Titans of drama, pizzashill and spergling_molester get into a huge slapfight

51  2019-07-25 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


I like to think that everyone shitty on the Left is just a troll account created and maintained by Barron Trump, attempting to use his mammoth brain to make centrists vote Daddy 2020. Because if these people actually exist, and have these strange opinions that so many people supposedly might have, then I'll have to actually vote for Daddy, given he's the option most likely to put these fucking people in camps.

But I'm wise to you, Barron: you'll never actually make me vote.


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Was aoc crying in front of a migrant detention center for a staged photo shoot? Pants on fire 🔥 while it is true that aoc was at a migrant detention center where photos were taken, she was actually facing the west entrance to the migrant facility, which is indeed considered the front of the building, but it is where the children are kept and NOT where the employees enter so this is a lie.

Politifacts only exists to feed the millennial democrat's ego by taking statements out of their contexts to produce cheap "gotchas" so they never have to actually think for themselves.

Zoomer > Boomer > Millennial

Zoomer > Boomer > Millennial

Based and civilisation delenda est pilled.

It must be exhausting being this smart.

Dude, just stop lol. This is embarrassing to watch.

When Pizzashill uses this line he's admitting defeat.

He does this to me every time. He hasn’t won an exchange with me in ages, if ever..

Many have said.

Logic and facts typically beats emotions and mother jones pasta, 9 times out of 10.

He hasn’t won an exchange with me in ages, if ever..

He won me over on the topic of foids.

Everything else? Complete rubbish.

That's the Universal white flag of arguments

Tbf it was embarrassing to watch.

You're all wrong, the number one leading cause of death is living, so, actually abortions have saved the most lives of any medical procedure

Every load blown is millions of lives saved.

every baby killed before birth is a baby saved

I'm a hero!

why would anyone who knows pizza argue with him? I mean really, what's the point of arguing with someone whom you know will never change their mind?

The worst thing about pizza is that he believes being able to spew facts he read while sitting on the toilet equates to him being smart. Someone with the mind of a fuckin child could do what he does just as well

Someone with the mind of a fuckin child


Say no more fam!

I can never tell if pizzashill is playing the long con and acts this way just to get responses or he actually believes the shit he types.

He spends all day on WoW and reddit. A 30 year old neet arguing with zoomers on the internet

He is actually, 100% as retarded as he acts.

I’m convinced that he is a DDF operative.

The way to win an internet argument is to constantly reply until the other person gives up. Never admit you are wrong

what the fuck, somebody just stolen my username