Disney threw fuel to the dumpster fire that is "The Little mermaid" by casting Harry Styles as the prince. Now the black mermaid can only be happy if she is saved by the white prince.

231  2019-07-24 by pok8


Ahhh yes! The palatable interracial couple approach for the normie masses.

Cant wait for Shaun king and his merry minstrels to seeth and tweet in agony about how this is racist and problematic.

Shaun king

Surely you must mean Talcum X

I think you are all talking about Barack Go-Bama

Roll tide

No, he means Snow J Simpson.

Martin Luther Cream

Kareem of Wheat

Roll tide?


wat dat

Chicken hat

oh damn!

Your mom fat

Well that's that

I took a shat

If studios are pandering they're not doing any less of it than they ever have, it's just that you're not getting 100% of the attention anymore. Cry me a river. Practically half the fiction ever written is packed chock full of shit that panders shamelessly to straight white male audiences, that's already on the ledger though apparently, it doesn't count. That's just realism. Someone else getting pandered to though, that is change, that is selling out, that is violence.

Cant wait for Shaun king and his merry minstrels to seeth and tweet in agony about how this is racist and problematic.

Oh wow so you get your news from YouTube, color me shocked. Truly I am confounded at this surprising turn of events.

You know you guys are like at least as responsible for all the noise about this as anyone else? You guys froth so angrily about even the most minor thing that's it causes those not predisposed to you to reflexively take the other side and become just as obsessive in their counterjerk to your circlejerk. And that only makes the circlejerk stronger, basically at this point we're stuck in this infinite feedback loop, just expending the most absurd amounts of energy emerging from the dumbest most trivial of sources.

You know I myself can't wait to see dozens of "Libcuck TRIGGERED by epic REASON CONSERVATIVE pwning BLACK ARIEL'S elite WHITE GENOCIDE" literally every time I visit the site, regardless of the fact that I never click on them and in general don't even watch any political content at all on the site.

I am just not interested in the recommendations of a couple dozen simulated, biased neurons, collectively representing an intelligence utterly dwarfed by a lobotomized downie, who's inner workings are basically a black box that even the designers can't explain. I don't just automatically assume that's universal truth.

It's literally simulated neurons at this point, with all the flaws and benefits that predisposes. It's not some universal objective algorithm finding the best possible content for you. Literally machine learning is more of an art than a science, just like educating a child. And it's not surprising that they frequently have a tendency towards recommending ignorant and racist content. They are neurons, same as us. Just far fewer of them, far far stupider. As it is a well known and unfortunate tendency on the part of humans to develop flaws in reasoning like racism if poorly trained, or incredibly stupid, should it be at all surprising that simulated neurons, collectively much dumber than we are, also have a huge tendency to developing such biases? But because it's computer, because it's fancy, somehow logic is totally reversed, just because idiocy came out of the mouth of a computer, it becomes beautiful perfect mathematic truth.

Everything is machine learning these days. Artificial neurons, just like humans, will inevitably develop flaws and biases in reasoning. Just like us they try to quantify and reason with the unquantifiable. If you find a piece of information with the aid of a modern search engine, you should not view that as some objective, neutral intermediary with only your best interests in mind. You didn't find that because it's what you wanted. The computer showed it to you because that's what it wanted you to see. The machines already rule the goddamn world, and we don't even realize it.

That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Your long posts give me cancer.

Do you still jack off to your female friends?

his friends may be women but they're sure as hell not female

They are neurons, same as us. Just far fewer of them, far far stupider.

Looking at your post, I think they already surpassed you.

Now the black mermaid can only be happy if she is saved by the white prince.

Imagine thinking that Disney wouldn't switch that.

Stupid boring mayo man learns the mysterious ways of a strong sea witch of color.


So it’s Avatar in the sea?


not remembering that the prince never saved Ariel in the original movie.

Leftoids have 2 brain cells.

imagine unironically watching disneyshit which is just capeshit for children


A lot of movies are forcing this. Check out MiB4.

You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


  1. Disney threw fuel to the dumpster f... - archive.org, archive.today

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

Just like real life with that chick from Suits.

that chick

en guard you peasent. it's Meghan, Duchess of Sussex

Oh sorry I meant "that mixed race foid". Can't believe I fucked that one up.

ok but the suits chick is hot

Yo she's a mermaid?

Another case of art imitating life.







/BLEACHED/ in full swing now!

BLEACHED.COM 🤴🏻🧜🏿‍♀️👌🏻

That hideous thing? I wouldn't have minded the nibba foid because it's funny and it makes people mad, but this guy makes it completely not worth shit.

Do people actually like these live action remakes? They're all shit.

Disney needed to do something while they took a short break from squeezing out pungent capeshit turds


You would think they would try to pace themselves after discovering this money fountain, instead of literally just burning through their entire backlog in 2 years in some coke fueled orgy. Nope. Almost exactly the same amount of restraint as a homeless man who wins the lottery, a lot of hookers are gonna get fucked and a lot of lines are gonna get snorted.

Good, that means it'll be dead soon.

It may or may not have something to do with the streaming service they’re going to be launching soon.

Aladdin One and the Jungle Book one were okay.

Dude theyre for kids lmao, they make enough money that the kids prolly like them, why would anyone over the age of 13 care about the quality of these remakes. Do you rewatch the disney cartoons you saw as a kid?

I remember original stories existing when I was a kid. Wacky times.

>all these adults who have strong opinions about who gets cast in a remake of a mediocre kids movie

This might be worse than capeshitters

there's nothing worse than capeshitters


Huge overlap between weebs, capeshitters, and whatever you call these Disney tards though

Nah the weebs are pedos who never leave their basements. The capeshitters range from total normies (casual capeshitters) to somewhat-functional-but-socially-retarded nerds (hardcore capeshitters). The Disney tards are those chicks who stopped maturing mentally around twelve and manage to hit 35 without ever holding down a real job or achieving a BMI below 40. They write mpreg fanfiction and knit lopsided hats that they insist on wearing everywhere.

it's nerds, which is autism.

autism is accelerating societal decay

Disagree. Pottershitters are worse.

I wonder how her sub-seaharan older brothers are going to take this

Just your typical run-of-the-mill Jewish casting decision, really. There is nothing Jews love more than convincing whites and blacks to mate so they can steal all the Asians and create a high-IQ master race.

I can't tell if you're a troll or genuinely retarded.

Poor burgers can never figure out Jewish trolling. I genuinely pity your pathetic, circumsized nation. Just keep those Israeli donations coming over, and we'll take care of the heavy mental lifting ;) Here piggy piggy.



Imagine being a jewasian guy, all your stat points into INT and you’re a butt fucked turbo manlet with a shovel face and a hook nose. This theory only creates a race of turbo incels that lead the robo-pussy revolution.

How is he wrong? Show your work.


Shit movies? Excuse me, Blacked is a high-quality production, thank you very much.


Who's "u guys?" Sounds racist.

Every Jew could marry Asian and there'd still be billions left.

Makes you wonder what the Jews are planning to do to the rest. 🤔

Probably use them for deep space exploration. Soy boys are easy to feed in a space shuttle.

If you wanted to eugenics up the perfect human, you'd use every race but gypsies though.

Oh please..,isn’t there more to be concerned with than who is cast in a Disney remake of a kids movie 🙄

The outrage is manufactured to sell movie tickets. That's why you see 10000 comments about how black mermaids are fierce valid kweens for every one comment in which someone actually gives a shit. Wake up, sheeple.

who the fuck would fall in love at first sight with this primitive looking Britbong, I'd rather fuck fishdick over this




r slash raceplay

Imagine getting mad about this shit.

Like just don't watch it lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooo

It seems a shame. I believe Bill Cosby would have been perfect to play the prince. For some reason don't think he's got a lot of work on right now. Bloody whitewashing racists.

oh wow 4d chess