
78  2019-07-25 by EasySchmitty


If I ever see you in real life I'll fucking make you eat cement. You got that, bitch? If it wasn't your mom coming downstairs to the basement each night to bring you a plate of chicken tenders, you would be dead with droll running into the cracks of your cheeto dust covered keyboard. I bet you weight about 400 pounds and have a string tied to your dick you use so you can piss. The fact you have to keep making new accounts suggest you need a new hobby. Stop being a piece of shit troll and find something creative to do. You only have so much time left before your arteries clog and Coonrod lowers your 2000 pounds casket into the ground with a fucking crane.


  1. “Bootlicker” - archive.org, archive.today

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If I ever so go out you in imaginary number someone I'll screwing make you have concrete. You got that, disagreeable woman? If it wasn't your female parent movement downstairs to the support each time unit to bring up you a illustration of white-livered proffers, you would be malfunctioning with humorous gushing into the sustains of your cheeto discharge mud-beplastered holder. I bet on you burthen about FOUR HUNDREDS400 pound sterlings and have a arrange even to your investigator you use so you can spend a penny. The information you have to jail cell fashioning unprecedented reports imply you requirement a freshly avocation. Obstructer organism a bring together of mother fucker trolling and get word thing constructive to do. You sole have so large indefinite amount clip left-wing earlier your arterial blood vessels block and Coonrod built in beds your 2000 Sudanese pounds coffin into the establish with a blinking Hart Crane.


  1. “Ass-kisser” - archive.org, archive.today

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This is a bot. I try my best, but my best is 80% mediocrity 20% hilarity. Created by OrionSuperman. Check out my best work at /r/ThesaurizeThis

How you gonna talk shit on my boy Tito ?

made with mematic

made with mematic

As befits a post of that quality


Socialism is cope.


WW2 was won by the Americans.


Communism is a meme-tier ideology and communists are mentally ill.


Anarcho-communism is cope and state communism is the only "real" communism.


Communist solidarity is a myth. Supporters of it were plagued by infighting in the revolutionary war of Spain, Weimar Germany and even fuckin Stalin (manlet) and Mao hated each other.


Ineffiency is inherent to communism. But ineffiency is not inherent to fascism. In fact, the fact that fascism has to deliberately kill people makes it a chad ideology, however Communism doesn't even want to kill people and yet it starves its entire fucking population. Thus fascism>Communism.


Communism is promoted by the people who most actively take part in the system. Middle class Liberal Elites.


In the same breath, I must state that these Liberals will never be apart of the communist administration. No, you will not design uniforms, no you will not be a party member and no you will not be anything of importance. You will be executed after you outlive your usefulness.

Sorry bud. In the United States, all corporations are only issued by the government. Every citizen has a vote determining who is in said government, and thus directly controls all corporations by means of creation or regulation.

The means of production are already socialized, and the United States has already achieved full on Communism. The revolution is over, and has been for decades. The chapos won.

If America is communist, who are the Kulaks?

Checkmate Libtard 😎😎😎

Norway. They are mayo, too rich, and have oil. Invading is going to be some sweet "expropriation for the American proletariat"

" Communism is promoted by the people who most actively take part in the system. Middle class Liberal Elites. "


i know the rest of what u said is shitposting but this unironically is a really interesting factoid

It really is.

Its funny because the tradcons or even rednecks who live off the land in their own lodge are unironically more commie than they are.

Anyways hypocrisy is endemic to both sides, which is why we are radical centrists.

Communism is promoted by the people who most actively take part in the system. Middle class Liberal Elites.

This is a phenomenon of the last 30 years exclusively

How can you be a bootlicker to someone who has no authority over you

Can I get the non-TERF version? Thanks!

Okay but where is the drama

I’ve never even heard of anyone who honestly likes Ceausescu, literally all he did was discover austerity before the neoliberals could.

Castro and Tito were not like the other ones mentioned and don’t deserve to be placed alongside them. It is truly absurd to hear those two labeled as violent or murderers by clueless idiots who with the other breath idolize the wholesale massacre of the democratically elected government of Chile. If you’ve ever wondered why socialists don’t rely on constitutional means more often, take one look at Chile. Unarmed socialists are sheep’s among the wolves, rightists have nothing in mind for those who care about their fellow man besides massacre and brutal violence.

Or any corporation that changes their facebook picture to a pride flag.

ACAB (all commies are bootlickers)

Add trannies and it's accurate