Chapoid talks to the void in the JRE sub

52  2019-07-25 by misterthrowaway111


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This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


  1. Chapoid talks to the void in the JR... -,,

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Best part of the thread is the chapo detector bot

God bless technology

Best bot

How do we get that bot in this sub. Can we get a DDF bot as well just to even things out?

Most T_Ders are boomers who dont leave their safe space. The problem are the mdegenerates but their subs get banned so fast you cant keep track.

Seems fair

bad link. should link the start of the sperg-out, rather than the end

lol, that guy goes on and also posted another place, that's really hilarious. It's lucky that we have so many people spending their days out there watching for this stuff and sharing it here or else I might not even know what all of them are doing all the time.

English is not my first language but your username is a synonym for “fat and unpaid” is this a correct characterization of u lol

You're English is very good, I applauded you. It's not a correct characterization though, sorry to lie to you my new friend, but I chose it as a joke. In English we call it irony and it can be really fun! I also wouldn't want to put my real information on the internet, you can't trust everyone out there I'm afraid. Good luck and enjoy your English studies!

U r fat, no?

I’m sorry, no, but I don’t think that should be a barrier between us. I feel like we can still be friends. I’ve also heard that there are many fine websites on the internet that can help you find other fat people to talk to or even more 😉

I wish I had a url for you but you can start at, good luck!

How many kg?

I’ve never been a kilogram in my life 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Ur dodging the question lol ⚖️


Jesus what a faggot. Only a chapo could make me feel sorry for an emotionless algorithm.

retard loses argument with preprogrammed message

He literally got trolled by lines of code. How fucking pathetic.

Lol at chapos who pretend to like Žižek because of the debate when they spend every other day of the year shaking and crying because of him

They tried to scrub the lenin quote from the internet. “Those that advocate for revolution from within a capitalist society are counter revolutionaries”

Lmao, he is outed as chapotard by a bot and he starts rambling about safespaces. Literally 0 selfawareness.

Can we get chapo detector bot going in here?

This. We need it and long post bot deployed in every thread

Should have one for the top 10 most annoying subs.

CTH, the Donald, politics, whatever the latest MDEfugee sub is, KIA

Based. Could also include 2x or GC just for fun.

Nah I intentionally left GC in, they are too hilarious, don't want to scare them off. The ones on the list are boring and played out.

Don’t forget drama

I can program one. Put suggestiond below

  • Chapo

  • TD

  • 2x

  • Politics


We had something like that for about a day until we pinged it to death

Ever since Joe went full alt lite the chapos have had a watchful eye on him.

Since then hes had 80% black people on his show.

Idk if that’s enough to offset having Ben Shapiro, Dave Rueben, and the rest of the Nazi cabal he has as frequent guests. He’s normalizing fascism bro

Dont forget grand dragon hotep

Alt right candance Owens and that one alt right black dude from the NRA. Joe is normalizing racism and nazism and that’s problematic.

i know I am stating the obvious but what the fuck do they think they are going achieve

"if we just conquer this meathead's subreddit, get him to get more leftists guests to appear on him and him agreeing with them, we will win a key battle in the culture war and bring back the US one step closer to socialism"

Dude theirs no wars theirs no god these dumb ass losers wont commit a crime we cant put them in prison. Just let them have their little hate sub give them meaning in life keep them useless and docile. Its perfect way to waste their life. That whole podcast is created by the cia to give purpose to the masses of ex upper income spawn so that they keep making coffee at starbucks and keep paying shekels to the master government holding their massive student loan debts. Fully apart of the plan like any good psyop they have been perverted into being the instrument of their own oppression

Dude bussy lmao

Chapo answered the bot hundreds of times. Might be witnessing an hrt overdose here. Somebody call commie mommie

Warning: it has been detected that this account may be a chapo poster. Out of AlfalfaWolf's last 100 posts, 20 of them are chapo posts.

Dammit, I had this idea but was too lazy to bother.