74  2019-07-24 by pugba


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/uj this post is about how /r/drama is now just retards spamming the same shitty memes at each other and then laughing so they can feel like they're part of some super exclusive community. most of the discordcels don't even use the sub anymore bc it's not fun to look at momruepari's latest retarded meme or dumbfucks """ironically""" chasing trappysaruh/whatever other meme tranny happens to be around.

current top post, look at this """drama"""

second one is just "commie mommy did a thing xd"

news articles aren't drama

dude pizzashill lmao


  1. YANG GANG AMA - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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We need to do more on Twitch! I feel like those are my people. :)

Of course he’s a gaymer

If Yang and Bernie both start streaming who will be the first to have a heated gaming moment.

Definitely Yang. Remember when those BLM foids stormed the stage at a Bernie rally? Bernie was falling over himself to let them do it and score woke points. Plus, the lack of identity politics in Yang's platform suggests that he's not afraid to dust off the N key on his keyboard. Chinese are racist as fuck.

yang had the courage to say fuck on camera vs all the other dems so likely tbh

I think this country is ready for a President that's not afraid to say the n-word live on national TV. Daddy has shown that he doesn't have the balls to do it.

But if he says it he'll get insta-cancelled.

Yang is elected premiere of the United States. He pulls a Jin Yang and flies to China with every item from Area 51. Neckbeards btfo'd

Bernie was falling over himself to let them do it and score woke points.

He let two basketfoids with an average weight of 320 holler and shout and cry and accuse his audience of being racist and he stood aside like a meek faggot. I remember laughing at that for a long time.

Imagine getting to stream snipe the two of them

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top 5 Epic Games moments featuring Andrew Yang


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These jannies are out of control.