Downvote_trolls was banned for "breaking reddit", once again proving that reddit's admins can't do the simplest tasks

106  2019-07-25 by proofwomenaredumb

downvote_trolls was the SECOND downvote trolling subreddit after the first one was falsely banned for "brigading" because jannies never actually looked into the subreddit before assuming "downvote trolling" meant brigading a post with downvotes.

Downvote_trolling was in fact, a weekly competition between people that tried to get as many downvotes as they possibly could by leaving retarded, non rule breaking comments designed to get downvotes.

In true jannie fashion, the admins pretended that downvote_trolling was dedicated brigading, and ignored any evidence to the contrary.

Now the follow up subreddit has been banned, for a completely new and made up reason: "Breaking reddit"

I'm curious how baiting downvotes "breaks reddit". Are ledditors so retarded that downvoting a comment causes them physical pain?

I want it back :(


I fucking swear this site is going to hell in a handbasket

You got a hand basket!?!?

Its already pretty deep in satans asshole tbh 😘😘😘

So hot 😈

Can't even ping my own asshole these days.




I think it already has

Spent 5 minutes speaking to Reddit admins and you know exactly why. I'd be blown away if the average IQ is above 75 at reddit HQ.


The guy without a job or a future throws shade at people who have jobs and successful futures.

OK so I'm seriously asking this, this isn't a shitpost. I know we can't tell people to kill themselves anymore, but is it acceptable to say you want someone (spez) to kill themself? Like I'm not gonna encourage him to do it, just saying that I'd be pretty stoked on a personal level if he did.

If a jannie can inform me as to whether or not I can do that plz and thanks. If not, CLEAN IT UP JANNIE

i've had probably more than 2 dozen accounts banned for merely wanting or wishing rape/death/suicide/murder on people, the rules will always be loosely applied to anything they don't like.

If it makes you feel any better they also have a private discord server and vote tallying site, I know because I was part of it until I got bored. They'll still be antagonizing the heckin doggo pupper faggots and having leaderboards for it, just not in public.

I think the internet might have some real downsides

Your first mistake was getting joy out of Reddit. They just wanted to reach you a valuable lesson and now you will know better in the future.


RIP, you were too good for this site

Seriously fuck this I wondered what happened

They need to maintain the charade that downvotes are supposed to be a punishment and that you should just commit die if you get negative karma.

How is reddit so bad at stuff like this? #5 website in the US, valued at $3 billion, and they can't figure out a way to monitor actual brigading?

They're so AGILE they have bugs from 10 years ago still open.

Admins are cucks, fags, nazis, furries, raging SJWs and shitlords all rolled into one disgusting mayo package.

Now the follow up subreddit has been banned, for a completely new and made up reason: "Breaking reddit"

/r/gameoftrolls was banned for exactly the same reason: ban message, archive of the rules.

Getting redditors upset and uncomfortable in an organized fashion is considered "breaking the site". Imagine if you see a post about something someone's autistic sister made and you can't shake off the suspicion that it might be fake because there's a group of trolls making fake posts like that. Imagine.

Is /r/DownvotesMcGoats still active?

What the fuck not again man I loved that sub