Also your application of collective responsibility, never applies to whites or men or anyone with power in society.

Not taking the bait lol

a black kid put together a PC

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, they literally wrote a news article about a kid putting together some PC parts. I mean how fucking racist do you have to be to see that a black kid somehow managed to assemble a computer and then rush to your editor to inform the world about it?

The attitude is honestly kinda fucked up, like “seee guise! He’s human too!!” That bigotry of low expectations shit. But they don’t seem to mind being talked to like kids who took their first poop.

No one:

Left and right wingers: bLaCkS aRe fUcKiNg mOrOnS

I think this is a bipartisan issue. Amazing tho, that the left has won them completely over with the “we’ll give you free shit” platform.

I'm amazed how much they scream at each other about something they both agree on.

The left: “Just give them free shit, we’ve got kids to fuck.”

The right: “Just tell them the bootstraps thing, we’ve got kids to fuck.”

IQ studies are mostly fake news as well

Do you believe in anything that’s actually real, try an original thought for once

Fake news

Remember how the real Watermark used to cry post about being alone? I wish I could find that stuff again. Leftists incels are the most pathetic people on the planet and it isnt even close


It’s a poverty thing, African Americans are more likely to experience poverty in the US, for social and historical reasons

Any of the “hot spots” in the EU will more likely than not experience higher than average poverty

Even Africa who's both black and piss poor have a lower murder rate than basketball Americans.

This is just next level cope.

Appalachia has like 1 murder a year

Because Bubba, even though he gets nourishment only from meth and some of the Pepsi cans he also uses as currency, is smart enough to keep a gun handy in case of trouble... and even the least evolved dumbfucks that roam those parts know that and they act accordingly. "An armed society is a polite society", including a society that otherwise revolves around cousin fucking and meth.

Lol you should see the rates of cousin fuckin in the basketball american community, that’s another stereotype whites are known for but aren’t necessarily over-represented in.


You'd think they'd celebrate they're one similarity to the pharoahs.

If they go beyond the "we wuz kangz" mantra, then'd have to question (((who))) the slave pyramid building labor was. Were they slaves and or slavers?

You forgot the 'shine.....

Except the south generally has really high murder rates for a rural area due to their retarded, infantile honor culture, where they constantly go into a flying rage over minor slights and flip out and kill people. Southerners are violent animals.

Traditionally honor based cultures were cattle raising ones. I think that the south was cursed with its honor based culture, even though it is nominally agricultural, through its legacy of slavery, keeping humans as cattle. This naturally lead to intense paranoia and authoritarianism in the backwards and ignorant cultures that prevail in the south.

I mean there's like half a person per square mile

Are you literally mentally retarded, all throughout the south there are unusually high murder rates for rural areas. Yes even the ones where there aren’t a lot of blacks, I could already predict you were going for that.

Like maybe a small, “peaceful” town of like 300 in West Virginia has a mere 1 murder a year, once you start dong per capita adjustments the picture isn’t so rosy.

that’s not really true.

It seems almost exclusively the murders that do appear tends to be domestic. White murder rate is still 2.6 overall per 100k.

Because Bubba, even though he gets nourishment only from meth and some of the Pepsi cans he also uses as currency, is smart enough to keep a gun handy in case of trouble... and even the least evolved dumbfucks that roam those parts know that and they act accordingly. "An armed society is a polite society", including a society that otherwise revolves around cousin fucking and meth.


so they bring up homicides... bring up race... then another user points out black people stats... and then its full on cope and mental gymnastics

I'll never understand why people absolutely refuse to accept this common sense, easily verifiable fact. So much of our society's issues could be addressed if we accept the simple fact that races behave and perform differently.

Lol nice username

You realize race based on skin color isn't a scientifically valid concept mayo?


Getting offended on behalf of others is the national pastime of mayos.

Side note, the guy who made the comment is possibly a gypsy himself thus immune to the racism accusations.

Lol, gypsies can’t read, bro.

But...they can sell you back your own broken toaster.

It's strange how people whose ancestors were lynched during the Gold Rush, thrown into internment camps during WWII or had napalm dropped on them have lower crime rates than the descendants of their oppressors.

Just imagine having such little historical knowledge that this makes any sense to you. All of these things happened to three totally different groups of people lol. "All Asians collectively experienced the same oppression"

That is such a mayo take it hurts. Comparing Chinese, Japanese, and Vietnamese people like that is so historically retarded that it's hard to comprehend.


I have never in my life seen open racism like the kind by 25 year old Euros towards gypsies and I live in goddamn Idaho.

The inconvenient truth is that most of those European countries are or at least were racially homogeneous. The minute they got a flux of immigration, boom there was a surprising rise in right-wing politics. It's easy to have no racism problems and have socialist utopias if there's no one to be racist against: that's European "wokeness" in a nutshell.

Praises be upon my SandNBA brethren for exposing Europoor smugness. #KeepA$APLockedUp.


Based and andropilled. Males committing crime has a stronger correlation than any race statistic.

True, but everyone knows that this is nature and not nurture. Well, everyone except for that breed of leftoid who is retarded enough to be a social constructivist, but is also consistent about it regardless of gender.

The question is what factors make more men criminals in one group compared to another.

What about shoplifting though?

My bad should have specified violent crime like murder and rape. Btw it's 95% and 99% respectively for those crimes so women don't even come close.

This is clearly because of moid oppression.

Euros aren't people

“It’s really the blacks fault you see!!!!” - Literally rightists justification for everything